Oleksandr Ponomaryov is one of those singers who have been enjoining a real popularity with the public for many years at a run. At the same time, strange though it may seem, he is one of those singers who not so often give a treat to their admirers in the form of new albums. May be, due to such state of affairs each new album of Ponomaryov differs greatly from his previous works. Both from qualitative and stylistic points of view. “I love only you”, for example, is almost doomed to rouse interest in listeners of quite different likings. Believe me, it is not obligatory at all to respect the variety art very much in order to have a chance to find a song in this album - probably, even not only one song – which gives you a shiver. The motive for that may consist in the fact that this album balances on a gentle verge of pop-music, sometimes appealing to the orchestra variety art of the past. Still, it seems to me that all the same, one should look for a motive in those parts where the voice of this not simply a performer, but a singer, feeds. His voice reminds some famous drinks, which in the course of time get more and more generosity. Expressive, bright, deep, lyrical, young, mature – all these words are about him. However, there are many more words to describe him. Isn’t it worth seeing by yourself?
Publisher: Artur Music Catalogue number: CD 268 Year: 2005
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Olexander Ponomariov
Domestic price: 409.64UAH
International price: $20.90USD
CD1 |
1. |
 | Ja ljublju til'ky tebe
music: O. Ponomar'ov
lyrics: O. Ponomar'ov
2. |
 | Serce
music: S. Pidkaura
lyrics: S. Pidkaura
3. |
 | Ja za tvoju ljubov
music: O. Ponomar'ov, S. Pidkaura
lyrics: O. Ponomar'ov, S. Pidkaura
4. |
| Spy sobi sama
music: A. Kuz'menko
lyrics: A. Kuz'menko
5. |
| Ja zablukav
music: O. Ponomar'ov
lyrics: O. Ponomar'ov
6. |
 | Try porady
music: I. Shamo
lyrics: Ju. Rybchyns'kyj
7. |
| Razom nazavzhdy
music: O. Ponomar'ov
lyrics: P. Shyl'ko (DJ Pasha)
8. |
 | Krajina
music: A. Kuz'menko
lyrics: A. Kuz'menko
9. |
| Serden'ko (remix)
music: O. Ronis
lyrics: O. Ponomar'ov
10. |
| Hrim (remix)
music: O. Ponomar'ov
lyrics: O. Ponomar'ov
11. |
| Ja za tvoju ljubov (remix)
music: S. Pidkaura, O. Ponomar'ov
lyrics: S. Pidkaura, O. Ponomar'ov
12. |
| Ja ljublju til'ky tebe (remix)
music: O. Ponomar'ov
lyrics: O. Ponomar'ov
| Total playing time: 42:43 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
Domestic price: 409.64UAH
International price: $20.90USD
See also:
For Pavlo Tabakov, this is already the fifth solo work, and we can say that he does not get tired – of growing. Versatile and flexible, he becomes ever more powerful – and that, perhaps, reveals not only his scenic experience, but also his experience in life.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
"Dream about Love" consists of variety songs by the composers Bogdan Vesolovsky and Stepan Guminilovych, who were the creators of the Ukrainian variety art in the 1930-1940s. They created "songs of the easy genre" in the context of their contemporary European variety music, in which the fashionable rhythms of waltz, foxtrot, rumba and, in particular, tango prevailed.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
As all his fans know it, for Olexander the new album became an important, turning event. For a few very important changes have happened in his private life lately – and it is quite obvious that all these changes have happened for the better.
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
In relation to young performers, speculations about the second album crisis, etc. are usually actual. He goes beyond this pattern. The third album in three years – a serious argument. And we should not forget that the first two discs very quickly acquired the status of "golden" ones – who else of the young can boast such a lightning-quick take-off?
Domestic price: 201.88UAH,
International price: $10.30USD
...in the voice intonations one can hear both youth, and some kind of persevering naivety, softness of feelings. Thus, Vitaly has not rejected romanticism – that’s good. And the music, having become somewhat different, has remained light – that’s also good.
Domestic price: 213.64UAH,
International price: $10.90USD
...even for Vitaly Kozlovs'ky it became an unexpected thing that this debut disc of his achieved the "gold" distribution rate – in Ukraine it does not happen too often. Though, if there were no talent, sure, no luck would work. And today, there is already no doubt that Vitaly has not only a pleasant, fresh voice, but also, actually, skills of a variety, and not just studio, performer. So, there is nothing strange in that he enjoys unconditional popularity today...
Domestic price: 213.64UAH,
International price: $10.90USD
It would seem that in the case of such acknowledgement the singer should constantly release new albums. But – it does not happen so in reality, and not too often Olexander pleases his fans with new pieces. Pity. However – the more precious each meeting with his voice, his talent becomes. And – people appreciate.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
Did you pay attention that on each of his albums, Olexander Ponomarev acts as not only the performer, but also the author of, at least, music, and sometimes of lyrics as well? This disk is not an exception, and his own songs have become its notable decoration. Time has proved that – they have become real hits.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
Silver voice of Ukraine, idol of Ukrainian girls deserve of his popularity. His profound voice, his romantic songs makes listeners not indifferent.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
, Червоноград
04-01-2010 15:09 |
Мені дуже подобається!!!
, львів, украіна
25-04-2009 10:55 |
ти супер ти просто чудо!!!)))
, Львів, Україна
16-05-2007 12:27 |
Сашко Пономарьов просто СУПЕР, без перебільшення! Щиро дякую Вам за Ваші пісні, які чісам пронизують аж до кісток, які передають реалії людського життя! А голос Ваш і справвді унікальний, і Басков разом зі своїм виттям нехай заховається!! І ще, не захоплюйтеся роком, бо для Вашого голосу це не дуже пасує, захоплюйтеся краще оперою!!! :)))
, Новояворівськ
29-04-2007 13:55 |
Саша,пісні твої такі класні,душевні,я просто в захваті від них!!!
, Kiev, Ukraine
06-04-2007 06:26 |
До самых глубин души... Включаешь эффект большого зала, закрываешь глаза и погружаешься в свои чувства, которые раскрывают песни Олександра... Сам я таких ситуаций не переживал в жизни, но когда слушаю эти песни, кажется что я полностью понимаю исполнителя на душевном уровне... Голос супер, стихи супер, музыка супер!
, minneapolis, usa
27-03-2007 01:53 |
Vy molodec'. Pisnja "Ja ljublju til'ky tebe"dughe zmistovna i vykonujete Vy ii z dusheju. Dughe djakjuju
, Chicago, USA
12-03-2007 21:58 |
Pisnya "Ya lublu tilku tebe" odna z naylipshuh v sviti! Oleksander, vu prosto super!
, Moskva, Rosia
29-01-2007 02:34 |
Он класный мужык
, Івано-Франківськ
22-01-2007 10:31 |
Олександре,у вас надзвичайний голос.Ви молодець.
, Борщів., Україна.
11-01-2007 18:35 |
Гарна пісня, гарний голос.Значить пісня супер!!!
, Суxодольск, Ukraine
05-12-2006 21:26 |
Песня "Я люблю тільки тебе" Супер! ! ! У меня нет больше слов!
07-09-2006 16:27 |
Прекрасні враження, подарувала цей диск друзям-іноземцям - вони теж в захопленні! Щаслива, що у нас є такі голоси і такі мелодії
, Terrassa (Barcelona), Spain
28-08-2006 16:24 |
This cd is great. The best voice I've ever heard since a long time. I recommend sincerely. It has got rhytm on every song. Great album from the beginning to the end.
Recomiendo este cd a aquellos a quienes les guste el pop y el pop-rock. Tiene unos sonidos geniales, canciones más rockeras, otras más sentimentales, pero todas con ritmo. Te engancha de principio a fin.
Kisses from Spain! ;*
, Regensburg/Odessa, Germany/Ukraine
25-08-2006 10:17 |
Pryvit!!! Ja vze 10 rokiv znaxodzus' u stani zaxoplennja vid golosu Oleksanda! Vvazaju, wo vin odyn z najkrash4yx u sviti!Prosto djakuju jomu za tse!!!Bereznevyj konzert v Odessi - SUPER!!!
, Київ
14-08-2006 12:59 |
"Я люблю тільки тебе" - супер!
slow drive
Domestic: 448.84UAH
International: $22.90USD
sunny indie
Domestic: 507.64UAH
International: $25.90USD