Ukrajins'ki solospivy. Golden Collection. (Ukrainian Solo Singing) | | Track Reviews (3) |
In this particular case the matter concerns classical performance of Ukrainian folk songs and arias from famous Ukrainian operas. I say classical performance because performers are a mostly opera singer, that’s why in the first place the disc has to interest admirers of this genre. On the other hand, the compositions presented here are so famous, that one can start familiarizing oneself with opera singing exactly with this disc – of course, if one lacks time and patience to do that directly in the opera house. Besides, this is the first meeting – or an acquaintance – with bright performers, most of whom cannot be heard alive, but whose skill is worth our attention. Still, strictly speaking, one may regard this disc as a collection of very beautiful lyrical songs – and simply to get pleasure from harmonic and quiet mood, as well as serenity, which these recordings are saturated with. May be, the latter is the most important thing.
Publisher: Astra Records Catalogue number: A.R. 025 - 05 Year: 2005
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CD1 |
1. |
| Misjacju jasnyj (Olena Soboljeva)
music: S. Hulak-Artemovs‘kyy
2. |
| Sonce nyzen'ko (Kostjantyn Stoljar)
music: M. Lysenko
3. |
| Sadok vyshnevij kolo haty (Valentyna Ivanenko)
music: M. Lysenko
lyrics: T. Shevchenko
4. |
| Za tvoji, divchyno (Bohdan Bazylkut) (NAOFI)
music: R. Kupchyns‘kyy
lyrics: R. Kupchyns‘kyy
5. |
| Oj, spivanochky moji (Bella Rudenko)
music: arr. S. Ljudkevych
6. |
 | Serenada (Vasyl' Bokoch)
music: Ja. Stepovyy
7. |
 | Vechirnja pisnja (Bella Rudenko)
music: K. Stetsenko
lyrics: V. Samiylenko
8. |
 | Zore moja, vechirnjaja
(Dmytro Hnatyuk) lyrics: T. Shevchenko
9. |
| Nascho meni chorni brovy (Diana Petrynenko)
music: arr. D. Bonkovs‘kyy
lyrics: T. Shevchenko
10. |
| Jihav kozak za Dunaj (Valerij Burmister)
music: arr. L. van Beethoven
11. |
| Oj, ne svity, misjachen'ku (Ljudmyla Jurchenko)
music: arr. L. Kaufman
12. |
| Ne schebechi solovejku (Svjatoslav Pikul's'kyj)
music: M. Hlynka
lyrics: V. Zabila
13. |
 | Zhuravka
(Yevhenia Miroshnychenko, NAOFI)
music: O. Bilash
lyrics: V. Jukhymovych
14. |
| Dyvljus' ja v nebo (Mykola Kondratyuk, NAOFI)
music: V. Zaremba
lyrics: M. Petrenko
15. |
| Tyho, tyho Dunaj vodu nese (Natalija Kravceva) |
16. |
| Hude viter vel'my v poli (Dmytro Hnatyuk)
music: M. Hlynka
lyrics: N. Zabila
17. |
| Chotyry voly pasu ja (Yevhenia Miroshnychenko, NAOFI)
music: arr. A. Kos-Anatol‘s‘kyy
18. |
| Oj, ty, divchyno, z horiha zernja (Anatoliy Mokrenko)
music: A. Kos-Anatol‘s‘kyy
lyrics: I. Franko
19. |
| Oj, pidu ja mezhy hory (Iryna Zybchenko)
music: A. Kos-Anatol‘s‘kyy
lyrics: A. Kos-Anatol‘s‘kyy
20. |
| Chorni brovy, kari ochi (Valerij Burmistr)
music: arr. F. Nadenenko
21. |
| Solovejko (Bella Rudenko)
music: M. Kropyvnyts‘kyy
lyrics: M. Kropyvnyts‘kyy
22. |
| Nich jaka misjachna (Volodymyr Zarkov)
music: arr. K. Skorokhod
| Total playing time: 76:16 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
The theme of today's disc is close to, as a minimum, half of human population of the planet. Judging by everything, it was also close to the performers represented here – these songs are performed with appreciable enthusiasm.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Personally for me this music draws such a picture – summertime, a park, children with ice cream and balloons in their hands, parents walking leisurely, unexpected meetings with old acquaintances and a lot of smiles.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
, Славутич, Украина
14-03-2008 07:12 |
Диск используется в школе искусств, его слушают дети. Подбор материала и качество исполнения - замечательные. Оформление выполнено со вкусом. Жаль, что при пересылке был поврежден футляр.
16-08-2006 09:34 |
This disc has a good mix of some of Ukraine’s best voices singing favorite Ukrainian folk songs and Ukrainian opera arias. The featured soloists rank with the best in the world. Their performances are superb, melodic and easy to listen to. Some of my friends who don’t understand Ukrainian loved this disc especially the renditions by Bella Rudenko and Dmytro Hnatjuk.
, Бахчисарай, Украина
24-12-2005 23:28 |
Большое спасибо за диск "Українські солоспіви". Качество - отличное, подбор произведений сделан с толком. Найти такое сочетание на одном компакт-диске сейчас практически невозможно. Для меня особенно ценно, что, наряду с современными исполнителями, представлено творчество и артистов, голоса которых сегодня все реже можно услышать.