Well, now we have one romantic singer more on the Ukrainian stage. As Ruslana Kalyna is from Lviv, and she mostly co-operates with her countrymen – these songs acquire some special shades. That is, it might seem to be simply popular variety art, without superfluous stratifications – but there are in the arrangements some notes, swings, instruments that faultlessly indicate that it is music from the west of Ukraine. Well, and, moreover, in addition, Ruslana Kalyna's manner of singing also differs somewhat from the general one – here, she somehow combines elements of variety art, opera, folk and chamber singing. In various proportions, but on the whole – both interestingly and quite unexpectedly. At first sight, maybe, you will not say which there is more of – however, it only makes the process of acquaintance more thrilling. And consequently, we will not describe this disc in detail – listen, draw your conclusions, enjoy.
Publisher: ZMZ records Year: 2007
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Ruslana Kalyna
Domestic price: 213.64UAH
International price: $10.90USD