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ImR Platform, Svitlana Macenka. Metamystetstvo. A glossary of the terminology compilation experience at the interface between literature and music. (Meta-Arts)

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ImR Platform, Svitlana Macenka. Metamystetstvo. A glossary of the terminology compilation experience at the interface between literature and music. (Meta-Arts)
"The glossary of the experience of musical and literary concepts is compiled as a complement for the monograph "The Musical Score of the Novel". The related problem of developing the terminology at the interface between literature and music is addressed. The concept of "meta-arts" is also implemented by means of a "dialog" between the literary discourse and the graphic text about the music by Ukrainian artist Oleh Denysenko."
In Ukrainian
Illustrations: Oleh Denysenko
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 178x220 mm
Number of pages: 120, illustrated
Publisher: Apriori, Lviv

- Perednje slovo. Mystetstva v dialozi

- Problema terminotvorennja namezhi literatury y muzyky

- Muzychna proza

- Roman, jakyy tjazhije do muzyky

- Dialohizm romanu, jakyy tjazhije do muzyky

- Partytura romanu, jakyy tjazhije do muzyky

- Muzychnyy chas

- Intermedial‘ni zv'jazky romannoho slova z muzykoju

- Mediakonkurentsija

- Esejizatsija muzyky

- Liryzatsija romanu

- Vizualizatsija muzyky

- Otilesnennja muzyky

- Muzychnyy zhest

- Muzychna fonohrafija

- Roman jak sukupnyy tvir mystetstva

- Roman z opernym nachalom

- Roman-biohrafija kompozytora

- Dzhazovyy roman

- Roman populjarnoji pisennoji kul‘tury

- Intermedial‘na transpozytsija

Catalogue number: ISBN 9786176293699
Year: 2017

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
ImR Platform
Svitlana Macenka

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