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LBB. Lemko Bluegrass Band. /digi-pack/.
Carpathian bluegrass
Domestic: 250.60UAH
International: $17.90USD
Komu Vnyz. 4: Shevchenko. (EP). /digi-pack/.
Komu Vnyz. Shevchenko. (EP) (special offer)
Domestic: 404.60UAH
International: $28.90USD
Artists :   A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [0-9]
Albums:   A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [0-9]

Ihor Borko. Z holosu zemli mojeji. (From the Voice of My Land)

The thing, which is really important, and you will really hear it, is his voice. Sincere, Tender, flexible, tender, really lyrical – you can’t but notice it, and of course, you can’t turn a deaf ear to it.
Domestic price: 278.60UAH, International price: $19.90USD

Brem Stoker. Zbyrane. (Condensed)

Unlike condensed milk, this disc does not contain any surpluses of sugar. Rather, vice versa – the guys from Bram Stocker have once again demonstrated clearly who they are. First, they were named a punk-group, though merry. Now, emphasis has shifted a bit, therefore now Bram Stocker is considered though merry, but a punk-group.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Olexander Bystrushkin. Zhovti psy Karpat. /mini-pack/. (Yellow dogs of the Carpathians)

Like Bystrushkin's previous albums, this record is also a melodic recitation. Slow, thoughtful – as a way to pay tribute, as a way to listen more carefully.
Domestic price: 152.60UAH, International price: $10.90USD

"Drevo" group, Hurtopravtsi, "Volodar" group, "Otava" group, "Dyke pole" group. Zberimosja, rode... /v.2/. (Let's gather the family)

These voices and melodies possess a real magic, which has no bounds either in time or in space.
Domestic price: 306.60UAH, International price: $21.90USD

Flyza. Zasmaha na sertse. (Tan on the Heart)

The new work sounds more weighted, carefully thought through, expressed. It sounds as though the smile is still for all the 32 teeth, but some knowledge that adds a faint note of sadness to laughter has started shining in the eye... Well, we'll see. Not everyone manages, having accumulated knowledge and wisdom, to look at the world with optimism – but Flyzzza still does have such chances.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Ivan Franko. Zakhar Berkut. Ukradene schastya. (mp3).

Franko created from the firm word and the fiery character habitation for the human spirit. And he built not one house but whole cities. There is everything in them, everybody has found their place there. The sacred and the dirty, both money and love, and bright memory, and pure knowledge – of the truth.
Domestic price: 180.60UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Borys Hmyrya. Za myr na Zemli. (For the Peace on Earth)

The military theme is a special page in life and work of Borys Hmyrya, taking into account his forced stay in the territory of Ukraine occupied by fascists (1941-1944)... Only a crystal clear person could perform pieces by soviet composers on military topics in that way.
Domestic price: 208.60UAH, International price: $14.90USD

Mykola Hnatyuk. Znov. (Again).

He got his first real popularity approximately 30 years ago. And it was huge – as it was measured by the scale of the Soviet Union. Then there was the victory at the festival in Sopot – and here in those times this was considered a sort of a peak of a variety art career.
Domestic price: 152.60UAH, International price: $10.90USD

Viktor Horobets. Zirky ta tereny Kozatskoi revolyutsii. The history of victories and defeats. /premium/. (Stars and Thorns of the Cossack Revolution)

A detailed and impartial analysis of the Cossack Revolution, reproduction of glorious military victories, campaigns for Lublin and Warsaw, a detailed description of heavy defeats, diplomatic victories and failures in negotiations with Warsaw, Bakhchisarai, Istanbul, Moscow, and Stockholm...
Domestic price: 600.60UAH, International price: $42.90USD

Olga Hura. Zhinka epohy Vidrodzhennya. (The Renaissance Epoch Woman)

"The Renaissance Epoch Woman" is the first author songs album by the singer that includes 12 versatile tracks (from the "New Age" style to the classics and ethnics), permeated with the idea of cultural renaissance, harmony, and spirituality.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Lina Kostenko. Zapysky ukrains'koho samashedshoho. (Notes by the Ukrainian Lunatic)

This is the first new book by Lina Kostenko during the recent 20 years of silence and her first prose novel. The novel is written in the person of a 35-year old computer programmer, who against the background of his personal drama captiously, deeply and painfully scans all dislocations of our globalized time.
Domestic price: 264.60UAH, International price: $18.90USD

Ivan Kozlovsky. Zasvystaly kozachenky. Ukrainian folk songs. P.1.

And you will not notice as you get transferred in another dimension, another way of reality perception. Let alone the very voice of Ivan Kozlovs'ky, this wonderful instrument. Open, gentle, transparent...
Domestic price: 348.60UAH, International price: $24.90USD

Krapka. Zhyvyj. (Alive)

The debut album by Krapka sounds very rich, vibrant, inventive – convincing. The three keys are used: hip-hop – in relation to the lyrics, rock, and ethics (and not only Ukrainian) – in relation to the music. And even the term "world music" will not say it all – although it is quite close to the point.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Liapis Trubetskoy. Zolotye jajcy. (Golden eggs)

Their music is the mixture of everything that gets into your hands and is reinforced by a powerful and skilful spiritual section. You can find practically everything here, starting with grunge and ending with raggy, and all that is fully stuffed with Byelorussian outlook and sense of humour...
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Volodymyr Luciw. Z Ukrajinoju v sertsi. (With Ukraine in heart)

For Ukrainians, it is already the highest time to get rid of the inferiority complex. Only those nations that do not yield their authenticity and culture will manage to withstand and preserve their historical prospect in the contemporary cruel, dynamic, technological and changeable world...
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Khrystyna Lukaschuk. Zhyty syohodni. (Living Today)

How often do all of us postpone our life for later – somehow, someday we will definitely be happy... But fate may judge otherwise. Living today. Why does this question so often arise only at the threshold of death?
Domestic price: 194.60UAH, International price: $13.90USD

Tanya Malyarchuk. Zabuttya. (Oblivion)

What is time if not a whale that swallows everything. How many lives of outstanding Ukrainian turned into that swallowed plankton. It is impossible to snatch them from the oblivion, unless someone living feels the urgent need to remember. In this novel, the renowned forgotten one is Vyacheslav Lypynsky, Ukrainian historian of Polish origin, philosopher and unlucky politician..
Domestic price: 264.60UAH, International price: $18.90USD

Monatik. Zvychyt. /digi-pack/. (It Sounds)

Today he is – one of the most fashionable and demanded pop artists of the Ukrainian dancing-focused scene. Monatik's second album, which includes lots of soul intonations and light ethnic decorations, is an illustration of his ability and willingness to search for..
Domestic price: 208.60UAH, International price: $14.90USD

Kostyantyn Moskalets. Zirka na imja Maria. Selected prose. (The Star Named Maria)

The book including prose works and the Tea Rose Cell Diary is primarily about the self and the specific authenticity that it is so easy to lose in the modern world. This is intellectual and very personal writing that prompts a different way of sensing the world..
Domestic price: 278.60UAH, International price: $19.90USD

Antin Mukharsky. Zlokohoochy Man.

Actually, once such songs were characteristic of only one country in the world – but since then the Earth has become considerably more rounded. Consequently, maybe, there is nothing strange in that we observe appearance of sheer Ukrainian songs in the country style. In the end, we have appropriate landscape...
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Stefan Nederytsa. Znayka and Wild Animals. Imagination. "Intelligent Child" Series.

What is creativity? If you define it in the simplest way – it is a free flight of imagination, acute intuition, which may transform into inventions and discoveries. There is no doubt that children's fantasies, which adults consider far from the real life, are actually seeds of creativity.
Domestic price: 152.60UAH, International price: $10.90USD

Stefan Nederytsa. Znayka in the Village. Memory. "Intelligent Child" Series.

"I remember how impressed I was with a local shepherd’s playing a homemade sopilka. Melodies poured from it like a horn of plenty... I had no less satisfaction from listening to sounds of the Nature around. Rain, chirr of grasshoppers, birds’ singing, voices of domestic animals fascinated my ear every second..."
Domestic price: 152.60UAH, International price: $10.90USD

Stefan Nederytsa. Znayka and Birds. Intellect. "Intelligent Child" Series.

Such things as thinking, imagination, creativity, feelings develop after the age of three, but they utilize the base formed before reaching this age. The effect on an infant’s brain of high-frequency vibration is the most effective way of forming his/her brain and thus – his/her talents (intellect).
Domestic price: 152.60UAH, International price: $10.90USD

Halyna Pahutyak. Zhorstokist isnuvannya. A book of essays. (The Cruelty of Existence)

In this book, Halyna Pahutyak, being a thoughtful essay writer/philosopher, makes an accurate diagnosis for development of the modern society and, while deeply reflecting on the most pressing topics of today, she seeks ways to rescue the human from total cruelty and indifference.
Domestic price: 348.60UAH, International price: $24.90USD

Dmytro Pavlychko. Zolotorohy Olen. (The Golden Horn Deer)

The great tale by Dmytro Pavlychko about true friendship of a boy and a deer – as a new version, which the author prepared specifically for our publication. In my opinion, "The Golden Horn Deer" is the best modern fairy-tale poem for children. - Ivan Malkovych -
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Martin Pollack. Zhinka bez hrobivtsya. Rozpovid pro moju titku. (The Woman Without a Tomb. A story about my aunt)

Martin Pollack never heard his grandfather mention his sister Paulina. At the same time, she was the only one of the large family to die tragically after World War II: it was Paulina who died in a concentration camp, while her brothers, who supported Nazism, continued to work as lawyers even after the war..
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Olexander Ponomariov. Z ranku do nochi. (From Morning Till Night)

Did you pay attention that on each of his albums, Olexander Ponomarev acts as not only the performer, but also the author of, at least, music, and sometimes of lyrics as well? This disk is not an exception, and his own songs have become its notable decoration. Time has proved that – they have become real hits.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Angelika Rudnytska. Znajdy mene. (Find Me)

...all songs are united by one general feature, by one quality. The case in point is a light tenderness of all melodies. Moreover, the album is recorded, so to say, in a non-national style – so, it should be taken in different countries equally well.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Vasyl Shklyar. Zalyshenets‘ /Chorny Voron. (Outcast/ Black Raven)

They were called bandits, gangsters, thugs and even in curses and anathemas they forbade to mention their names. In order to kill in the memory of the subdued masses the idea for which the rebels sacrificed their young lives. On their battle black flag there was the inscription "Freedom of Ukraine or Death"...
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

SHyZO. Zroby tse... (Do It...)

The guys from the Chernigiv group ShyZO define their own music as sweet rock. At least, it refers to the debut album, which you now see in front of you – the musicians quite consciously decided to sweeten it, so that the way to the audience did not become too difficult and thorny. The position is, certainly, clear, thank you for warning – but let us disagree.
Domestic price: 222.60UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Oleh Skrypka. Zhorzhyna. Bohdan Vesolovsky songs. /digi-pack/. (Dahlia)

"I consider that the "retro" style, in which the album "Dahlia" is performed, is elegant – Oleh Skrypka says. – Moreover, jazz, tango, foxtrot, swing are generally considered European and overseas genres, and with this project I want to demonstrate that our country as well has its own rich, unique and high quality music history."
Domestic price: 348.60UAH, International price: $24.90USD

Tanok Na Maydani Kongo. Zabuv. Maxi-Single.

The first single of the future "Syla" ("The Force") album.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Tartak. Zaklipani pisni, abo Bachyly ochi scho kupuvaly. (Clipped Songs, or the Eyes Saw What They Bought)

"Tartak" is now, presumably, one of the most energetic Ukrainian projects – in the both senses. Both in musical one, because this semi-crazy fest of motion and rhythm started a few years ago and lasts until now, not losing its intensity. And – in the sense of recording.
Domestic price: 222.60UAH, International price: $15.90USD

TyshaKids. Zhyva vinila. (Live Vinyl)

..the album is not homogeneous, it has both sadness and joy, and lightness, and twilight, and seriousness, as different expressions of the same – and beautiful – face. While there is no – fear, although words about fear still can be heard from time to time. However, everybody trying to follow his/her path honestly unavoidably reflects on that – and slender honesty can be felt in every song of the album.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

The VYO. Zeleny. /digi-pack/. (Green)

With this music – there are all the chances to swim to the summer almost unnoticeably, without straining where this is not needed. Ukrainian reggae with a mischievous smile and a hardened core. Just put on repeat – so much so that your hand reaches out for that – and you should not interfere with it.
Domestic price: 306.60UAH, International price: $21.90USD

Bernard Werber. Zavtra budut koty. (Tomorrow There Will Be Cats)

People and cats – under the same sky. Social cataclysms, wars, and epidemics have a detrimental effect on everything alive. Who will rescue the life on the planet? Maybe, this is cats' mission? The book presents reflections on eternal values, about life and death, love and hatred, religion and science, being responsible for those who are near, for those who were tamed... for cats.
Domestic price: 334.60UAH, International price: $23.90USD

Bernard Werber. Zoryany metelyk. (The Star Butterfly)

Overcrowding of the planet and other hazards make people build an interplanetary spaceship and go into space in search of a better place to live. And it would have been fine had the saviors of humanity taken the following into account: humans remain humans, and they took on the journey not only their virtues, but also their vices..
Domestic price: 334.60UAH, International price: $23.90USD

Zack and Miri make a porno. (DVD).

Lifelong friends and roommates Zack and Miri are facing hard times and a mountain of debt. When the electricity and plumbing get cut off, they seize upon the idea of making a homegrown porno movie for some quick cash, enlisting the help of their friends. The two vow that having sex will not ruin their friendship...
Domestic price: 152.60UAH 102.20UAH
International price: $10.90USD $7.30USD

Alla Zagaykevych, CAT. Zymovy sat. /digi-pack/. (Winter CArTen)

This world is separated from others with only a thin veil – the veil of our perceptions. And such albums as "Zymovy sat" – they make this veil visible, tangible. Re-present it. Thus, they make it possible to move it apart...
Domestic price: 348.60UAH, International price: $24.90USD

Zakarpats'kyj sektor. 42 tracks in mp3 format. we have something resembling hip-hop, wedding music, kolomyikas with their banter, chanson, punk – a very strange mix. But interesting. It tries to surprise – and, frankly speaking, it succeeds in it.
Domestic price: 194.60UAH, International price: $13.90USD

Igor Zakus, Z-Band. Zakus Was Here live.

Season 2007 was opened and closed with performances by, actually, Igor Zakus with Z-Band – and the both concerts have now become constituent parts of this series. At closing of the season, an absolutely new program sounded – "Kolomyiky". Well, and the program "Zakus Was Here" sounded during the opening, and it is it that you are going to hear here.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Igor Zakus. Zakus Was Here.

Listen how soft but bright the instrument sounds in his hands, how much of his sincere heart is given to it – you can hardly mix this handwriting with anything else. I am sure – even if only the bass by Igor Zakus sounded on the disc, it would be a rich, varied jazz album...
Domestic price: 502.60UAH, International price: $35.90USD

Zamky Ukrajiny. (Ukrainian Castles)

Multimedia encyclopaedia. In Ukrainian only.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Zaporozhets‘ za Dunajem. Feature comic music film. Based on the same-name opera by S. Hulak-Artemovsky. (DVD). (Zaporozhian Behind the Danube)

Zaporozhian Cossacks captivated by Turks dream to break free. Gossips about that reach the sultan. He disguises and penetrates unnoticed into the settlement of Cossacks, where he meets Ivan Karas. The sultan invites Ivan to the palace. The clever Karas, though quite drunk, looks closely and notices everything. And when time comes, due to his attentiveness and smartness Cossacks break free.
Domestic price: 278.60UAH, International price: $19.90USD

Zaproshennya na Tsyteru. Fictionalized Biographies /Domontovych, Kosach, Shevchuk/. (Invitation to Kythera)

Fictional biographies of artists of different eras collected in this book make it possible to sense the personal dimension of culture, to think about the price of the dramatic choice between the old and new faith, between the Ukrainian and imperial art.
Domestic price: 362.60UAH, International price: $25.90USD

Zenon Tarnavsky. Doroha na Vysoky Zamok. (The Road to the High Castle)

Zenon Tarnavsky.. along with his inseparable friend, writer Bohdan Nyzhankivsky – created the fascinating myth about the Lviv of the 1930's and 1940's. The publication is based on Tarnavsky's book "The Road to the High Castle" and his works on the over-arching themes of Lviv, the theater, and the liberation struggle. The annex contains the writer's first publications.
Domestic price: 278.60UAH, International price: $19.90USD

Serhiy Zhadan. Zhyttia Mariyi. (The Life of Maria)

Zhadan talks – about the dearest letters and burnt bridges, lost spots and destroyed cities. In the rhymed verse and in the free verse, with his own words and translated ones. He talks to his guys and to aliens, to saints and those not very saint – and, sure, to us. In order to rescue – if not us, then at least our children.
Domestic price: 236.60UAH, International price: $16.90USD

Iryna Zinkovska. Zvuky. /digi-pack/. (Sounds)

It is a dramatically different sounding of her talent, more extensive disclosure of her as a singer and a creative person. Iryna Zinkovska has a melodic, beautiful alto with deep sounding at low textures. In the vocal – the sound is balanced, measured, diligent, washed to shine, put on high heels and turned to face the sunset.
Domestic price: 208.60UAH, International price: $14.90USD

Znaj Nashe! (Know the Ours!)

This collection represents the most popular Ukrainian songs of the recent weeks as defined by the hit parade "Know the Ours!". It is thus important to note that it is the only national hit parade that consists exclusively of songs by Ukrainian performers.
Domestic price: 152.60UAH, International price: $10.90USD

Z Novym ROCKom! Jam FM. (Happy ROCK Year!)

We should admit, the collection has appeared to be great – it is not just pleasant and interesting to listen to. It gives multiple occasions to be proud of that Ukrainian rock music, in spite of the frequently scornful attitude on the part of mass media, still not just lives on – but becomes more and more diversified, deep, strange, high-quality.
Domestic price: 208.60UAH, International price: $14.90USD

Zoya Kazanzhi. Schos take yak lyubov. (Something Like Love)

The word most often used in the stories is "life", and this is understandable. After all, life, they say, is like a long field: one cannot cross it without pricking one's feet. Therefore, the author picks up the life stories where every character experiences unavoidable wounds, however, they also discover the way of healing them. With love.
Domestic price: 208.60UAH, International price: $14.90USD

Zvonko Karanovic. Try kartyny peremohy. (Three Pictures of the Victory)

Events of the novel take place in Serbia in 1999, during the NATO bombing and after. The total mobilization did not spare George Uzelts – Jole, an extravagant city guy, a capricious and superficial member of the self-proclaimed urban elite. He returns from the war devoid of all illusions..
Domestic price: 222.60UAH, International price: $15.90USD

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7 june 2024
UMKA plans to take a break
22 february 2022
The "Return Alive" Foundation
Svyatoslav Vakarchuk. Oranzhereya. /digi-pack/. (The Orangery)
Vakarchuk. The Orangery: a place of rest
Domestic: 306.60UAH
International: $21.90USD
Tonya Matvienko. Smiyutsia, plachut solovyi. (studio live). /digi-pack/. (Nightingales Laugh and Cry)
Tonya Matvienko. Studio LIVE
Domestic: 306.60UAH
International: $21.90USD
Slavenka Drakulic. Niby mene nema(ye). (As If I Am Not There)
As If I Am Not There
Domestic: 236.60UAH
International: $16.90USD
Serhiy Zhadan. Psalom aviatsiji. (The Psalm of Aviation)
Zhadan. The Psalm of Aviation
Domestic: 320.60UAH
International: $22.90USD