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Valentyn Sylvestrov. Dochekatysya muzyky. Conversational lectures. /book + music DVD-R/. (To Wait for Music)

Reviews (2)
"This book is a meeting with the world of music and thought by Valentyn Silvestrov, one of those composers who defined the trends of the world music's development on the verge of the centuries. The book is based on public speeches by the composer at meetings organized in Kyiv in 2007. Valentyn Silvestrov tells about the pieces that he had been creating during more than forty years, as well as answers various, sometimes provocative questions of the anchorman (Kyiv composer S. Pilyutikov) and other participants of the meetings.

The book will be interesting both for professional musicians and all those who love classic music. The publication is accompanied with a DVD-R with audio recordings of the main pieces by the composer."

In Ukrainian.

Type of the edition: hard cover

Format: 140x234 mm

Number of pages: 376

Publisher: DUH I LITERA, Kyiv


- Peredmova

1. Shljakh

2. Avanhardnyy period

3. Moduljatsija

4. Mova muzyky

5. Poezija ta muzyka

6. Zanurennja

7. Tekst, jakyy pam’jataje sam sebe

8. Melodiji – podjaky

9. Symfonija – pidsumok

10. Shchob muzyka bula ne vyhadanoju, a pochutoju

11. Rozzbrojennja

12. Prodovzhennja avanhardu zi zvorotnoho boku Misjatsja

13. "Dochekatysja muzyky": iz rozmov u vydavnytstvi "DUKh i LITERA"

- Predmetnyy pokazhchyk

- Imennyy pokazhchyk

- Tvory V.V. Syl‘vestrova, zapysani na dysku

- V.S. Brjukhovets‘kyy. PISLJaMOVA

Publisher: DUH I LITERA
Catalogue number: ISBN 9789663781990
Year: 2011

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Valentyn Sylvestrov

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  1 L
1.  Symfonija ¹ 2 dlja fleyty, rojalja i strunnoho orkestru (1965)
2.  "Kantata" na virshi Tjutcheva i Bloka dlja soprano ta kamernoho orkestru (1973)
3.  "Serenada" dlja strunnoho orkestru (1978)
4.  "Osinnja serenada" dlja soprano ta kamernoho orkestru (1980...2000)
5.  "Intermezzo" dlja kamernoho orkestru (1993)
6.  "Epitafija" dlja fortepiano ta strunnoho orkestru (1999)
7.  "Himn – 2001 rik" dlja strunnoho orkestru
8.  "Muzyka" na slova O. Bloka (2006)
  2 L
9.  "P'jat‘ p'jes dlja fortepiano" (1961)
10.  "Trio dlja fleyty, truby i chelesty" (1961)
11.  "Misterija" dlja al‘tovoji fleyty i shesty udarnykh hrup (1964)
12.  "Spektry" – symfonija dlja kamernoho orkestru v 3-kh chastynakh attacca (1965)
13.  "Monodija" dlja fortepiano ta symfonichnoho orkestru
  3 L
14.  "Drama" dlja skrypky, violoncheli ta fortepiano (1970-71)
15.  "Medytatsija" – symfonija dlja violoncheli ta kamernoho orkestru (1972)
  4 L
16.  "Quartetto piccolo" (1961)
17.  Kvartet ¹ 1 (1974)
18.  Sonata dlja fortepiano ¹ 2 (1975)
19.  Symfonija ¹ 4 dlja strunnykh ta midnykh dukhovykh instrumentiv (1976)
20.  Kantata na virshi T. Shevchenka dlja mishanoho khoru a capella (1977)
  5 L
21.  "Lisova muzyka" na virshi H. Ayhi dlja soprano, valtorny ta fortepiano u 3-kh chastynakh attacca (1977-78)
22.  "Tykhi pisni" dlja holosu i fortepiano (tsykl iz 24 pisen‘ na slova klasychnykh poetiv) (1974-77)
23.  Chotyry pisni na slova O. Mandel‘shtama (1982)
  6 L
24.  Symfonija ¹ 5 (1980-82)
25.  "Postljudija" – symfonichna poema dlja fortepiano z orkestrom (1984)
26.  Sim pisen‘ na virshi O. Pushkina (2007)
  7 L
27.  "Oda solov'ju" na virshi Dzh. Kitsa, kantata dlja soprano ta kamernoho orkestru (1983)
28.  Kvartet ¹ 2 (1988)
29.  "Exegi monumentum" ("Pam'jatnyk") symfonija dlja barytona i symfonichnoho orkestru na virshi O. Pushkina (1987)
  8 L
30.  "Widmung" ("Prysvjata") symfonija dlja skrypky ta orkestru (1990-91)
31.  "Meta-muzyka" symfonija dlja fortepiano ta orkestru (1992)
32.  Try pisni na slova F. Tjutcheva (2007)
  9 L
33.  Symfonija ¹ 6 dlja velykoho symfonichnoho orkestru (1994095)
34.  "Meta-val‘s" – symfonichna poema dlja fortepiano (1992)
35.  "Dyptykh" dlja khoru a capella (1995)
36.  "Reve ta stohne Dnipr shyrokyy" – persha chastyna "Psalmiv" na virshi T. Shevchenka dlja khoru a capella (2006)
  10 L
37.  Symfonija ¹ 6 dlja velykoho symfonichnoho orkestru (1994-95)
38.  Symfonija ¹ 7 dlja velykoho symfonichnoho orkestru (2002-03)
39.  Dvi pisni na virshi H. Ayhi (2003)
40.  Try pisni na virshi H. Khoroshylova (2003)
  11 L
41.  "Bahateli i serenady" (2005-2006)
42.  "Elehija" dlja strunnoho orkestru (2000-02)
43.  "Tykha muzyka" dlja strunnoho orkestru (2003)
44.  "Proshchal‘na serenada" dlja strunnoho orkestru (2003)
45.  "Visnyk – 1996 rik" dlja fortepiano, syntezatora i strunnoho orkestru
46.  "Dva dialohy z pisljamovoju" dlja fortepiano ta strunnoho orkestru
47.  "Dva val‘sy" (2007)
48.  "Usenoshchni pisnespivy" dlja khoru a capella (2006)
49.  "Prysvjata H. Persellu" (2007) op.95
50.  "Nastala tykha nich" dlja khoru a capella (2007)
  12 L
51.  "Liturhiyni pisnespivy" dlja khoru a capella (2005)
52.  "Dvi dukhovni pisni" dlja khoru a capella (2006)
53.  "Dev'jat‘ val‘siv" (2007) op.106
54.  "P'jat‘ muzychnykh momentiv" (2007) op.107
55.  "Shist‘ val‘siv" (2007) op.108
56.  "Dvi p'jesy" (2007) op.96
57.  "Prysvjata" dlja holosu i fortepiano (2005)
58.  "Dvi pisni" na slova V. Khljebnikova (2005)
59.  "Dyptykh" dlja holosu i fortepiano (2004)
60.  "Chotyry pisni" (2006)
  For books - 1
61.  "Try elehiji" (2006)
62.  "Dvi pisni" (2006)
63.  "Dvi elehiji" na slova R. Kofmana (2005)
64.  "Dvi serenady" na slova P. Bobrovs‘koho i N. Varenyk (2004)
65.  Try pisni (2003)
66.  "Miy dar" na slova A. Baratyns‘koho (2-1 variant) (2008)
67.  "Tykha oda" na slova S. Vakulenko (2009)
  For books - 2
68.  Dvi rizdvjani kolyskovi dlja khoru a capella (2006)
  For books - 3
69.  "Dva psalmy Davyda" dlja khoru a capella (¹ 27, 22) (2007)
70.  Dva dukhovnykh pisnespivy (2008)
71.  Dvi dukhovni pisni (2007)
72.  Try dukhovni pisni (2006)
  For books - 4
73.  Dvi dukhovni pisni dlja khoru a capella (2008)
74.  "Elehija" dlja skrypky solo (2010)
75.  "Prysvjata I.S.B." dlja skrypky i fortepiano (quasi Echo) (2009)
76.  "Molytva" na slova O. Sedakovoji dlja khoru a capella (2010)
  For books - 5
77.  "Dvi pisni" (2010)
78.  "Elehija" na slova V. Khljebnikova (2010)
79.  "Try pisni" na slova B. Pasternaka (2009)
80.  "Elehija" na slova Ja. Vereshchahina (2008)
81.  "Dvi pisni" na slova St. Tel‘njuka
82.  "Proshchay ..." na virshi Dzh. Kitsa (2010)
83.  "Prysvjata H. Skovorodi" dlja khoru a capella (2009)
84.  "Psalom" dlja khoru a capella na virshi P. Tselana (2010)
85.  "Pastoral‘" dlja khoru a capella na virshi P. Tychyny (2010)
86.  "Dumy moji..." na slova T. Shevchenka dlja khoru a capella (2008)
87.  "Try dukhovni pisni" dlja khoru a capella (2010)
88.  "Prysvjata – vsim i kozhnomu" dlja khoru a capella na slova A. Kochetkova (2010)
89.  "Try serenady" (2010)
  For books - 6
90.  "Pastoral‘ i elehija" na virshi K. Batjushkova (2007)
91.  "Try pisni" na slova B. Pasternaka i Hete (2008)
92.  "Dvi pisni" na slova Ju. Baltrushaytisa i E. Dikinson (2007)
93.  "Dvi pisni" (2008)
94.  "Try pisni" na slova O. Pushkina (2008)
95.  "Try pisni" (2008)
96.  "Dvi pisni" na slova O. Pushkina (2008)
97.  "Try khokku" na virshi M. Bas‘o (2008)
98.  "Miy dar" na virshi Je. Baratyns‘koho (2008) 1-y variant
99.  "Dvi elehiji" na virshi P. Tselana (2009)
100.  "P'jat‘ pisen‘" na virshi O. Sedakovoji i Dilana Tomasa (2009)
  For books - 7
101.  "Sim p'jes" (2005) op.69
102.  "P'jat‘ serenad" (2005)
103.  "Chotyry p'jesy" (2006)
  For books - 8
104.  "Try p'jesy" (2009) op.131
105.  "Try p'jesy" (2009) op.147
106.  "Try p'jesy" (2009) op.148
107.  "Dva val‘sy" (2009) op.149
108.  "Try serenady" (2010) op.161
109.  "Prysvjata R. Shumanu" (2010) op.162
110.  "Myt‘ Haydna..." (2010) op.163
111.  "Prysvjachujet‘sja Frantsu Listu"
112.  "P'jat‘ val‘siv" (2007) op.98
113.  "Try rizdvjanykh val‘sy" (2008) op.151
114.  "Try pastorali" (2008) op.150
  For books - 9
115.  "Skhodynky" (1980-82, 1997), tsykl z odynadtsjaty pisen‘ (attaca) na slova klasychnykh poetiv
116.  "Usna muzyka" (1998-1999)
117.  "Chakona" (2007) na slova A. Akhmatovoji
  For books - 10
118.  "Melodiji myttjevostey" (2004-05) – sim tsykliv (attaca) dlja skrypky ta fortepiano
119.  "Ikona" (2004) dlja strunnoho kvartetu
120.  "Muzyka v zymovu nich" (2004), versija dlja fortepiano ta syntezatora ("viter")
121.  "Dyptykh" (2004)
  For books - 11
122.  "Symfonija ¹ 6" (1994-95)
123.  "Symfonija ¹ 1" (1963; red.1974) u tr‘okh chastynakh attaca
124.  "Eskhatofonija" (1966) – symfonija ¹ 3 dlja velykoho symfonichnoho orkestru (u tr‘okh chastynakh attaca)
  For books - 12
125.  "Rekvijem dlja Larysy" (1997-99)
  For books - 13
126.  "Chotyry p'jesy" (2008) op.108
127.  "Desjat‘ p'jes" (2008) op.117
128.  "Dvi p'jesy" (2008) op.112
129.  "Try bahateli" (2008) op.111
130.  "Shist‘ val‘siv" (2008) op.119
131.  "Dvi p'jesy" (2008) op.115
132.  "Try serenady" (2008) op.116
133.  "Shist‘ bahateley" (2008) op.113
  For books - 14
134.  "Myttjevosti Poeziji i Muzyky" (2003), versija dlja holosu i fortepiano
135.  "Proshchal‘na pisnja" (2005)
136.  "Try elehiji" (2005)
137.  "Dvi pisni" (2006) na slova I. Mamusheva
138.  "P'jat‘ pisen‘" (2007) na slova I. Franka
  For books - 15
139.  "P'jat‘ pisen‘" na slova Ju. Baltrushaytisa (2007)
140.  "Try pisni" (2007)
141.  "Dvi pisni" (2003)
  For books - 16
142.  "Dva khory" (2006)
143.  "Dvi pisni" (2007)
  For books - 17
144.  "Chotyry bahateli" (2006) op.87
145.  "Chotyry pastorali" (2006) op.156
  For books - 18
146.  "Misterioso" (1996) dlja klarneta i fortepiano
147.  "Orfey – vichna melodija" (1997-98)
  For books - 19
148.  Besida V. Syl‘vestrova z K. Sihovym
149.  "Psalom" (2010) na slova apostola Pavla dlja khoru a capella
150.  "Dvi bahateli" (2010) op.159
151.  "Val‘s" (2010) op.160
  For books - 20
152.  Try "kitch" pisni (1973) (ukr. movoju) na slova H. Kovalja, V. Kurins‘koho
See also:

Oksana Zabuzhko. Filosofia ukrajinskoji ideji ta evropeyski kontekst. / 5-th edition/. (Philosophy of the Ukrainian Idea and the European Context: Franko period)

..It is the first work in which philosophy of the national idea is considered as an independent intellectual flow that goes far beyond the political science – to questions about the essence and sense of the national existence.
Domestic price: 306.60UAH, International price: $21.90USD

Viktor Petrov (Domontovych). Romany Kulisha. Movchusche bozhestvo. (Romances by Kulish. A Silent Deity)

Many of the love stories described here do not take place in real life, but rather in fantasies of actively corresponding individuals. These are stories of infatuation and renunciation, impulses and restraint, ardent passion and dead silence. A character of one of these novels is Marko Vovchok..
Domestic price: 320.60UAH, International price: $22.90USD

His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk, Oksana Zabuzhko. APOKRYF. Chotyry rozmovy pro Lesyu Ukrainku. (THE APOCRYPHA. Four conversations about Lesya Ukrainka)

Lesia Ukrainka's complex and deeply dramatic relations with Christianity, which form the core of her mature work, have never been the subject of professional theological analysis. Until today, when the Primate of the UGCC Sviatoslav Shevchuk and writer Oksana Zabuzhko meet to exchange views on works by Lesia Ukrainka based on stories from the evangelical and early Christian history..
Domestic price: 1188.60UAH, International price: $84.90USD

Oleksa Hryschenko. Moi roky v Tsarhorodi 1919-1920-1921. (My Years in Constantinople)

Memoirs by outstanding Ukrainian artist Oleksa Hryshchenko about Constantinople in 1919-1921. They can rightly be seen as a work of literature – so rich and imaginative the artist's language is, and his thoughtful observations immerse the modern reader into the exotic atmosphere of the ancient Oriental culture and that of the mystical Byzantium.
Domestic price: 278.60UAH, International price: $19.90USD

Taras Pastukh. Polumja vidihrije pamjat... Memories of Oleh Lysheha. (Flames Will Warm Up the Memory)

The book is dedicated to the figure of one of the most iconic and mysterious Ukrainian poets of the twentieth century. Memoirs of his family, friends, and colleagues mosaically represent this outstanding creative personality, giving us a bit better understanding of his rather hard life and amazing poetry.
Domestic price: 460.60UAH, International price: $32.90USD

Taras Pastukh. Mosty Oleha Lyshehy. (Bridges of Oleh Lysheha)

..The author attempts at reconstructing the cultural discourse in which this poetry emerged, tracing its key features, as well as philosophical and aesthetic trends. The monograph is distinguished due to its prudence of interpretative approaches and readability. For those who appreciate true modern poetry in general and works by Oleh Lysheha in particular.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Lyudmyla Taran. Yablunya. (The Apple Tree)

..a dialog book, where women well-known in Ukraine and abroad – mothers and daughters – speak about important moments, recall significant people and events that left a trace in their life. Oksana Zabuzhko, Natalka Bilotserkivets, Sofia Maydanska, Bohdana Pavlychko, and Marjana Savka speak about the dearest ones..
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Leonid Plyusch. Yoho taemnytsya, abo "Prekrasna lozha" Khvyliovoho. (His Secret, or Khvyliovy's "Beautiful Loge")

The fundamental research offers a radically new perspective of both Khvyliovy's works and our 1920s in general. The reader is invited for an exciting philological journey through the magical worlds of Rudolf Steiner, and most importantly – a journey through pages of the no less magical texts by Khvyliovy..
Domestic price: 516.60UAH, International price: $36.90USD

Roman Korohodsky. Do bramy svitla. Portraits. (To the Gates of Light)

Eight literary portraits – those of Petrov (Domontovych), Shevelyov, Lutsky, Paradzhanov, Dziuba, Sverstiuk, Kotsyubynska, and Zalyvaha. The book speaks about the people who became key figures of the Ukrainian culture in the twentieth century under the conditions of the communist system. All of them balance among different moral imperatives, ups and down...
Domestic price: 278.60UAH, International price: $19.90USD

Nikola Tesla. Moi vynakhody. An autobiography. (My Inventions) will learn about outstanding capacities of the young Tesla, about his work on himself, first attempts and greatest achievements, as well as about his thoughts of the world and development of the civilization. You will discover here some interesting predictions about the future, some of them have only just begun to come true.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Tonino Guerra. Sad zabutykh plodiv. (The Garden of Forgotten Fruits)

Tonino Guerra, whose prose was the background of the cult films by Fellini, Antonioni, Tarkovsky, is also the author of short stories, where the depth and conciseness of Oriental parables are combined with surprises of the European surrealism. In this collection we have assembled the best known materials and those that are published for the first time.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Lesya Ukrainka. Lysty 1876-1897. (Letters. Vol. 1)

Who Larysa Kosach was friends with, what she was upset about and what she dreamed about, how ideas for her works arose... First published without exceptions, preserving the author's spelling, Lesya Ukrainka's correspondence offers readers the opportunity of a new way of seeing one of the brightest figures of the Ukrainian culture of the 19th-20th centuries.
Domestic price: 390.60UAH, International price: $27.90USD

Henry Ford. Moye zhyttya ta robota. (My Life and Work)

..Ford tirelessly sought for answers to complicated questions of the human history, such as: why there is poverty; what makes money money, why different nations and peoples fall under control of a few people, what should be expected from the future...
Domestic price: 306.60UAH, International price: $21.90USD

Viktor Neborak. Vvedennya u BU-BA-BU. /third edition, extended/. (Introduction to BU-BA-BU)

"Introduction to BU-BA-BU" is not a textbook, not a series of lectures, and not even memories of the legendary literary and attraction group, to which the author is honored to attribute himself as the Procurator. It is rather an attempt to introduce the interested reader to the time permeated with eclectics, breaking points, illusions, insight...
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Jacek Dehnel. Saturn. (Black Images from Lives of the Goya Family Men).

..a new look from another angle – provocative and definitely interesting. Father, son, and grandson: three monologues narrating the same story. And one masterpiece – painted on the walls of the hermit's refuge, "The House of the Deaf" near Madrid, the monumental series of "Black Paintings", which is the key...
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Zaproshennya na Tsyteru. Fictionalized Biographies /Domontovych, Kosach, Shevchuk/. (Invitation to Kythera)

Fictional biographies of artists of different eras collected in this book make it possible to sense the personal dimension of culture, to think about the price of the dramatic choice between the old and new faith, between the Ukrainian and imperial art.
Domestic price: 362.60UAH, International price: $25.90USD

Joanna Olczak-Ronikier. Janusz Korczak. Storinkamy biohrafii. (Over Biography Pages)

Joanna Olczak-Ronikier recreates the story of life of the Doctor based on the autobiography sketch contained in the Diary by Janusz Korczak, weaving it into a story about the destiny and choice of Polish Jews.
Domestic price: 278.60UAH, International price: $19.90USD

Obriyi osobystosti. Book to honor Ivan Dzyuba. (Personality Horizons)

The collection commemorated to the 80th anniversary of Ivan Dziuba's birth includes research papers and essays by known Ukrainian and foreign humanitarians focused on culture and history of the twentieth century, as well as the current political situation in Ukraine.
Domestic price: 348.60UAH, International price: $24.90USD

Kostyantyn Moskalets. Hra tryvaye. (Game Goes On)

In these days, when even poetry is perceived hastily and in a hurry, as if in the pop music rhythm, the author reminds us about other music, another approach – unhurried and thoughtful reading and experiencing of the poetic text. Poetry for Moskalets is a wonder, and above all – a mystery that requires not a clue but involvement...
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Reviews (2)

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Natalka Snyadanko. Pershe slidstvo imperatrytsi. (The Empress' First Investigation)
The Empress' First Investigation
Domestic: 250.60UAH 212.94UAH
International: $17.90USD $15.21USD
Serhiy Zhadan. Psalom aviatsiji. (The Psalm of Aviation)
Zhadan. The Psalm of Aviation
Domestic: 320.60UAH
International: $22.90USD
Terry Pratchett. Poven neba kapelyukh. (A Hat Full of Sky)
Pratchett. A Hat Full of Sky
Domestic: 348.60UAH
International: $24.90USD
Taras Pastukh. Polumja vidihrije pamjat... Memories of Oleh Lysheha. (Flames Will Warm Up the Memory)
Memories of Oleh Lysheha
Domestic: 460.60UAH
International: $32.90USD