It is well known that not each festival, and not each year either, is successful and interesting. But this year it looks as if the pictures were many-coloured. We have a nice chance to see astonishing faces. Frankly speaking, I will be a bit surprised if you sincerely like everything, which is presented at this disc. Not because the disc contains something bad. But if you like everything in it, it will mean that a) you do not listen attentively and you do not care at all, or b) you do not care what to take after a sandwich – refined wine or home-brew – everything may be taken. The point is that the groups and the songs recorded at it are diverse, both from geographical and stylistic points of view. Still, they have one common feature – they cannot be mixed with popcorn. By the way – have you noticed? The lyrics composed by Hryhoriy Chubai are now performed not only by Taras Chubai. In this fact there is the hope for future. Which one? That is the question. At this point a lot of other various questions appear, and it is good. The more questions you have, the more possibilities for answers and the wider space for experiments you have. And we can’t live without a field. The agrarian sector should be supported, cherished and fertilized. Here there are a lot of fertilizers.
Publisher: Atlantic Year: 2005
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Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
...However, they thus somehow fit into the concept of "ethno-rock" – but nevertheless the entire picture comes out very colorful. And – it is nice that within the same style one can hear so diverse, unconventional, brilliant music.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Sashko Polozhynsky, as a modest person, did not print his name on the cover of this album – because he did not perform as a singer in this case (except for, it seems, only one song). But – he is the author of the idea, the producer, the sole jury selecting the songs, etc.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
See yourself what a wide styles palette is offered by the collection: pop-rock, reggae, art-rock, hip-hop, folk-rock, heavy blues, post-rock... Nevertheless, the disc looks integral – there is a certain inner line that truly unites, links such, seemingly, different approaches to creativity.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
...the collection was compiled skillfully – the recording house "Kraina Mriy" is experienced in doing that. As a result, it is really interesting to listen to it: familiar pieces alternate with quite fresh ones, known groups – with those that are now only gaining speed. And two basic features unite all of these songs – good quality and inflammatory energy.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
In Unizh, near the picturesque Dnister canyon the building of format territory "Kuznya" ("Smithy") - a platform for those who want and can implement powerful Ukrainian projects, has already started. The first Kuznya’s large-scale project is the Festival of Ukrainian format Unizh...
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
This one is a really powerful record – the best of the series. And, definitely, one of the best rock albums in general for the last couple of months. Besides, it presents a number of songs that haven’t had any official release yet – that’s exclusive!
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
...there are quite a lot of talented musicians in the alternative, indie-direction here. And among those represented in the collection – there are such that no doubt deserve, at least, European recognition. However, you'd better make sure of that yourself.
Domestic price: 272.44UAH,
International price: $13.90USD
We should admit, the collection has appeared to be great – it is not just pleasant and interesting to listen to. It gives multiple occasions to be proud of that Ukrainian rock music, in spite of the frequently scornful attitude on the part of mass media, still not just lives on – but becomes more and more diversified, deep, strange, high-quality.
Domestic price: 292.04UAH,
International price: $14.90USD
Every year Mazepa Fest becomes more interesting and varied – this is obvious. It is pleasant to observe that in Ukrainian rock music there appear more and more expressive faces that are worth paying attention to.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
, Київ, Україна
25-10-2005 23:09 |
Загалом, для мене це диск однієї пісні, задля якого я його і купував - Файно - "Вечір". Свій стиль, висока якість, та відчуття українського - дуж Файно. Решту композицій можна було чути на багатьох інших збірках і вони особливого ентузіазму чи цікавості у мене не викликають.
, Нью-Йорк, США
15-09-2005 18:02 |
Ох, з великою надієї очікував моменту, коли здеру цератку з FESTивального альбому представленого на цій сторінці і почую щось нове, цікаве, живе. І не було меж мому розчаруванню від почутого та побаченого. Якість самого запису на, буцім-то, оригінальному диску, який за словами видавців „має формувати нове музичне обличчя України” бажає, м’яко кажучи, бути кращою. Такі мізери, як неякісне мікшування між піснями – до уваги не беремо. Що дивує найбільше: заявлено – „Маzепа-Фест”. Якщо Фест - то значить жива музика? Так думав і я, але не сталося, як бажалося. Всі записи студійні, на студіях різних та різної якості студіях. Від цього валиться сама концепція Фесту. Ніякий це не Фест, дорогі друзі, а наскоро та неякісно скльопаний збірник пісень, що припали до душі невідомому автору підбірки та, очевидно, організатору фестивалю. Можна ще багато чого сказати, але головного, відповіді, на численні знаки запитання, які виникають після прослуховування диску, так і не буде. Невже за такої „крутої” помаранчевої підтримки, не можна було зробити щось солідніше… бодай, подати адресу фестивалю та організаторів у інтернерті? То ж потім не дивуймося, коли в черговий раз нас назвуть дурними селюками.
І як останній удар по кришці труни – „крик душі” Метра, Тараса Гарінальдовича.