With her new fourth album Angelica Rudnytska presents herself in a new quality. In any case, I find it to be exactly like that. At least because the arrangements of songs have become more interesting and diverse than before. I mean, the previous albums were made in “pop” style. This one contains fragmentary features of many different styles in its musical canvas. But all songs are united by one general feature, by one quality. The case in point is a light tenderness of all melodies. Moreover, the album is recorded, so to say, in a non-national style – so, it should be taken in different countries equally well. Moreover, the disc contains a great multimedia part: 5 remixes, 5 video clips, 2 packets of free of charge ring tones, a photo album, an interview and the performer’s creative works.
Publisher: Moon records Year: 2006
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Angelika Rudnytska
Domestic price: 311.64UAH
International price: $15.90USD
CD1 |
1. |
| Ihrashka |
2. |
 | Krajino moja
3. |
| Pora, vzhe pora |
4. |
| Pizno |
5. |
| U doli svoja vesna |
6. |
 | Chorno-bila ljubov
7. |
| Ja tebe kohala |
8. |
| Nich. Pit'ma |
9. |
 | Bud' zi mnoju
10. |
| Zachekaj |
11. |
| Zavtra - Novyj rik |
12. |
 | Znajdy mene
13. |
| Rano, rano (remix (mp3)) |
14. |
| Ty pryjshov (remix (mp3)) |
15. |
| Stina (remix (mp3)) |
16. |
| Ljubov odna (remix (mp3)) |
17. |
| Bila Arena (remix (mp3)) |
| Total playing time: 46:58 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
Domestic price: 311.64UAH
International price: $15.90USD
See also:
Dmytro Monatik is a true self-made performer, life seems to have not offered him any preferences. Having once stepped on the path towards the large scene by way of dancing, he is currently a pop artist capable of assembling a full stadium, charging a large vibrant show, and driving the entire stadium to dance..
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
The new album – despite its light sounding – turns out not even colorful, but rich, thought over not just superficially – thus, quite diverse. This applies to the singing, the manner – this also applies to the arrangements. Tayanna, obviously, places the quality bar high.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
It is a dramatically different sounding of her talent, more extensive disclosure of her as a singer and a creative person. Iryna Zinkovska has a melodic, beautiful alto with deep sounding at low textures. In the vocal – the sound is balanced, measured, diligent, washed to shine, put on high heels and turned to face the sunset.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
...here, she somehow combines elements of variety art, opera, folk and chamber singing. In various proportions, but on the whole – both interestingly and quite unexpectedly. At first sight, maybe, you will not say which there is more of – however, it only makes the process of acquaintance more thrilling.
Domestic price: 213.64UAH,
International price: $10.90USD
09-02-2007 22:32 |
I really like thisCD
07-04-2006 18:39 |
диск очень клёвый - купила в магазине!
, Kiev, Ukraine
31-03-2006 13:43 |
Анжеліко потрібно писати грамотно, без граматичних помилок. Сподіваюся - це тимчасово! Успіхів!
Анжеліка Рудницька
, Київ, Україна
19-03-2006 20:18 |
Прівіт усім! Досить випадково опинилася на цьому сайті. Приємо було побачити свій диск і кілька приємних слів від вас. А кому не сподобалося, сподіваюся - це тимчасово! Успіхів!
, Warszawa
18-03-2006 23:52 |
Czudowyj dysk.
, Херсон, Украина
11-03-2006 19:21 |
Уважаю талантливая певица,как А.Рудницкая.Побольше песни в вашем репетуаре.Уж закохав песни Играшки и Знайти мене
, Харьков, UA
10-03-2006 13:27 |
Альбом - супер!!! Особенно 1, 5 и 12 треки. С нетерпением жду французского альбома, потому что я не особенно слушаю на украинском, а вот французский... Ждём-с!
, смт. Олександрівка, Україна
07-03-2006 20:09 |
Прівєтік, Анжелко! Мені дуже сподобався твій новий альбом він дуже класний. Бажаю тобі щоб ти випустила ще не один такий альбом. Не засмучуйся все буде ГАРАЗД!!!
, Київ
06-03-2006 16:19 |
Взагалі Анжеліка дуже приваблива жінка, але співачка ніяка. Може зараз з'явився новий напрямок в бізнесі(та не в музиці). І продуктом цього бізнесу і є Анжеліка та багато їй подібних. Хоча я впевнена, що і бізнесом тут не пахне - "прогорить".