Lullabies. Golden Collection.
28-03-2006 18:56
Диск просто чудовий! Такий світлий і теплий, як немовля. Моя маленька донечка Софійка засинає під колискові Ніни Матвієнко та Оксани Савчук у лічені хвилини. Мама також! Диск рекомендую усім батькам і шанувальникам української автентичної пісні.
Ethnic Ukraine. Hutsul Melodies.
, Nancy, France
27-03-2006 00:13
I live in France and I'm the third generation too, and that's right that this disc make you proud of your origins !! It presents a good choice of beautiful hutsul melodies played with various instruments, splendid !!
Oleh Sozanskiy. Banduryst.
, Nancy, France
26-03-2006 23:50
If you want to heard everything it is possible to do with a bandura, in traditionnal or in classical style, this disc is for you ! Splendid, and Oleh also has a very beautiful voice...
Ensemble "Sbyranka". Karpatiana.
, Nancy, France
26-03-2006 23:44
It is rare to listen on an single disc so many virtuoso (bandura, violin, tsimbali, and sopilka players) and a singer with a so beautiful voice !!
. .
, Днепропетровск, Украина
24-03-2006 14:48
Песня Про Маму - это песня, которую я слушаю со слезами. Это душа и боль...Боль дочери, которая никогда не увидит маму.
Ukrainian Folk Songs. Golden Collection.
, Knoxville, USA
20-03-2006 09:10
Got this for my Mom and Dad. A friend had brought them the tape from the Ukraine but they couldn't play it in their car (CD only). If they're not sleeping, this CD is playing in the house. :-) Highly recommended by Ukrainian folk song singing parents.
Hurt "Expres". Ukrainian Feast Songs. Feast Two.
, Mt. Joy, Penna., U.S.A.
20-03-2006 00:27
The best CD of Ukrainian music I've heard in a long time. If you want to hear Ukrainian music like it should be, listen to this CD. The first track, "Time Flows Like A River?" really got my attention. I don't want to hear Americanized/Ukrainian music, I hear enuff of that now. So I would highly recommend this CD to bring back memories of Ukraine. And if you are a drinking man, you will have a couple of drinks, no question.
"Susidy" Group. Best Songs - 2.
, Stockholm, Sweden
18-03-2006 20:16
It's easy to get carried away with Susidy and their zabava version of the great Ukrainian folk music treassure. Makes you want to do the Hopak and Kozachok, pour up the Horilka, forget all and dream away to a dear Ukraine, to the native selo, to the wide black earth steppes. Anything can be real with music. There are some weaknesses. I don't like the keyboard taking it away to much, and some songs are to simple in their arrangement. But the overall impression is great! And some tracks alone make it worth getting this disc. Try kozaky, Zaschebetav solovejko, Scho robyly, Na vesilli... Tak!
Hurt "Expres". Ukrainian Feast Songs. Feast Two.
, Stockholm, Sweden
18-03-2006 19:36
Expres's two discs are great collections of traditional Ukrainian songs. The singing performance is excellent and the production is clear sounding. They dont fool around, they deliver. I just wish there would have been more traditional instruments in the arrangement wich would have added more richness and variation to the sound. Nevertheless, this is great folk zabava with all the warmth and emotion of Ukrainian culture. The first disc is my favourite, but get both. Slava Ukrajini!
Hurt "Expres". Ukrainian Feast Songs.
, Stockholm, Sweden
18-03-2006 19:34
Expres's two discs are great collections of traditional Ukrainian songs. The singing performance is excellent and the production is clear sounding. They dont fool around, they deliver. I just wish there would have been more traditional instruments in the arrangement wich would have added more richness and variation to the sound. Nevertheless, this is great folk zabava with all the warmth and emotion of Ukrainian culture. The first disc is my favourite, but get both. Slava Ukrajini!
Ukrainian folk dance melodies.
, севастополь
18-03-2006 12:54
я работаю хореографом, и поэтому диском я очень довольна, вообще очень трудно достать танцевальную фольклокрную музыку,а на этом диске было как раз то что мне нужно, и качество отличное, большое спасибо!
Rosava. Prosto Neba. (On the open air)
, Черкаси, Україна
17-03-2006 09:43
непогана музика, а особливо приємний голос Росави робить цей диск гідним того, щоб його прослухати. А деякі пісні навіть стали одними із улюблених. Хоча по правді кажучи, парочку пісень - не мій смак, я прихильник мелодичної музики. Але сучасна музика передбачає будь-які експерименти з музикою. одним словом - купляте, слухайте і насолоджуйтеся! :-)