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Taras Kalyandruk. Zahadky kozatskykh kharakternykiv. /fourth edition, supplemented/. (Riddles of Kharakternyk Cossacks)

Reviews (2)
"This is the second book of the series of historical researches by T.Kalyandruk on the glorious feats of arms of the Ukrainian "knights of spirit", which was initiated with "The Secrets of Martial Arts of Ukraine". This book highlights unexplored pages of the Ukrainian history, mythology, and culture that reveal the essence of the battle spirit and martial arts of the Ukrainian people from a new angle, through the ancient military training traditions and beliefs of our ancestors. The book also contains unique illustrative material collected from a variety of ancient and modern sources, illustrations of old books, fragments of frescoes, graffiti, and relief images, drawings, photos, etc.
The book will be of interest for researchers in history, culture, military training, as well as for all those interested in the past and the present of their native land."
In Ukrainian
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 168x238 mm
Number of pages: 288, illustrated
Publisher: Piramida, Lviv

- Vstup

- V.Idzyo. Tajemnytsi kharakternytstva ukrajintsiv

1. Chomu shljakhta vidsylala svojikh ditey vchytysja na Sich?

2. Tajemnytsja kyjivs‘koji fresky

3. Mech Arija – symvol Ukrajiny

4. Kozaky i samuraji

5. Tajemni ordeny ukrajintsv

6. Kharakternyky – nosiji ariys‘kykh viys‘kovykh tradytsiy

7. Misija kharakternykiv

8. Chomu same L‘viv?

- Vykorystani dzherela

Publisher: Piramida
Catalogue number: ISBN 9789664412893
Year: 2013

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Taras Kalyandruk

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See also:

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The work by Professor Andrzej B.Pernal is the result of many years of studying diplomatic relations between Rzeczpospolita and Ukraine since the time of Bohdan Khmelnytsky and Ivan Vyhovsky and represents a significant contribution both into the historiography of the history of Ukraine, and into the study of the Polish history.
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Reviews (2)

  , Одеса, Украіна
19-02-2015 07:14

Дуже цікаве і пізнавальне дослідження, на сьогоднішній день унікальне у своєму роді. Автор розкрив питання досить широко, а головне, академічно обгрунтовано посиланнями на першоджерела. Прочитала обидві частини і подарувала друзям для загального розвитку, собі в колекцію замовила ще по примірнику. Дякую.

  , Одесса, Украина
10-10-2013 14:54

Действительно огромное количество исследований и фактов, ранее нигде не читанных. Так же много иллюстраций ранее нигде не индексированных. Книга написанна достаточно не сложным языком, может быть легко воспринята и не специалистом в данной области.
Большое спасибо автору!