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Taras Pastukh. Polumja vidihrije pamjat... Memories of Oleh Lysheha. (Flames Will Warm Up the Memory)

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Taras Pastukh. Polumja vidihrije pamjat... Memories of Oleh Lysheha. (Flames Will Warm Up the Memory)
"The book is dedicated to the figure of one of the most iconic and mysterious Ukrainian poets of the twentieth century. Memoirs of his family, friends, and colleagues mosaically represent this outstanding creative personality, giving us a bit better understanding of his rather hard life and amazing poetry."
Compiled by Taras Pastuh.
In Ukrainian.
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 144x236 mm
Number of pages: 440, illustrated

Publisher: Piramida, Lviv

- Vid uporjadnyka

- Mykola Riabchuk. P'jat pisen pro Lyshehu

- Viktor Morozov. 1. Sonjachnyy tanets. 2. I my zalyshyly po sobi slid

- Valeriy Shalenko. Oleh buv u dushi khudozhnykom

- Yurko Vynnychuk. 1. Kaktus, Krolyk, Chemodan i vsi, vsi, vsi (bohema 1970-kh). 2. 2014. Lito

- Yosyp Vilkhovyy. Vin inshym zhyv

- Volodymyr Javorsky-Voldmur. Lavrska

- Orest Javorsky. Odyn iz zapiznilykh

- Vlodko Kaufman. Vin strashno ne ljubyv poverkhovosti

- Yurko Kokh. Lyshe Oleh. Ha?

- Kateryna Nemyra. Spohad pro Lyshehu i chas

- Yuriy Brylynsky. Vid Hryts‘ka ja y pochuv upershe prizvyshche Lyshehy

- Yaroslav Dovhan. Vokhrystyy spohad

- Bohdan Chepurko. Oleh Lysheha i simdesjati

- Natalka Mezenjeva. Vpershe ja pobachyla Oleha u Lvovi

- Oksana Lysheha. Pro tata

- Stanislav Smyrnov. Meni bulo tsikavo sposterihaty za tym, shcho vin robyt

- Mykola Kryvenko. Poet Oleh Lysheha

- Zoja Navrotska. Nichoho nide ne znykaje

- Alla Zahaykevych. Slukhajuchy Lyshehu

- Volodymyr Rak. Svicha horila jasno

- Petro Midjanka. Prynesy meni z-pid Nadvirnoji lysa

- Kostiantyn Moskalets. Spohady pro Oleha Lyshehu

- Lyudmyla Taran. Herb Oleha Lyshehy

- Volodymyr Nazarenko. Jabluka rozbihlysja

- Natalka Bilotserkivets. Chervonyy lebid

- Volodymyr Dibrova. Pro Oleha Lyshehu

- James Brasfield. Tysmenytsja

- Mykhaylo M. Naydan. Oleh Lysheha: poet hir

- Taras Prokhasko. 1. Kontsentrychni kola nablyzhennja. 2. Opir materialu

- Marko Andreychyk. Jakos pid osin: moji pershi peretynannja z Olehom Lyshehoju

- Taras Hryhorchuk. Z Lyshehoju

- Volodymyr Lys. Den anhela z Olehom Lyshehoju

- Oleksandr Sopronjuk. Zhyttjevi tsjaty: Oleh Lysheha

- Vasyl Gabor. 1. Sum za ljudynoju 2. "Velykyy mist" Oleha Lyshehy (do istoriji vydannja knyhy)

- Tetiana Shalenko. Odna velyka metafora

- Bohdana Matiyash. Miy Lysheha

- Andriy Kis. Daruyte, pane Olezhe

- Taras Pastukh. Vin i tak zapam'jataje.. Jakshcho tak maje buty

- Bohdan Pastukh. Vin vidchuvav literaturu, nache tilo dereva

- Stepan Protsiuk. Knjazivstvo nezrymoji krasy

- Vasyl Karpjuk. Ja plyvu, ja ves chas plyvu

- Solomia Chubay. Pastukh sliv i misjatsja

- Ostap Slyvynsky. Nikhto ne yde nazustrich

- Lyubov Yakymchuk. Keramichni, derev'jani ta metamorfozni poeziji Oleha Lyshehy

- Hryhoriy Donets. Try zustrichi

- Kateryna Mikhalitsyna. Svitljak. Kil‘ka zamalovok z pam'jati

- Volodymyr Yeshkilev. Pysmennyk khovajetsja za derevamy, tekst litaje nad Voronoju

- Tymofiy Havryliv. Zamist‘ spohadu (pro Oleha Lyshehu)


- Lysty Oleha Lyshehy do Stanislava Smyrnova

- Lysty Oleha Lyshehy do Zoji Navrots‘koji

- Lyst Bohdana Lyshehy do Oleha Lyshehy

- Uryvky zi shchodennyka Stanislava Smyrnova

- Vidomosti pro avtoriv

Publisher: Piramida
Catalogue number: ISBN 9789664415658
Year: 2019

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Taras Pastukh

Domestic price: 546.84UAH
International price: $27.90USD
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