Limited edition! 150 copies.
"It is nice to note – "VV" have released anew their previous, already legendary albums. Personally for me, Ukrainian rock music began in its time with two albums. And the first of them was "Kraina Mriy" by "VV" group. This was a separate, absolutely specific madness – both before, and after it was already quite different. And due to "Kraina Mriy" I first felt, and afterwards understood, two aspects. Which then changed at lot – and, I know, not only for me – in the musical outlook. First: punk, that is protest, can and must be joyous, cheerful, frisky, and rainbow-like. Because in reality, I think, punk argues with not public conventions – it just doesn’t care about them at all – but internal ones, i.e. with conventions of the soul and its education. And these things, as experience shows, it is impossible to overcome, change without joy in your soul. Well, and the second. Any music, if there is place for ethnic motives, moods in it – changes forever, and changes the listener. For the best. Because such music acquires new dimensions of depth, it is connected with the important and irreplaceable space – in which the root of culture and worldview of that or another people lives. And of the humanity in general. Actually, at present this theorem is proved by so many examples of interesting musical projects that it is already possible, presumably, to consider it an axiom. This is for these things that we could thank the album "Kraina Mriy". Well, and just for that this music was and remains – cool.
Anton Yozhyk Leyba (Hedgehog)
Very soon on our website also LPs: Oleh Skrypka "Delight", VV "Muzika", Ukrainian Heroic Song, VV "Waves of Amour", Vasyl Hontarsky "Vasya and Hobot".
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