Mad Heads XL, Mad Heads. Najkrascha myt'. Best Hits and Ballads. (The Best Instant.) | | Track Reviews (3) |
Mad Heads are, presumably, virtually the only Ukrainian team that managed to twice, as two quite different music persons, achieve enormous popularity. If first Mad Heads were among the brightest stars of psychobilly in the world, now Mad Heads XL are real stars of the new Ukrainian rock format (to make it easy, we will name it so, because with one term you cannot really define it, too much is mixed in it). And historically it happens so that fans of Mad Heads and those of Mad Heads XL somehow intersect quite rarely. So, maybe it is worth trying? On the disc, you will hear quite a fresh song – "The Best Instant", and it is this song that inspired Vadym Krasnooky for creation of this compiling. He says: "Ballads are present on each of our albums and, possibly, they have not become hits until now only because we just did not spare the necessary attention for them. They have in a curious way hardened the collection of multi-sounding songs and have converted it into an integral album, where the last track correlates with the first one in its mood, and between them – there is all the way that I had to pass with the group Mad Heads". So it has happened that reckless drive and pure rock-n-roll madness interlace here with surprisingly beautiful lyric and melancholy. It indeed sounds as a separate album – strong, varied, bright. One can be confident – the disc "The Best Instant" will become a deserving complement to the collection of every fan of honest music.
Publisher: Comp music Catalogue number: 4639615827 Year: 2007
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Mad Heads XL
- Mad Heads
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..there is much less boyish hooliganism, the characters have matured, sure, thus having lost something cloudless. And having gained something significant in return, it seems. At least, they have something to say and sometimes may even do that with a smile – which now contains much more shades. What you will hear – depends on yourself. 5'nizza opens various doors..
Domestic price: 448.84UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
With this music – there are all the chances to swim to the summer almost unnoticeably, without straining where this is not needed. Ukrainian reggae with a mischievous smile and a hardened core. Just put on repeat – so much so that your hand reaches out for that – and you should not interfere with it.
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
In the sphere of music, the group has developed and deepened the stylistics set with the album "There Is Hope" – thus, drive has became a bit less hard, but in some respect even more powerful, plastic. But there is also another aspect.Vadym Krasnooky becomes – forgive my loose definition – a lyrically-cheerful philosopher, and this does impress.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
The group has deviated from its rockabilly image and offered its listeners melodious and vigorous rock. However, the group’s rock'n'roll alive spirit, as well as its power and dynamics, are preserved on this disс.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Everything these two guys achieve with the help of an acoustic guitar, light percussion and two voices is real and interesting. The honesty of youth may sometimes be harsh and rather coarse and at the same time this honesty cannot exist without tenderness, love and sensitivity
Domestic price: 546.84UAH,
International price: $27.90USD
There exists the word “reggae”. This is a musical style. Philosophy. Religion. The way of living. Myth. Fairy-tale. Reality. Really unreal reality. Rest. Inner work. So much inner that it even looks as if they were a continuous rest...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
..there is so much drive that one can hardly believe its "acousticity". And one of the causes of such sound is the truly rich set of instruments used by the musicians during the recording (guitar, banjo, harmonica, kazoo, ukulele, flute, kozobass, xylophone, etc.). Very rich and bright – just like always with "Ot Vinta"..
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
To your attention – the second release of the album in another (cardboard) packaging. ...And then you somehow suddenly realize that you listen to topical songs, poignant enough to feel reluctant to laugh – but, at the same time, so fiery that, nevertheless, this does not destroy the mood...
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
First, everything is as ever – loads of drive and salty humor, easy-going fun and tricky jibes. And then you somehow suddenly realize that you listen to topical songs, poignant enough to feel reluctant to laugh – but, at the same time, so fiery that, nevertheless, this does not destroy the mood...
Domestic price: 448.84UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
...there is not a single song in the ordinary understanding on the album (that is, there are no vocals at all). But the music palette remained no less bright – this is, ultimately, already a programmatic cocktail: in the atmosphere of the middle of the last century, melodies with characteristic features of country, rockabilly, blue-grass styles are mixed, with some elements of jazz and rock.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
...the project of Bohdan Ocheretyany, better known to the wide public as the drummer of the Mad Heads. But, as known, a few years ago Mad Heads turned into Mad Heads XL and started playing a bit different music. Therefore, in 2005, having recorded the album "Hope Is There" with them, Bohdan Ocheretyany left the group and then completely devoted himself to Mr. Och & His Root Boys.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
...for Ukraine this group and this album present a real classical music. Even today there are not so many groups, which are interested in real rockabilly, and the group “Mad Heads” is undoubtedly the best known among them...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
, Beckingen, Germany
01-01-2008 19:09 |
I love this CD! Great!!!
, Киев
17-09-2007 17:31 |
Музыка хорошая. Лично для меня стали открытием англоязычные песни. никогда их не слушал раньше (хотя и знал о существовании такой группы). Теперь же вижу - очень достойное прошлое, отличоне настоящее и наверное лучезарное будущее. Всем, кто ценит радость и хорошее настроение рекомендую. Надія Є.
, Львів, Україна
24-07-2007 22:55 |
Швидко ж розкуповується, я аж замовити не встигаю! :)
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD