Kuzma Skryabin
Kuzma Skryabin — Ukrainian singer, leader of the Skryabin group. Real name — Andriy Kuzmenko. photo from: http://tabloid.pravda.com.ua/person/471dff68e75d1/
This book is the literary debut of the known Ukrainian singer Andriy Kuzmenko (Kuzma), the leader of the group Skryabin. Two stories are included into the collection. The first one – "Me, "Pobeda" and Berlin" – is full of bright sense of humor, merry moods and, probably, will make even very serious readers laugh. The second story – "City Where Money Does Not Circulate" – is of quite a different genre.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
Audio cassette/ ..This is, without exaggeration, a legendary album. And it was not even about the list of the project's authors.. The album was first released in 2000 – and it was perhaps the first collection of insurgents' songs in modern arrangements in Ukraine. And it still, in my opinion, remains the best one.
Domestic price: 292.04UAH,
International price: $14.90USD