Braty Hadyukiny. Ya vernuvsya domiv. Tribute. /digi-pack/. (I Have Come Back Home) | | Track Reviews (5) |
The fact that it is a good album – I believe, it comes to one's mind right after just reading the list of songs. But one is wrong – because everything is much better than good. This CD is full of surprises and true revelations – at least, so it was for me. For example, "Hey, Ivan!" – the song that was not included into any of albums by Braty. It was composed approximately 20 years ago – but today it just strikes with its topicality, poignancy. Or "We Are Guys from Bandershtat" – the performance by Komu Vnyz can completely transform one's perception of this song. I think, were it composed several dozen years ago – it could be sung by soldiers of both the UNR Army, UPA, and now it sounds as a true patriotic anthem... Or "Moonlight of Your Body" – The VYO have managed, by removing the playful wrapper, to gently reveal the surprisingly soft lyrics... And so on – literally every song touches with some nuances, additional meanings recognized due to the new arrangements. It seems that this is really that rare case when ALL the participants worked their best – and thus everything sounds, lives, amazes, pleases, inspires. And proves: Kuzya was a really unordinary author. His songs – they live, I believe, outside the boundaries of time...
Year: 2011
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- Braty Hadyukiny
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..a whole bunch of musicians joined that, including Rock-H, Motor'rolla, Pan Pupets, Sashko Polozhynsky – and in this way a complete cover album of songs from the repertoire of 1992-2015 was formed. It turned out interesting – because the versions often sound quite unexpectedly, and because Pavlik personally contributed into the recording, so all together it is also an album of duets.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Since the share of lyrical songs in the bulk of works by "Skryabin" is gradually but steadily increasing – the attempt to create a sort of a collection of such lyrical songs seems justified. And the collection has worked out well – the disc is just up to its physical rims filled with nice melodies and good lyrics of varying degrees of depth.
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
Well, here is finally the long-expected album by the new "Boombox" – new in the aspect of sounding. The trick is that this is material recorded in a rock manner. For this reason the work has the name "All Inclusive" – because everything is done here with the help of "live" instruments, and in particular – at participation of a real rhythm section.
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
At some party where Kuzma was the anchor, the guys from the band helped him to fill in a pause by improvising a samba based on the theme of "Sleep Alone" – and it appeared good. So good that it resulted in real cooperation – and here you see a full-value album of cover versions for Skryabin's song created by musicians of Smack Band.
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
Unlike condensed milk, this disc does not contain any surpluses of sugar. Rather, vice versa – the guys from Bram Stocker have once again demonstrated clearly who they are. First, they were named a punk-group, though merry. Now, emphasis has shifted a bit, therefore now Bram Stocker is considered though merry, but a punk-group.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
...cocktails by Gogol Bordello become more transparent. Not so much quiet, rather – more considered, balanced internally. It seems to be a carnival of weird masks, behind which the simple idea lurks: no one makes you agree to everyday mediocrity. You can do it – otherwise.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
"Kozak System" offers a bright mixture of modern and folk poetry, powerful rock, ska-punk with insertions of reggae, and everything is kept together by the serious frame of the Ukrainian folk root. In short - you should meet them again.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
This is music with its own identity. And it's not only about interesting arrangements – listen to the lyrics: this is not simulation of rural folklore, this is its urban rethinking, but not limited to the city. Somewhere there, a universal key to the roots reside...
Domestic price: 605.64UAH,
International price: $30.90USD
Perkalaba unexpectedly, without any announcement produced its third album. Well, and it was right to do that – it has been long time already that we've been willing to hear something new from the spheres of absurd folk, and Perkalaba still stays virtually the main Ukrainian guide in the wilderness of these unexplored paths and ladders.
Domestic price: 546.84UAH,
International price: $27.90USD
Yurcash really was not going to disappoint all those whom he managed to surprise so positively. The second album is also a sort of a "hodgepodge" of different, almost incompatible styles and moods, from hardcore to acid chanson. Though, there are now fewer "heavy" music remarks – however, it does not seem to be a severe loss. And the banter in the texts – has become more varied, diversified.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
Actually, today this cocktail contains even more joyful mood and mockery – both at themselves and at everything around. Well, and good moods in combination with rock-n-roll punk and city folklore – yields as a result the wonderful energy drink allowed for consumption at any age.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
...the first album is a convincing evidence of the fact that this group is capable of making experiments deeply and finely through mixing ethno, acid, trance, rock and fly-agaric and at the same time remembering the taste. Still, even the vocal singing deserves your attention, to say nothing about the rest of music...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Perkalaba has managed what seems impossible – to merge folk-ska and psychedelics, not forgetting about banter as well. Both in music and in the lyrics. Movement in this direction took place before, but now it has acquired even brighter, more expressive features. And this, you know, takes you away. If it goes on...
Domestic price: 546.84UAH,
International price: $27.90USD
The group "VV" has recently celebrated the 20th anniversary of their creative life – and have released a new album. The age is respectable not only for a group – even for a person it is already quite a lot. One can – and should – sum up some results and draw conclusions. Actually, the album "There Were the Days" has become this kind of summarizing.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
The overwhelming majority of songs are Ukrainian folk songs known to everybody. But you may never have heard them being performed in such a manner so far. If we mix this cuisine up on hard and forceful guitar reefs, as well as on violent drums, we will get a cocktail that blows up right before our eyes.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
, Червоноград, Украина
11-02-2019 20:47 |
Для фанів Гадів - просто знахідка!!! Супер!!!
, Київ, Україна
29-12-2011 13:02 |
+100 до тих, хто пише про цілісний трибют. Видно, чутно, відчутно, що піпл перейнявся музикою "Гадів" і "вжарив" так як треба.
Муаммар Каддафи
, Триполи, Ливия
07-10-2011 09:19 |
Отличный трибьют. Работа проделана огромная и диск получился очень гармоничным. Хотелось отметить, то что каждый исполнитель представил свое прочтение творчества Братьев Гадюкиных и особенно понравились ВВ, Кому Вниз, Пиккардийська Терцiя, Гайдамаки, ОЕ и ТНМК. Ну и хотелось бы услышать на трибьюте Карпаты и Наркоманов, которых на концерте пел Ляпис Трубецкой.
02-09-2011 14:02 |
Один з найкраших трибютів не тілки серед українських виконавців а й серед західних.
, Горловка, Україна
23-08-2011 17:04 |
Диск слухається на одному диханні - вмикаєш і не помічаєш, як дійшов до останньої пісні. Цікава і приємна для вух робота. Порадували, зокрема, Океани і Mad Heads - ці два колективи давно вже від них не було чути нічого потужного і рокового. Важко було впізнати багатьох виконавців, приміром, ТНМК. Навіть ТІК із своєю "форматною" композицією чудово вписалися. Правда, дещо розчарувала відсутність на триб"юті переспіву моїх любимих "Карпатів"... Їх, чомусь, не переспівали.
Більшість треків альбому , гадаю будуть " крутити " тільки інтернет-радіостанції .
Цікаво , чи всі музиканти , що записались для триб" юту , добре , у повноті , знайомі із творчістю " Гадів " і Сергія Кузьминського ? ? Певно , що ні . Тим не менш , вони - молодці . В них вийшло . Маю надію , що завдяки таким переспівам " Гадів " не забудуть . Навіть більше : інтерес до їхньої творчості буде збуджений у тих , хто раніше не чув цей унікальний гурт . Музика гурту - історія .
Вічна пам" ять Сергію Кузьминському .