"Pochayna" choral chapel, Kyiv Camerata. Luigi Cherubini. Requiem. | | Track Reviews (2) |
The disc you see in front of you is unique, because before this work of the choir “Pochaina” appeared for the first time, "Requiem" composed by Luigi Cherubini had never been performed in Ukraine accompanied by a symphony orchestra. Besides, it is exactly this composition of this composer that in the 19th century was considered to be a classical example of Requiem, and Beethoven even thought it to be better than Requiem by Mozart. Still, you can learn all these details from a booklet. Earlier personally I thought that in order to meet the purposes, any Requiem should be gloomy, a bit passionate and at the same time rather cold. Now I know that it can be, and maybe even must be, bright, fervent, solemn, but not too official to sound lifeless. Still, as far as I understand, within the previous 200 years or so, thanks exactly to Kerubini a lot of people got to know how a real Requiem should sound. For those who pay a special attention exactly to Ukrainian composers, it would be interesting to know that this disc contains the compositions of an outstanding modern Ukrainian composer Viktor Stapurko. These compositions are included into the album “the Blessed Virgin’s Dogmata”. And, believe me, it is very good.
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Kyiv Camerata
- "Pochayna" choral chapel
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CD1 |
1. |
 | Introitus
2. |
 | Graduale
3. |
 | Dies Irae
4. |
| Offertorium |
5. |
| Sanctus |
6. |
| Pie Jesu |
7. |
| Agnus Dei |
| | Viktor Stepurko. Bohorodychni dohmaty poch. XVII ct.
8. |
 | Dohmat pershoho hlasu
9. |
| Dohmat druhoho hlasu |
10. |
| Dohmat tret'oho hlasu |
| Total playing time: 61:55 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
...our visitors have already had the opportunity to hear the clarinet of Vyacheslav Kazykin in composition of the Inter-quartet "Clarinetissimo!", in the album "Bachiazzola" – there music composed by him even sounds. However, this time – exclusively classics. Diverse – here you will find both deep pieces and entertaining ones.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH 315.76UAH
International price: $17.90USD $16.11USD
All three composers – Grieg, Sibelius and Mendelssohn were wonderful at orchestration and that is why they often adapted their choral and chamber music for orchestra. This debut album from the "Kyiv Soloists Play" series is in a way a true anthology of orchestra transcription.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Why "Salt Symphony"? Because this record was made in spring 2006, during the already third festival of classic music, which takes place in a Donbas town of Soledar. Actually, the concerts took place not in the town, but in a salt cave, where they used to extract rock-salt.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Even the very name of a composer, I think, should not influence attitude to music. The thing is not the authority, but in beauty – either you feel it, or play another disk. However, I have the suspicion that, having heard performance by the "Rozumovsky" quartet, you will not want to change the disk that soon.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
If you respect classical music, this disc is another opportunity for you to listen again to favourite musical compositions, which belong even not to the national, but to the world cultural treasury.
Domestic price: 292.04UAH,
International price: $14.90USD
, Савельєва, Харків, Україна
02-06-2011 15:56 |
чудове виконання! Але у Харкові Реквієм Керубіні з оркестром ще набагато раніше почав виконувати Камерний хор Харківської філармонії імені В.Палкіна!
, Харків, Україна
10-05-2006 17:02 |
Просто ідеальне виконання творів Керубіні - автора, якого в Україні, нажаль, почути не так вже й легко.