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Antin Mukharsky. Zhlobolohiya. Catalogue Almanac. (deluxe edition).

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"Zhlobolohiya" is not just a unique publication that contains all information about the art project, long interviews with prominent Ukrainian culture researchers, art historians, writers, artists, and public figures. This is a very interesting creative experiment. This is a book that has nerves, it is a surprise gift for those looking for candid thoughts and new emotions. Nothing like that has been created by the Ukrainian intellectual community so far!" Inna Kornelyuk, journalist, co-author, and editor of the book

"Good glossy paper has been used for the catalogue, its size is much larger than standard books and, in contrast to the black and white illustrations of "Zhlobolohiya" book, the catalogue now contains color drawings by the Free Artists Union. It is the vivid multilingual pictures by these artists in fine quality that help the reader understand the theme of the project and what the texts say, they highlight the content making it clear, evident – and they better develop, deepen, and add detail to the author's point of view regarding the characteristic phenomenon of our today's reality." (from materials of the press release)
In Ukrainian.
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 240x296 mm
Number of pages: 285, illustrated
Publisher: Nash Format, Kyiv

- Mystets‘ko-kul‘turolohichnyy proekt "Zhlob. Zhlobstvo. Zhlobizm" (peredmova Antina Mukharskoho)

- Zhlobstvo, azh do vtraty svidomosti (peredmova Inny Kornelyuk)

ZhLOB. ZhLOBSTVO. ZhLOBIZM. (Interv’ju. Rozdumy. Shljakhy podolannja):

- Yuriy Andrukhovych: Zhloby z televizora (...etc.)

- Volodymyr Bebeshko: Zhlob – rohul‘ – bratan (...etc.)

- Serhiy Vasyljev: Fenomen zhloba (...etc.)

- Yuriy Vynnychuk: Universal‘nyy fenomen zhlobstva (...etc.)

- Gustav Vodichka: Tsar zhlobstva (...etc.)

- Stas Voliazlovsky: Pro dytjache spryynjattja zhlobstva (...etc.)

- Dmytro Horbachov: Istorija velykoho zlochynu (...etc.)

- Eduard Dymshyts: Mystetstvo i zhloby (...etc.)

- Oles‘ Doniy: Zhlobstvo jak dzerkalo (...etc.)

- Volodymyr Yeshkilev: Normal‘ni ljudy radjans‘kykh chasiv (...etc.)

- Serhiy Zhadan: Normal‘ni khloptsi (...etc.)

- Bohdan Zholdak: Chomu hlobalizm = zhlobalizm (...etc.)

- Oleksiy Zalevsky: Zhlobs‘ka moda 80-kh (...etc.)

- Izdryk: Zhlob (...etc.)

- Yevhen Karas‘: Zhlobstvo jak brend i natsional‘na ideja Ukrajiny (...etc.)

- Vladyslav Kyrychenko: Zhloby VS Kuznja (...etc.)

- Oleksandra Koval‘: Jikh bahato, i vony skriz‘ (...etc.)

- Orest Lyuty: Pro ljudey-zhlobotvaryn (...etc.)

- Ivan Malkovych: Pro pupets‘ zemli (...etc.)

- Oleksa Mann: Zhlobstvo jak relihija (...etc.)

- Viktor Marushchenko: Zhlob i chort (...etc.)

- Les Podervyansky: Khto taki zhloby (...etc.)

- Oleh Pokalchuk: Zhloby i zabuzhany (...etc.)

- Vlada Ralko: Pro henealohiju zhlobstva (...etc.)

- Arsen Savadov: Ljudyna-pustka (...etc.)

- Ivan Semesiuk: Filosofija vs etolohija (...etc.)

- Oleh Sydor-Hibelynda: Tovarysh-cheburek (...etc.)

- Kuzma Skryabin: Uniforma populjatsiji (...etc.)

- Oleksandr Solovyov: Kapital, kryminal i zhlob (...etc.)

- Anton Solomukha: Fenomen ukrajins‘koho zhlobstva jak riznovyd pornohrafiji (...etc.)

- Oleksiy Tytarenko: Pro zhlobstvo jak katehoriju z leksykonu snobiv (...etc.)

- Vasyl‘ Tsaholov: Zhlob mental‘nyy (...etc.)

ZhLOB. ZhLOBSTVO. ZhLOBIZM. (khronika odnoho mystets‘koho proektu:

- Oda nevidomomu chynovnyku

- Pochatok proektu

- Zhlob-art

- "Zhlob. Zhlobstvo. Zhlobizm"

- Persha ledi: "Chomu vy tak ne ljubyte Ukrajinu?"

- Jevropa na kolinakh, Rosija stojit‘ u cherzi

- Apofeoz zhlobizmu

- Final‘nyy akord

- Podjaka

- Vystavky (foto)

- Prezentatsija (foto)

Publisher: Nash Format
Catalogue number: ISBN 9789661568821
Year: 2013

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Antin Mukharsky

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