This disk presents quite a diverse programme. Popular songs of a dancing character are put into its basis. Still, they are presented not in their initial forms, but adopted by celebrated Ukrainian composers like Kos-Anatolskyi, Shamo, Stepurko and others. Besides songs, at this disc one can hear folk instrumental music, too. As long as we are talking about adaptation, it is necessary to say that the composers successfully use modern musical language, politonality and polirythm. I think that to this or that extent, all these things are already present in the initial musical material. That is why a skilful usage of devices not only differentiate these compositions from folk music, but also reveals the beauty and melodiousness, gentle nuances which are so peculiar to it. Thus, besides a skilful orchestration, there is one more indicator – performance. And here it is also skilful, because these compositions are performed by the National Orchestra of Folk Instruments of Ukraine. The members of this orchestra know their business well. Here is another example of how an old music may acquire modern sounding.
We call CDs of this series "the first", "the second" etc. In fact, all of them are great and not accidentally our customers like them. There is no order numbers on the covers of the CDs of the series.