Catalogue -> For Children -> Books


Collection "Volodymyr Rutkivsky. "Dzhury Trilogy". (3 volumes).

Domestic price: 1052.52UAH 999.99UAH
International price: $53.70USD $51.02USD

Collection "George's Adventures". 6 books.

Domestic price: 0.00UAH 0.00UAH
International price: $0.00USD $0.00USD
Unfortunately we do not have some items of this set on the stock.

Collection "Lidia Pavlyuk. Solfeggio, 1-3 grades".

Domestic price: 0.00UAH 0.00UAH
International price: $0.00USD $0.00USD
Unfortunately we do not have some items of this set on the stock.

Art Studio "Agrafka". Viyna, scho zminyla Rondo. (The War That Changed Rondo)

...a book about that a war has no heart and does not understand any language, but it affects everyone and leaves scars on everyone. But if they jointly build a machine of light and learn to sing anyway, then even the most fragile creatures will be able to survive and win. Besides, this book is an occasion for a thoughtful conversation with children..
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Hans Christian Andersen. Dyki lebedi. (Wild Swans)

"Wild Swans" is a lyrical fairy tale by the classic of children's literature, Hans Christian Andersen. The protagonist – the good and sensitive royal daughter Eliza – has to undergo difficult trials and rescue her brothers who their evil stepmother turned into wild swans..
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Tirza Atar. Vid viyny plachut. (They Cry Because of War)

These poems were composed by Israeli poet Tirza Atar. She composed them long ago, in the mid 70s. Sure, not about our reality – but about theirs, for the war has long been grown into normal lives of people there. And it is creepy that these poems – written on behalf of a seven year-old Jewish girl – are so much in unison with our reality..
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Andriy Bachynsky. 140 detsybeliv tyshi. (140 Decibels of Silence)

In a car accident, young musician Serhiy loses not only his parents, sister, but also the ability to hear. He has to learn a new way of communicating with his peers at the boarding school, overcome disappointment and despair, so that the bereavement did not completely kill his desire to live. As well as – rescue his sister from trouble...
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Ian Whybrow. Maly Vovchyk – otaman zgrai. (Little Wolf, Pack Leader)

This time, the boosty and threatening rival of the Little Wolf becomes the leader of his own pack. He is about to camp in Murkshire and catch Mr. Twister, because there is a fair reward for the one who does that! Will Little Wolf be able to defeat him, to teach the cunning fox a lesson, and become the true leader of the pack?
Domestic price: 194.04UAH, International price: $9.90USD

Halyna Vdovychenko. 36 i 6 kotiv-detektyviv. (36 and 6 Detective Cats)

36 and 6 cats are back! And now the dancer cats develop a new talent – for fine scratching. Their paintings decorate the walls of the master's coffee shop, but not for long... A crime is committed. Who will investigate the strange disappearance? Who will reveal the secret of eight linden boards? 36 and 6 detective cats undertake the case..
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Yuriy Vynnychuk. Mistse dlya drakona. (The Place for the Dragon)

What happens when people feel that death of the dragon is not enough, because the evil has not disappeared with it? What happens when they rush out to look for other sources of evil? One dragon for an entire country is not enough. Where to get so many more dragons that everyone had one to crucify?..
Domestic price: 213.64UAH, International price: $10.90USD

Olha Voronchykhina. "Try monety", schebpak ta inshi pryjemnosti. ("Three Coins", Youbet and Other Nice Things)

"Three Coins" is a work of fantasy intended for teenage audience. I tried to write it with humor, easily. And I referred to the sacred knowledge of the Ukrainian people of pre-Christian times – to mystical beings and creatures. It was a big piece of job, I won't lie to you.." Olha Voronchyhina
Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Harris G.E. Chy mozhe bdzhola vzhalyty bdzholu? Big Questions from Little People answered by some very Big People. (Can A Bee Sting A Bee?)

The book's authors are leading experts in various fields of sciences, arts, and sports. It will assist you in thrillingly telling little whyers about everything in the world. What am I made from? How does a lightning appear? How do people fall in love? Who invented chocolate? Where do writers borrow ideas?..
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Hoffmann E.T.A. Krykhitka Cakhes. /third edition/. (Little Zaches)

Conductor, composer, cartoonist, decorator, legal advisor, music critic, drunkard, a great enemy of vulgarity, he proved that magic of the incredible lives next to u...
Domestic price: 390.04UAH, International price: $19.90USD

Larysa Denysenko. Ya i Konstytutsiya. (I and the Constitution)

Do you know what the Constitution of Ukraine is? And how our entire life and the life of the entire country can fit in one book? This is the supreme law that establishes and determines the state system, controls authorities, reminds us of respect, and makes it possible for you to feel safe and to make all of your dreams come true.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Sashko Dermansky. Chudove Chudovysko. /fifth edition/. (The Wonderful Beast)

The new story by Sashko Dermansky describes an unusual acquaintance of a girl named Sonya with a monster named Chu. Within several month, Chu must earn seven "thank you"'s from people, otherwise it will be expelled to the country of Horrors. The characters will face a lot of adventures and dangers, but real friendship works wonder...
Domestic price: 331.24UAH, International price: $16.90USD

Sashko Dermansky. Chudove Ρhudovysko v Krajini zhakhovysk. /second edition/. (Perfect Beast in the Land of Terrors)

"This is the second book of the forthcoming trilogy. I sincerely believe that with this story Sashko Dermanski starts meeting the boldest hopes for success of the new Ukrainian children's literature... After reading the manuscript, I was bursting with joy." Ivan Malkovych
Domestic price: 331.24UAH, International price: $16.90USD

Sashko Dermansky. Chudove Chudovysko i Pohane pohanysko. (Wonderful Wonder and Monstrous Monster)

The new portion of funny, creepy, and exciting adventures is here awaiting for you. Monstrous Monster is ready to fight against us all, but in the modern Ukraine there are so many brave heroes, young and old, that even the absolute evil does not always have a chance to win...
Domestic price: 331.24UAH, International price: $16.90USD

Dyvovyzhni ihry z paperom ta ruchkoyu. (Amazing Pen & Paper Games)

Imagine that a pen is your magic wand, and let's go and work true magic! The marine battle, crosses and circles and their three-dimensional version, racing cars, triangular battles, conquests of colors, building bridges, and a whole bunch of other different puzzles. All you need is paper and a pen!
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Maryna and Serhiy Dyachenko. Balloon Fish.

From every page of this book, the fresh wind of joy presented by famous Ukrainian science fiction writers Maryna and Serhiy Dyachenko and the wonderful artist Arsen Dzhanikyan will blow on the reader. This is how people of the third millennium write, draw and think...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Wolf Erlbruch. Vedmezhe dyvo. (The Bear's Miracle)

This time, the story is not about the resolute mole, but about a huge bear. And the only thing that links these tales is the fact that each of the characters at the beginning climbs from under the ground, and then starts a quest, each of them – for something important for them. What does a bear dreams about when it climbs out of his den in spring?.. And why does he roar for the entire forest to her?
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Wolf Erlbruch. Leonard.

Leonard, who loves dogs very much and... is very much afraid of them. What should one do to overcome the fear of darkness? Right – enter a dark room. And what does one need to overcome the fear of dogs?.. That's exactly what you will learn from this Wolf Erlbruch's book.
Domestic price: 213.64UAH, International price: $10.90USD

Tetiana Zholtikova. Kraplynka Toshka ta kytenya Hoshka. Musical Fairy Tale. (Droplet Toshka and Kitten Hoshka)

The book is intended for the youngest readers/listeners, aged from 0 to 6. The tale introduces the child to the varied natural water world and teaches the child love for the environment: plants, animals, water, people... Since Classica publishing house is a music publisher, the book contains music accompaniment.
Domestic price: 174.44UAH, International price: $8.90USD

Mykhailo Ivasko. YaloVokhus.

A teacher is fired – and yet at her last class she manages to tell her first-graders what seems to be a completely innocent fairytale. And a decade after the cleverest students of the class try to figure out what is really happening in the fairytale and what miracles or horrors hide in the bizarre word "yalovohus"...
Domestic price: 213.64UAH, International price: $10.90USD

Oles ILchenko. Misto z khymeramy. /supplemented and revised edition/. (The City with Chimeras)

The novel offers a chance to go back in time and immerse oneself into the life of Kyiv in the early twentieth century. Attentive readers will learn more about mysteries of the life of famous architect Wladyslaw Horodecki, and together with characters of the novel they will get an opportunity to unriddle the main secret of Kyiv.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH, International price: $25.90USD

Lewis Carroll. Alisa u Dyvokrai. (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)

...who dreams of whom?.. Everywhere with Lewis Carroll the world of children and that of adults confront each other. It is not clear which of them the writer himself considered the real one, and which – a dream or a ghost.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Halyna Kyrpa. Trynadsyaty misyats u rotsi. (The Thirteenth Month of the Year)

Katrusya tries to understand the world of adults, to comprehend death, friendship and lies, to hear everything live and inanimate around. These stories picture the special and moving world of childhood, where children and adults meet on equal terms.
Domestic price: 213.64UAH, International price: $10.90USD

Roman Klochko. Domivka dlya mynuloho. About museums, history, and arts. (Home for the Past)

This collection of stories invites readers to the backstage of various museums and speaks about how they operate. What was the discovery that helped decipher ancient Egyptian inscriptions? What are the scenes depicted on the legendary Scythian pectoral about? Look in the book for answers to all of these questions..
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Andriy Kozytsky. Istoria Ukrajiny. A Handbook for Grades 10 and 11. (The History of Ukraine)

The book offered to the reader is intended to at least partially fill in the gaps that spontaneously, by silent consent of historians, or following a conscious order of individual Ukrainophobes have appeared in new textbooks for schools. Authors of the textbook pay special attention to the first liberation movements, the Great Famine, the genocide, and the interwar period.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Anastasia Komlikova. Bandura Repertoire Collection.

This collection presents works by modern Ukrainian composer Anastasiya Komlikova. It is aimed at expanding the training and concert repertoire of bandura players, the collection includes solo and ensemble pieces of various degrees of complexity.
Domestic price: 154.84UAH, International price: $7.90USD

Torun Lian. Lyshe khmary tantsyuyut z zirkamy. (Only Clouds Move the Stars)

A story of a girl who started counting her life "before" and "after". Maria recently lost her brother and is now afraid that she will lose her parents too – the mother who cannot continue living because of the grief, and the father, who is trying to cope with everything, but this turns out not enough. Then Maria makes a new friend, Jacob..
Domestic price: 292.04UAH, International price: $14.90USD

Yulia Lyaschynska. Lelya z budynochka na derevi. (Lelya from the Tree House)

Lelya is an ordinary girl, but she lives with her father and mother in a small house on a tree. One day evil neighbors come, who want to deprive them of their cozy home. However, resolute and brave Lelya, even though young, decides to defend the house...
Domestic price: 213.64UAH, International price: $10.90USD

F.X.S.Maneiro, M.Bergna. Odnakovi chy rizni? Genomics. (Same or Different?)

The book speaks about DNA, genome, and genes – some of the most mysterious phenomena of the modern science. Do you know that all of us, living beings, have a cellular language in common? This means that us – humans and plants – once had a common ancestor. But what makes us so different?
Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Megan McDonald. Judy Moody.

What expects you is meeting a funny girl named Judy Moody, whose mood tends to change often. It can be good, bad, pre-school, school – whatever. And she also has her younger brother, Stink, best friend Rocky and "sworn" friend Frank Pearl. They find themselves in a variety of adventure...
Domestic price: 194.04UAH, International price: $9.90USD

Dzvinka Matiyash. Marta z vulytsi Svyatoho Mykolaya. (Martha from St. Nicholas Street)

The story "Marta from St. Nicholas Street" is addressed to teenagers. It is a story of growing up of a girl who dreams of becoming an artist, her becoming as an individual. This is a story about the life of her family and friends, about creativity and inspiration, painting and music, love and loss. And about the birth of a new life...
Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Nina Naydych. Son Marynky. (Marynka's Dream)

In her dream, a little girl finds herself in a fairy-tale country, and there she gets acquainted with musical instruments of the symphony orchestra. The book contains the code with which you can download the edition's soundtrack.
Domestic price: 194.04UAH, International price: $9.90USD

Angela Nanetti. Mistral.

This is a naval and sensual story of growing up and self-discovery of a boy, Mistral, who feels lonely and lost on his Black Island that he is the king of – and there is nothing better for him than being alone with the sea. And this goes on until the moment when a little foreigner named Chloe appears on the island and turns his life topsy-torvy..
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Stefan Nederytsa. Moldovan Folk Tales.

"Two years ago, during my visit to Chisinau, my mother and I started working on the first book: during the month we reread about three hundred Moldovan folk tales and selected from among them the thirteen that particularly appealed to us." Stephan Nederytsya
Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Vsevolod Nestayko. Naynovishi pryhody Kolka Kolyuchky ta Kosi Vukhanya. /fifth edition/. (The New Adventures of Miky Spiky and Sunny Bunny)

The latest and, as always, exciting stories from one of the most revered modern children's writers Vsevolod Nestayko let you again meet your favourite heroes. This is the first time that the famous author's book has been illustrated by children.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Dmytro Pavlychko. Zolotorohy Olen. (The Golden Horn Deer)

The great tale by Dmytro Pavlychko about true friendship of a boy and a deer – as a new version, which the author prepared specifically for our publication. In my opinion, "The Golden Horn Deer" is the best modern fairy-tale poem for children. - Ivan Malkovych -
Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Palindromy. Cardboard book. (Palindromes)

Perhaps, not every mom or dad know what a palindrome is (or spoonerism, or literary inversion). So, having looked through this cardboard book with their kids, they will be able to read phrases hidden in the pictures – both in the usual way, and... topsy turvy. The hint will be the specific "mirror" feature of the pictures.
Domestic price: 154.84UAH, International price: $7.90USD

Svitlana Polischuk. Yavyscha pryrody. /book+coloring book/. (Nature Phenomena)

This book is unusual. Because your kid will not only get acquainted with natural phenomena (the poems by Svitlana Polishchuk speak about them), but will also hear the way they sound! Perhaps, you will also discover the completely new, previously unknown, world of music and nature..
Domestic price: 194.04UAH, International price: $9.90USD

Terry Pratchett. Dushevna muzyka. (Soul Music)

When your greatest accomplishment is your ability to be unnoticeable – the news about that you are a granddaughter of... Death will come like a thunder from clear skies. And now your grandfather has departed somewhere in search of inner peace, and you need to take up his business. In the meantime, the amazing Rock In Music appears in Ankh-Morpork..
Domestic price: 448.84UAH, International price: $22.90USD

Terry Pratchett. Poven neba kapelyukh. (A Hat Full of Sky)

..Tiffany gets used to going out of her body to look at herself from aside without a mirror, but this turns out to be a dangerous exercise. Tiffany finds out what it's like not to be herself, and once again she gets convinced of that it is far not a fashionable hat that's a sign of a true witch.
Domestic price: 448.84UAH, International price: $22.90USD

Maryna Rybalko. Podorozh tudy, de snih. (A Travel to Where the Snow Is) may go beyond the Reality! And there ... next to ordinary people, dragons, bandits, rulers of natural elements live and experience human feelings. A return only becomes possible when the power of friendship overcomes all trials and binds the "Scythian Sun" amulet into an integral whole...
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Volodymyr Rutkivsky. Dzhury i pidvodny choven. /second edition/. (Dzhuras and the Submarine)

For you, our dear reader, unbelievable adventures, reckless victories and new discoveries are in store. Together with characters of the novel, you will defend Kyiv, will swim over unapproachable Dnipro rapids, discover secrets of the underground Khortytya, you will storm Ochakiv fortress. You will also find out how Sanko helped Hrytsko to become an invincible haracternyk warrior...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Volodymyr Rutkivsky. Dzhury kozaka Shvayky. /fourth edition/. (Armor-Bearers of Cossack Shvayka)

All of us know the names of Severyn Nalyvayko, Bogdan Khmelnytsky, Ivan Mazepa. And who were the first Cossacks? Where did they come from? Answers to these questions you will find in the new action historical novel by Volodymyr Rutkivsky – one of the most outstanding modern Ukrainian writers for children.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Volodymyr Rutkivsky. Dzhury-kharakternyky. /second edition/. (Harakternyk Armor-Bearers)

In the new action novel, readers will meet their favorite characters from the previous novel "Armor-Bearers of Cossack Shvayka" – the young harakternyk Sanko and his true friend Hrytsyk. The boys have grown up, matured, and now they take part in military exercises together with adult Cossacks as equal...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Volodymyr Rutkivsky. Dzhury i Kudlatyk. (Dzhuras and Shaggy)

With the advent of this "unplanned" novel, the trilogy turned into a tetralogy. This is an unusual book. Historical and modern, funny and wise. It narrates about life and death, the earthly and celestial, about the first tender feelings (and not only among humans), moving in time, where loyalty and friendship remain unchanged..
Domestic price: 331.24UAH, International price: $16.90USD

Volodymyr Rutkivsky. Syni Vody. /new edition/. (Blue Water)

..Year 1361. Following the will of fate, Volyn prince Dmytro Bobrok finds himself in the epicenter of the events that ultimately lead to the battle at Syni Vody (Blue Water) – one of the biggest battles in the history of the ancient Ukraine... This is a new – abriged and refined – version of the novel.
Domestic price: 429.24UAH, International price: $21.90USD

Maryana Savka. Tykhi virshyky na zymu. (Quiet Poems for Winter)

Winter is a fairy time. Going down the hill on a sledge, sculpting a snowman, caroling, and celebrating the New Year – so many wonderful activities and experiences for kids! But the joy may be even greater when they conveniently snuggle in the mom's and dad's laps, reading the wonderful "Quiet Poems for Winter"...
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Martin Sodomka. Yak zmaystruvaty litak. (How to Construct a Plane)

Characters of the new book by Martin Sodomka – hand and glove friends Zyla the Sparrow and Arni the Rat – decide to improvise a plane to fly to travel. It is not an easy task, as well as, eventually, constructing a car. But last year they succeeded!
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

A.Audhild Solberg. Khto proty superkrutykh. (Who is Against the Supercool)

Twelve year-old Anne Bea considers herself ugly. While three cool girls from their class openly bull her. But Anne Bea will have to look into the eyes of her greatest fears and give battle to the supercool.
Domestic price: 213.64UAH, International price: $10.90USD

Dorota Terakowska. Dochka Charivnyts. (A Daughter of Sorceresses)

This book could be called a fairy-tale novel, because it covers a large part of the life of the protagonist, who appears to us as Child, Girl, and Young Lady. While growing up, she changes, explores herself and the world around, in which the evil, violence, neglect, arrogance of Invaders prevail..
Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Roksana Tymkiv. Goleore.

Rather light, but not empty adolescent fantasy. Names of the protagonists hint at a link with our ancient history and legends, and the plot's vicissitudes, instead, – at the Ukrainian events of the recent few years. Although, rather, in their inner dimensions.
Domestic price: 174.44UAH, International price: $8.90USD

Natalia Trushkina. Plastylinovi dyva. (Plasticine Miracles)

It is a very unusual book in front of you! It is not that easy to believe it, but all these amazing pictures were made of ordinary plasticine. We believe you will like this wonderful book and you will fully enjoy the pictures and find all the hidden maramulkas – because, in fact, the book is a collection of mindfulness games.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Julian Tuwim. Slon Trubalsky. (Elephant Trunkalsky)

Have you heard about Mr. Tralyalynsky and his singing family? And what about the oblivious elephant Trunkalsky? The witty and playful poems by famous Polish poet Julian Tuwim are read and learned by heart by children all over the world. "VSL" presents young readers with Julian Tuwim's poems wonderfully translated into Ukrainian by Marianna Kiyanovska.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Ukrainian Folk Fairytales. Book 5: Fairytales of Huzulschyna.

"Fairytales of Huzulschyna" is the fifth book of the unique 24-volume series of Ukrainian folk fairytales, to collection, organizing and literary processing of which the author devoted over 30 years. Fairytales of the original ethnographic region of Ukraine – Huzulschyna – recorded at the end of the 1980s were included into the book we offer.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Anthology of the Modern Ukrainian Literature for Children to Read at the 1st, 2nd Years of Studies.

Poems, stories, and tales by modern authors illustrated by contemporary artists will entertain and unobtrusively teach the youngest school-children to be attentive to the surrounding and the environment, will help overcome fear, will improve their memory and develop their language skills. Besides, children will have a chance to discover new writers..
Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Oleksiy Chupa. Vyshnya i ya. (Vyshnya and Me)

Yarchyk does not even suspect that the most important person in his life will be a little girl who he met by chance in a store. First, they feel a bit shy and alert, but increasingly easier and smoother they completely change each other's life..
Domestic price: 213.64UAH, International price: $10.90USD

Andrey Sheptytsky. vid A do Ya. Children's encyclopedia. /compiled by H.Tereschuk, O.Dumanska/. (Sheptytsky from A to Z)

"Sheptytsky from A to Z" is a kind of an ABC that reveals to its readers the major milestones of the great Metropolitan's life, tells them about his family, his formation as a human and a spiritual mentor of his contemporaries. Readers will find out where Metropolitan Andriy was born and studied, how he followed the calling of his heart..
Domestic price: 566.44UAH, International price: $28.90USD

Alfred Szklarski. Tomek na stezhci viyny. (Tomek on Martial Path)

The novel tells us of Tomek's and his friend boatswain Nowicki voyage to North America while they visits Sally in New-Mexico and have to recruit a group of Indians for an European circus. But an adventurous boy becomes involved in a stormy life of Mexican borderline and he befriends an Indian man called Red Eagle...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Kateryna Shtanko. Drakony, vpered! (Dragons, Go!)

A Kyiv student, fascinated by biology, accidentally breed... a dragon, who abruptly changes his routine life. This enchanting tale is to some extent a detective story, and a parody of a detective story. Here, you find both light fantasy, and children's James Bond series, and lots of instructive aspect...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD