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Carpathian bluegrass
Domestic: 350.84UAH
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Komu Vnyz. Shevchenko. (EP) (special offer)
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Larysa Bryukhovetska. Serhiy Parajanov and Ukraine.

Reviews (1)
Larysa Bryukhovetska. Serhiy Parajanov and Ukraine.
"Serhiy Parajanov left a bright trace in the world cinema industry. From 1952 till 1973, with short pauses, he lived in Ukraine and worked at Kyiv Dovzhenko Film Studio, where he was a leader of the independent art scene. This book deals with a wide range of both creative, and socio-political issues. In their academic research, the authors consider the authenticity of the creative style of the director of "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors", the role of visual arts in his direction work, the contemporary artistic context. Those who are interested about the life of Parajanov and the reasons for his arrest will have a chance to see declassified KGB archives and pages of "The Diary" by S.Ivanov, the head of the contemporary State Committee for Cinematography of Ukraine. Memories by Marta Dziuba, Ivan Dziuba, composer Myroslav Skoryk and other people who were in contact with the director are also of value. The book ends with Parajanov's thoughts expressed in Kyiv after the premiere of "Ashik Kerib" in Kyiv.

In Ukrainian.
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 144x208 mm
Number of pages: 288, illustrated
Publisher: KM-Academy, Kyiv


- Bohdan Verzhbyts‘kyy. Diamanty kol‘oru hranata

- Larysa Brjukhovets‘ka, Ol‘ha Velymchanytsja. S.Paradzhanov ta Ju.Illjenko u roboti nad "Tinjamy": oponenty chy spil‘nyky?

- Vira Kandyns‘ka. Kolektyvne nesidome u tvorchosti Serhija Paradzhanova

- Ol‘ha Brjukhovets‘ka. Poetychnyy materializm. "Tini zabutykh predkiv"

- Ol‘ha Jamborko. Zhyvopysne kino Serhija Paradzhanova i obrazotvorche mystetstvo

- Larysa Brjukhovets‘ka. Mahija obrazu: za i proty. Pro nezdiysnenyy fil‘m "Kyjivs‘ki fresky"

- Marija Teterjuk. "Sajat-Nova" Serhija Paradzhanova: transformatsiji opovidnoji struktury fil‘mu

- Vadym Skurativs‘kyy. Heoestetychnyy tsyferblat Serhija Paradzhanova: vid Balkan cherez Karpaty do Ardebilja

- Anastasija Pashchenko. Fil‘my Paradzhanova jak zrazok avtors‘koho chasoprostoru

- Serhiy Marchenko. Dokumental‘ni fil‘my pro Serhija Paradzhanova

- Roksoljana Svjato. Serhiy Paradzhanov u mystets‘ke ta dysydents‘ke seredovyshcha Ukrajiny 1960-1970-kh rokiv


- Marta Dzjuba. KDB pro Paradzhanova. Dokumenty iz rozsekrechenoho arkhivu

- Z arkhivu Tamary Shevchenko

- Svjatoslav Ivanov. Borot‘ba za "Intermetstso". Iz shchodennykiv. Publikatsija Tamary Shevchenko


- Myroslav Skoryk. Muzyka zabutykh predkiv

- Ivan Dzjuba. Paradzhanov bil‘shyy za lehendu pro Paradzhanova

- Marta Dzjuba. Serhiy Paradzhanov

- Oleh Babyshkin. Svojim fil‘mom vin dopomih zbahnuty filosofiju verkhovyntsiv

- Roman Buchko. Vypadkovi zustrichi z Paradzhanovym

- Mykhaylo Illjenko. Proekt "Paradzhanov"

- Serhiy Paradzhanov. Intelektual‘nyy shantazh? (zapysala H.Jankovs‘ka-Misakjan, 1969)

- Serhiy Paradzhanov: "Khay zhyve ukrajins‘kyy natsionalizm!" (zapysala Myroslava Oleksyk-Beyker)

Publisher: KM-Academy, publishing house
Catalogue number: ISBN 9789665186502
Year: 2014

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Larysa Bryukhovetska

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See also:

Oksana Zabuzhko. Planeta Polyn. (Planet Wormwood)

This volume contains the most important essays by Oksana Zabuzhko in the last two decades focused on the figures and events that the author considers culturally significant in the context of the current era of a crisis of humanism..
Domestic price: 448.84UAH, International price: $22.90USD

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Domestic price: 448.84UAH, International price: $22.90USD

Ketil Bjornstad. Do muzyky. (To Music)

The novel by Norwegian writer, composer, and pianist Ketil Bjornstad helps the reader plunge into the complex and emotional world of young pianists. "To Music" is a novel about growing up, death, love and violence, helplessness and passion.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Valeriy Haydabura. Teatr, rozviyany po stepu. (The Theatre Scattered In the Steppe)

This time Valery Haydabura is the first one in the national theater studies to address the task of generalizing the years of practice of the post-war theater of the Ukrainian Diaspora and its interpretation as an integral part of the comprehensive history of the twentieth century national art.
Domestic price: 448.84UAH, International price: $22.90USD

Prynts G., Kopytsya M., Tsymbalista N. Hmyrya and Shostakovych.

The artistic publication "Hmyrya and Shostakovych" is the result of a research of creative and human relations between Hmyrya and Shostakovych, the two genii artists of the 20th century. The study is based on a rich archive material and is represented as a bio-memoir, historical and musical, as well as and sources expert publication.
Domestic price: 429.24UAH, International price: $21.90USD

The DAKH theatre. Photo album. (Ukr/Eng).

The core of the book are photographs of the DAKH theatre, which was created by the prominent Ukrainian art director Vladyslav Troitskyi. The DAKH is an open area for the creative work, and its history is primarily the story of people who formed it. The book contains unique texts on the theatre and the individuals who contributed to its creation.
Domestic price: 1370.04UAH, International price: $69.90USD

Oksana Zabuzhko. Filosofia ukrajinskoji ideji ta evropeyski kontekst. / 5-th edition/. (Philosophy of the Ukrainian Idea and the European Context: Franko period)

..It is the first work in which philosophy of the national idea is considered as an independent intellectual flow that goes far beyond the political science – to questions about the essence and sense of the national existence.
Domestic price: 429.24UAH, International price: $21.90USD

Yaroslav Polischuk. Hibrydna topohrafia. Places and Non-Places In Modern UkrLit. (Hybrid Topography)

This book deals with imaginary geography, symbolic cognition of space by means of culture – based on the example of analysis of works by Sofia and Yuriy Andrukhovych, Zhadan, Lys, Rafeenko, Shklyar. The literary topography of the terrain is presented in three projections: memorial location images; the war in its hybrid aspect; the phenomenon of "non-places"..
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Oksana Zabuzhko, Yuriy Shevelyov. Selected Correspondence against the Background of the Epoch: 1992-2002. /second edition, revised and complemented/.

This book introduces the story of long-term friendship of one of the most prominent linguists of the 20th century, the leading emigrant thinker, critic and cultural studies expert Professor of Colombia University in New York Yuriy Shevelyov-Sherekh (1908-2002) and the writer Oksana Zabuzhko.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH, International price: $25.90USD

Marko Andreychyk. Intelektual jak heroy ukrajinskoi prozy 90-h rokiv. (The Intellectual As Hero in 1990s Ukrainian Fiction)

American researcher of the Ukrainian origin Dr. Marko Andryczyk offers a profound analysis of the cultural explosion that engulfed Ukraine in the first decade of the period of its independence. The 1990-ies were a period of great creative enthusiasm, experiments and release of the Ukrainian culture...
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Bohdan Rubchak. Mity metamorfoz, abo Poshuky dobroho svitu. (Myths of Metamorphoses, or Search for a Good World)

The book of essays by one of the most intellectual representatives of the New York group for the first time in Ukraine presents his extremely bright and significant elaborations in the field of literary studies. This book is a fascinating intellectual journey into the mysterious world of the Ukrainian poetry and the Ukrainian spirit.
Domestic price: 331.24UAH, International price: $16.90USD

Jerzy Ficowski. Great Heresy Regions and Periphery. Bruno Schulz and His Mythology.

The great prosaist Bruno Schulz was doomed by time and circumstances to death by a Gestapo bullet and oblivion. However, the Polish poet and literary researcher Jerzy Ficowski saved the memory about the genius resident of Drohobych, during 60 years tirelessly searching for his earthly traces and interpreting his literary, graphic, epistolary and critical inheritance...
Domestic price: 605.64UAH, International price: $30.90USD

Reviews (1)

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The "Return Alive" Foundation
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