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Gvara. The Authentic Lviv Alphabet. /revised edition/. (Jargon)

Reviews (1)
Gvara. The Authentic Lviv Alphabet. /revised edition/. (Jargon)
The only significant difference from the first edition is the smaller and therefore more convenient, pocket-sized format of the book. The content also nicely surprises both with the words, and the illustrations)
"Legions of Ukrainian language teachers diligently try to put it into Lviv kids' heads that "evr'thing's got to be called, and evr'thing's got to be spelled correctly". Ukrainian spelling computer software rages when at random correcting phrases of Lviv dialect. But the kids – if not at home, then during a break at the school or at a hootch disco in Radekhiv – enrich themselves with other verbal formulas and create their own linguistic norms. Due to that, Lviv dialect, though not fitting into the format, is livelier than Poltava's Ukrainian language matrix, and gets it all.
The working group asks academic linguists and other non-indifferent activists in the field of linguistics to forgive us for possible distortions in our pocket booklet. No language, the more so Lviv jargon, stands still, it instantly gets impoverished or enriched. Some formerly generally used words and meanings of words have sunk in the Poltva, some, on the contrary – are gradually emerging from grannies' chests. Lots of words and idioms had to be left out due to lack of space."
Authors of the publication: Yurko Nazaruk, Antin Borkovski.
In Ukrainian.
Illustrations: Hrytsya Erde
Type of the edition: colored, hard cover
Format: 115x165 mm
Number of pages: 144, illustrated publication
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva, Lviv

Publisher: Staryi Lev
Catalogue number: ISBN 9786176790105
Year: 2015

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Reviews (1)

  , Geneva IL, USA
29-04-2021 00:50

I enjoyed reading the words and descriptions very much. A lot of it is understandable since my Ukrainian is the language my parents taught me. I’m first generation American. I also love the pictures in the book...very Monty Python style. All in all, a very interesting and enjoyable book.