Quiet emotions
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International price: $0.00USD $0.00USD
Unfortunately we do not have some items of this set on the stock.
First, it's just beautiful – and, moreover, not that simple. Anna Mia Quintet musicians have recorded a seemingly chamber album, but this music would be no less appropriate on a large stage. Very intimate, with a bunch of soft pauses and undertones in its colors – and, at the same time, very prominent, voluminous. Interesting..
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
It is not enough to have a valuable, high-quality instrument – it is desirable to master it as well. Olga – has mastered it so that we can only be grateful to her. Especially when she sings in lowercase – then, the thought flashes that in Ukraine, presumably, there is simply nobody to compare with her...
Domestic price: 429.24UAH,
International price: $21.90USD
The recording is luxurious – perhaps, one could hardy put it in other words. This is something that so far we have not had: a vocal and instrumental album of Ukrainian folk songs at the intersection of jazz, chamber and symphonic, variety art music (such as, for example, songs by Frank Sinatra or Astrud Gilberto)...
Domestic price: 448.84UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
Volodymyr obviously enjoys this music – and does prevent his colleagues from doing the same) Quietly, nicely, confidently and – in the best sense of it – modestly. One can say this far not about any album: this time the musicians came together exactly for the sake of the music-as-the-state..
Domestic price: 194.04UAH,
International price: $9.90USD
..these are anyway not flashes or explosions, but – light fog, hints, mid-tones, mid-shades.. Heat and cool interweave here rather whimsically – one only needs to make a little step aside to be inside, in the heart of the music, and for it to appear in one's heart.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
Three musicians with huge experience recorded something transparent, subtle, and humanly simple – something that majority of young ones could not do. Just because there is simplicity which can be saturated, to which you come through hundreds of melodies and thousands of hours of rehearsals and performances.
Domestic price: 280.28UAH,
International price: $14.30USD
Several pieces in the beginning are just about how it was before. And then – you catches yourself thinking: no, this is not ragtime – but a clear echo, and the figure of a ballroom pianist emerges in your imagination.. And then – you discover that it was the beginning, because the music departs from the shore of abstract lyricism and starts its travel throughout the world..
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
The idea of the recording arose quite spontaneously, unexpectedly for the musicians themselves – however, the album sounds regular, balanced, sometimes even a bit cool. And at the same time – warm, transparent, delicate, soft. Nothing strange – for the April sky is so changeable...
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
Myroslav Levytsky, as known, is one of the brothers who founded the jazz group "Braty Bluzu", which is significant for Ukraine. Today we offer to you to deeper, more attentively estimate Myroslav both as a composer, and as a pianist. Because, first, he just deserves that, and secondly – because what if not a solo album creates the best opportunity for this?
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
...And once again one gets convinced that it is not by accident that the guitar remains one of the most popular instruments in the world. It is able to convey this palette of feelings and so brightly when in trained hands that words become simply redundant.
Domestic price: 292.04UAH,
International price: $14.90USD
Masterly patterns painted in the air by gentle movements of fantasy and skill are extremely tender and tempestuous at the same time. They resemble the southern heat reproduced at the transparent windowpane by frost and rime.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
As the title promises, the album has turned out quite strange – but in a good sense. This is the strangeness that can only be afforded by good, versatile musicians – otherwise, originality may easily turn into farce, showing off. This did not happen here – one virtually feels with one's skin in what a thin, delicate way all of that is compiled.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
...a true galaxy of musicians with modern thinking, unique vision of the musical space, and an excellent technique. Actually, already the debut album by Oleh Pashkovsky is a good example of how interesting, thoughtful, versatile the young improvisational music in Ukraine can be.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
"Fever" is a studio work. So, on the one hand, there is no living "breathing of the audience", the proper concert experience. But on the other – there is no room for concerns, everything is polished to shine (although, I must say, at concerts the quartet also sounds so smoothly that sometimes it seems almost unbelievable)...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
The album is a collection of concert recordings – and here, you will find not only jazz evergreens performed by the saxophone quartet, which would be quite natural. As evident from the title – "Classics & Jazz", half of the album is composed of classical pieces – Bach, Purcell, Bizet – and this is, admittedly, very specific pleasure.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
This album is a tribute to rich musical tradition and also the result of many years work on performing and composing traditional flamenco. I have been learning to play to reach the soul of this musical phenomenon, to reveal the secrets of the art of flamenco.. – Eugen Sedko
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
The content of the new album by Smack Band completely corresponds to its name – it is really light and soft. That is what one needs on a sunny day to tune in unison with it (the day). That is what one needs in the event of a period of rain – so that it were lighter on the heart..
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD