The basis of concerts the orchestra folk instrumental music of all regions Ukrayiny. In concerts the original ensembles of pipers, 3-musicians, bandura players, drymba players, performers on zozulyas often play; also masterfully orchestrated works of Ukrainian and world classics: D.Bortnyansky, A.Vedel, S.Gulak-Artemovsky, M.Lysenko, M.Glinka, M.Leontovich, A.Dvorak, J.Brahms, modern composers.
The orchestra was on tour all over the country and abroad, participated in many art festivals and holidays. It's performances command respect for the national art of Ukraine, its history and culture.
Original sound color, unique timbres national instruments (there are about 40 - bandura, dulcimer, kobza, violin, basolia, lira, telynka, zozulka, svyril, kozobas, surma, Cossack trumpet, floyara, Poltava horn, jaw harp, tambourine, etc.) make this orchestra unique all over the world.
The orchestra is popularizing folk song with great enthusiasm and love. The history of the orchestra is closely connected to the work of famous singers of Ukraine, who used to work and are still working with the orchestra. Among them are: A.Solovyanenko, D.Hnatyuk, Ye.Miroshnychenko, M.Kondratyuk, M.Stef'yuk, O.Basystyuk, V.Pyvovarov, L.Zabilyasta, S.Rotaru, N.Matvienko, R.Kyrychenko, O.Hurets, M.Shopsha, V.Hryshko, V.Stepova, O.Vasylenko, F.Mustafayev, N.Shestak, V.Pavlik, E.Tishchenko, Nastya Kamensky, I.Shynkaruk, such bands like "Braty Karamazovy","XS", "Talita Kum", and the young generation of soloists of the National Opera and famous soloists-instrumentalists.
Many films are shot about the team, it's works are recorded on cassettes and CDs. Bright originality, uniqueness performing style, based on the traditions of folk music, ensure collective success and worthy of recognition. Clean intonation, ensemble harmony, lightness and virtuosity have brought a performance art of the orchestra to the world of professional level.
Today, the National Orchestra of Folk Instruments of Ukraine - Ukraine's leading music collective.
Orchestra manages winner of the National Prize. Shevchenko, People's Artist of Ukraine, Professor Victor O. Hutsal.
information, photo from the official site: http://noni.org.ua/