Why is this disc devoted exclusively to piano music? Undoubtedly because Myroslav Skoryk is the author of not only this music. For example, he composed music to the film "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors" directed by Serhiy Paradganov – and till recently many people knew about Ukraine only thanks to this film. It was exactly he, Myroslav Skoryk, who was the author of the opera "Moses" composed to the order of Vatican and staged on the occasion of the visit of Pope John Paul II to Ukraine. In other words, Skoryk is both a famous person and multifarious author. In particular, his piano music is included into concert repertoire of many performers – Ukrainian, as well as foreign ones. Having heard at least one or two melodies, you will at once understand why. Along with other features, this music is characterized by vanguard search and national colouring. And the main thing is that it contains a transparent easiness of that quality, which is so peculiar to he combination of a real talent and real ability of work. To crown it all, I will add that masterly performance of Roman Repka deserves individual gratitude and recognition.
Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)
Publisher: Interval Year: 2003
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Roman Repka
- Myroslav Skoryk
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, Вінниця, Україна
18-03-2009 08:00 |
Мелодія - це чудо. Виявляється, вона звучить в фільмі "Доярка з Хацапетрівки". Фільм так-собі, але все одно приємно.
Мені здається, що "Мелодію" я чув дуже-дуже давно. А от з творчістю Скорика почав знайомитись лише рік назад, коли він приїздив до Вінниці з оперою Леонтовича "Русалчин Великдень"
, Суми, Україна
20-06-2008 21:20 |
Слухаю, затамувавши подих! =) "Мелодія" - так схожа на поцілунок! То напливе, огорне гарячою хвилею, то відступить, війне прохолодою... Слів для висловлення вражень не вистачає!:)
Безмежно дякую Митцям за чуттєву, живу, пломенисту, барвисту і могутню музику!
, Seaton, Devon, United Kingdom
14-12-2006 16:30 |
An enjoyable performance of music in wide-ranging idioms by a single composer. I knew nothing about Skoryk until I bought this CD, and the sheet music for some of the pieces on it, to try out on the piano myself.
"Melody" is beautiful. The partita includes beautiful melodies, jazz and blues influenced elements, and some moments of twentieth century style dissonance (reminiscent of Prokofiev or Messiaen). The whole fits together very well, under the capable fingers of Roman Repka, and the moments of dissonance are soon resolved.
The Children's pieces are tuneful and a child would enjoy playing them, though they are by no means elementary.
The Burlesque and Toccata are entirely in a twentieth-century style, and are quite demanding to listen to, but enjoyable for those who appreciate such music.
Overall a very good performance of little-known music that is well worth hearing. Those who dislike twentieth century music may prefer to listen to only a selection of tracks.
, New York, USA
23-06-2006 17:13 |
This is a very interesting recording. By combining classical and regional themes with jazz phrasing Skoryk manages to evoke the best aspects of all three.
Whether exploring the complexities of an operatic theme as in the "Paraphrase on the Themes from Puccini's Opera ‘Madam Butterfly’ or swinging through up-tempo celebrations of folk tunes like the selections from "The Children's Album" these pieces are consistently musical and involving.
Skoryk's highly original and engaging compositions, Repka's masterful pianism, and the fine sound quality produced by excellent engineering all combine to make this a CD that rewards repeated listening. Highly recommended!
, Chicago, USA
01-03-2006 17:30 |
"Melody" is best known opus of Skoryk, so if you buy CD just for that one you will have your money well spent. It is like ukrainian ''bolero" - you can listen it over and over again. "Children's album " is very interesting as well.Very simple melodies very contemporary and something new to ear. Totaly agree with Umka that Skoryk's style "characterized by vanguard search and national colouring" And in addition Repka is true piano virtuoso. I highly recommend this CD
, Тернопіль, Україна
08-02-2006 12:13 |
Це надзвичайна музика і дуже приємно, що автором цих шедеврів є наш земляк- уродженець України. А Роман Репка майстерно виконав їх. Я горда за цих людей.
light magic
Domestic: 250.60UAH
International: $17.90USD