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LBB. Lemko Bluegrass Band. /digi-pack/.
Carpathian bluegrass
Domestic: 250.60UAH
International: $17.90USD
Komu Vnyz. 4: Shevchenko. (EP). /digi-pack/.
Komu Vnyz. Shevchenko. (EP) (special offer)
Domestic: 404.60UAH
International: $28.90USD
Artists :   A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [0-9]
Albums:   A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [0-9]

Dmitry "Bobeen" Alexandrov, Jazz Atmosphere. Time After Break.

On the one hand, there seems no be nothing superfluous – even Aleksandrov, oddly enough, has not added too much pepper, even though he knows how to do it at the level of "excellent". And on the other – the organism works so smoothly, without failures, that the entire album literary flies at one breath...
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Taras Antypovych. Tilo i dolya. (Body and Fate)

This is a book about the complex relationships between a person and his/her own body, as well as about the paths along which the body carries the soul. Several "unrealistic" stories, which, however, are able to blow up our reality.
Domestic price: 194.60UAH, International price: $13.90USD

Ivo Bobul. Topolyna Liubov.

Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Boombox. Terminal B. /digi-pack/.

Something is changing inside. The feeling is as if Andriy Khlyvnyuk submerges much deeper now, and peers much closer, and than suddenly opens up and appears probably even defenceless, vulnerable – and because of that, however strange that may be, stronger. Even if it is painful. And this movement is there.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Boombox. Trymay. (EP). (Hold)

Boombox is one of those groups, which have their own appearance from the very beginning. Therefore, they spend their time not to create some unique style, but to find new colours. And every time these colours get more and more intense – the proof is in front of your eyes.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Cherkasy Jazz Quintet. The Best Of. /digi-pack/.

The focus of Cherkasy JQ from the beginning and till now has been hard-bop, the music of the 1950-60's. Well, and this collection, in fact, allows, albeit brief and selective, an overview of almost the entire path of the project – here you will find tracks from each of the previous seven albums.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Volodymyr Danylenko. Tini v majetku Tarnovskykh. (Shadows of the Tarnovsky's Estate)

The book by the famous Ukrainian prose writer includes the works in which he explores relationships between a man and a woman in the modern world, with their keen sense of selfishness, loneliness, and deficit of love...
Domestic price: 222.60UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Lyubko Deresh. Trokhy pitmy. (A Bit of Darkness)

The new edition!  "This book is about the darkness inside. Releasing it out, I release space for light inside me..." Lyubko Deresh
Domestic price: 208.60UAH, International price: $14.90USD

Dzidzio. The super-popular album HaHaHa.

..the sound of Dzidzio, to some extent, can be seen as witty banter with reference to the early Skryabin – but, since it's music with a smile, do not look for the neoromantic haze here. Rather, it resembles ironic exercises by Braty Hadyukiny. And if you look a little bit closer, songs by Dzidzio resemble kolomyika...
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Er.J.Orchestra. The Unicorn. (remastered). /digi-pack/.

This is the third album in the official discography of Er.J.Orchestra. And I really hope that it will be not a stop, not completion of the trilogy, but one of the many pearls on the thread. Such music simply must be incarnated, sound, fill the space – at least because honest beauty, dignity, authenticity live in it...
Domestic price: 348.60UAH, International price: $24.90USD

Er.J.Orchestra. The Unicorn Live. (2CD).

...each of them separately does not really have almost anything too sophisticated, to say nothing about the superfluous – but these transparent lines interlace so pointedly and charmingly, that an indescribably rich matter of light appears. In the case of Er.J.Orchestra, it is not only about concert improvisations – the issue is discovery and creation of old-new worlds, no less.
Domestic price: 348.60UAH, International price: $24.90USD

Fiolet. True Love. /mini-pack/.

What has changed since the release of this album? It immediately strikes that the sound of Fiolet has become noticeably heavier – and this, along with the rather significant insertions of electronics, creates a slightly different background for perception of the lyrics. Not that it is more aggressive, but there is a nuance..
Domestic price: 208.60UAH, International price: $14.90USD

Gaytana. Taynye zhelanyja.

Domestic price: 166.60UAH, International price: $11.90USD

The Hardkiss. The Best. /digi-pack/.

So, The Hardkiss have celebrated their first anniversary with a release of not only the fourth studio album, but also the first collection of the best songs. And the collection turns out to be representative, but there is something else that matters..
Domestic price: 278.60UAH, International price: $19.90USD

Valeriy Haydabura. Teatr, rozviyany po stepu. (The Theatre Scattered In the Steppe)

This time Valery Haydabura is the first one in the national theater studies to address the task of generalizing the years of practice of the post-war theater of the Ukrainian Diaspora and its interpretation as an integral part of the comprehensive history of the twentieth century national art.
Domestic price: 320.60UAH, International price: $22.90USD

Mykola Hohol. Taras Bulba. /premium edition/.

..100 years ago, Mykola Sadovsky translated the second edition of this novel, which we present with a few minor but extremely important and indicative inserts from the first edition. Illustrated by brilliant Ukrainian graphic artist Vladyslav Yerko.
Domestic price: 334.60UAH, International price: $23.90USD

Hud:mov. Trampliny.

As for me, this work of art is marked by lightness, at that this lightness is more pleasant than vain. You see, there are thoughts present here, and they are different, but they are not put on a pedestal, on the contrary, they fly simply and easily somewhere near your head.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Ruslana Kalyna. Tobi... (For you...), she somehow combines elements of variety art, opera, folk and chamber singing. In various proportions, but on the whole – both interestingly and quite unexpectedly. At first sight, maybe, you will not say which there is more of – however, it only makes the process of acquaintance more thrilling.
Domestic price: 180.60UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Kazaky. The Hills Chronicles. /digi-pack/.

"Kazaky" have preferred the English language and not the pop but rather the club style. Perhaps, their successful collaboration with Madonna played a role in this (shooting in the clip for the song "Girl Gone Wild") – anyway, "the guys on high heels" are clearly aimed at the "fashionable" audience...
Domestic price: 278.60UAH, International price: $19.90USD

Andrey Kiritchenko, Saralunden. There was no end. (EP).

Just an ideal balance between affability to the listener and self-absorbed contemplation. Conditionally, a sort of semi-acoustic, minimalist trip-hop. But far not any trip-hop would afford so much fresh, transparent air in sounding as here.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Krobak. The Diary of the Missed One.

At some instant this sort of music simply divides the dense mass of the audience into a sum of separate selves – in order to reunite them later, but already at another level. Then this is no longer a crowd, then these are people... It is possible to say otherwise. In this music, beauty is dissolved – which you listen and hear staying alone with yourself, even if there is someone else around...
Domestic price: 390.60UAH, International price: $27.90USD

Halyna Kyrpa. Trynadsyaty misyats u rotsi. (The Thirteenth Month of the Year)

Katrusya tries to understand the world of adults, to comprehend death, friendship and lies, to hear everything live and inanimate around. These stories picture the special and moving world of childhood, where children and adults meet on equal terms.
Domestic price: 194.60UAH, International price: $13.90USD

Raisa Kyrychenko. The Best of...

...her voice leaves too many people non indifferent. It has been like that, and it is like that now.
Domestic price: 222.60UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Luk. Tourist Zone.

Eccentricities, sure, differ. This one is entirely positive. Though, sometimes there is a temporary confidence that "Luk" creates music that stays somewhat aloof from our reality. But it does not prevent it from smiling – and our reality starts smiling back...
Domestic price: 320.60UAH, International price: $22.90USD

Andriy Lyubka. Tviy pohlyad, Chio-Chio-san. (Your Glance, Cio-Cio-san)

"This is a psychological thriller with elements of erotica and opera arias, where the actions unfold in Poland, Ukraine, and Romania. A detective story with an impressive finale, the aftertaste of which one wants to stretch for a long time. ...This novel reveals the new author for us – mature, skilled, sophisticated." Svyatoslav Pomerantsev
Domestic price: 278.60UAH, International price: $19.90USD

Marenych Trio. Try topoli. /digi-pack/. (Three Poplars)

"Three Poplars" is the first CD by Marenych Trio. The greatest treasure of Ukrainians are songs, they reflect the soul of the nation. And the Marenych family, as no one else, have managed to successfully interpret the finest examples of folk and author songs – and to retain at that the pristine beauty of the melodie...
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Marenych Trio. Try Topoli. (Three Poplars)

Domestic price: 460.60UAH, International price: $32.90USD

Laura Marti, Kristina Marti. Try to feel. (feat. HP Salentin). /digi-pack/.

It is a living flow that erodes and connects the banks – the universal language that remembers all dialects, but does not preserve them, gives them space for movement and development. Actually, this is what the entire album is about: the form is changeable, try and feel what does not depend on it – and therefore has the power to change it. And may the power be good.
Domestic price: 348.60UAH, International price: $24.90USD

Ensemble "Medobory". Try dorohy., one can hear remarkable, very beautiful Ukrainian romances – this is, however surprising, quite a rare genre. Still, the contents of the album does not go down to romances only – for, as we already mentioned, the ensemble feels easy in various genres.
Domestic price: 222.60UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Mekhanichny Apel'syn. Tsyrk kvitiv. (The Circus of Flowers)

...their second album "The Circus of Flowers" sounds much more balanced and serious, and in many other ways different. Stylistically, it is still based on blues-rock, and even with little insertions of reggae, ska, etc, this is the same band. The Mechanical Orange remains itself.
Domestic price: 222.60UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Victor Morozov, Batiar-band "Halychyna". Til'ku vi L'vovi. L'vivs'ki batjars'ki pisni. (Only in Lviv)

This disc creates its own specific atmosphere, tender and impudent at the same time, it smells the streets, along which maidens defile dressed in clothes you can not see in our time. You know, this is a very pleasant feeling – the feeling of presence which appears while listening to this disc.
Domestic price: 348.60UAH, International price: $24.90USD

NAOFI. Tantsjuval‘ni melodiji. (Dance Melodies)

This disc represents music by Ukrainian composers that created their pieces based on folklore dance music materials of the region where they lived. Thus, the disc has appeared varied both in music and in genres. Moreover, apart from that this music can be used as dance staging applied material, it has great aesthetic, artistic value.
Domestic price: 382.20UAH, International price: $27.30USD

Stefan Nederytsa. The Soul of a Woman. "The Book of the Living" Series.

"Why do I dedicate this CD to the Woman, Mother, Nature? The answer is very simple. You, dear Women, you are subtle beings, so you very sensitively responded to the project. And now guess which main criteria I was guided by when I worked on creation of this disc? Right! This Music must, above all, be BEAUTIFUL..."
Domestic price: 152.60UAH, International price: $10.90USD

Stefan Nederytsa. Two Hearts. Music for Those In Love.

...Its purpose is light joy, elated mood, and inner ease. It's simple: a person who feels light and happy in his soul is able to share the joy with his/her relatives, and with the entire world in general. That's what we wish to you.
Domestic price: 152.60UAH, International price: $10.90USD

NeDilya. Trohy teplyh sliv. (Some warm words)

A music of NeDilya group has very kind, light and positive mood. It is not of any particular style but it has well-defined direction – from heart to heart.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

NIK_TO. The Flora.

What color will it be – salty, as the sea, green, as life, or boundless, as the sky? We’ll see... Anyway, this album has free internal horizons – thus, one cannot grasp, embrace everything at the first try...
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

NIK_TO. The Treeson.

I hope that your walk in this world will not pass without any trace for you. Chimerical worlds – mirrors, and in them we see only our own eyes. And mostly – closed. In this album, there are a lot of mirrors, and all of them look right at you. It is the true testimony that music is talented, and it really is. Welcome – the city has become silent...
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Okean Elzy. Tam, de nas nema. /re-edition, digi-pack/. (Where We Are Not)

The first album of nowadays well-known Ukrainian group is in front of you. By the way, for the first time the glory has knocked to them due to a song "Tam, de nas nema"...
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

ILLarion Pavlyuk. Tanets nedoumka. (The Dance of an Idiot)

Space biologist Gil is going through bad times: unemployment, lack of money, and a high probability of onset of a hereditary genetic disease. And here he unexpectedly gets a job offer: a research expedition to a far-away planet. Will the decision to go there be the right one? And are risks on a distant and bizarre planet that negligible?
Domestic price: 312.20UAH, International price: $22.30USD

Pianoboy. Take Off. /premium edition, digi-pack/.

..intertwining love for the music of the 1960-70s, and the ability to speak modern, at the intersection of styles. With the taste for styling tricks – to speak one's own language. Actually, Pianoboy manages to combine in one bottle magnitude – and seclusion, intimacy.
Domestic price: 348.60UAH, International price: $24.90USD

Yuri Pokalchuk, Vohni Velykoho Mista. Topoli.

Domestic price: 348.60UAH, International price: $24.90USD

Taras Prokhasko. Tak, ale... (Yes, But...)

Taras Prokhasko, who has long promised to us to write a novel, has not done that again. But he has written – about the future that is long past and about everything that is already here, but nobody knows how long it will be here... And also about that one needs to sleep attentively, have breakfast – in one's own way, and watch by shifting the viewfinder. But the main thing here..
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Propala Hramota. Tseyvo. (Sorta)

Here it is – real, serious, exact. You know, about such dicks one is both eager and reluctant to speak – they bend to one's soul with their curves so that words become almost superfluous. But it is also desirable to keep quiet about such things only eye-to-eye, in order to by all means share one's feeling, warmth, acceptance.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Julia Raj. Ty mene poljubysh.

The album consists of a dozen of lyrical songs, a dozen of different but light moods. For even during separation the mood may – and, I think, should – remain light. If you accept it easily – it goes easy. The river should flow, shouldn't it?
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Julia Raj. The Best Songs.

A bit strange, but a fact – as you see, Yulia Rai has already somehow quickly reached the point of releasing a collection of the best songs. Considering the number of albums that she has previously released, such step would look quite amusing, but for one "but". Do you guess?
Domestic price: 208.60UAH, International price: $14.90USD

Maryana Savka. Tykhi virshyky na zymu. (Quiet Poems for Winter)

Winter is a fairy time. Going down the hill on a sledge, sculpting a snowman, caroling, and celebrating the New Year – so many wonderful activities and experiences for kids! But the joy may be even greater when they conveniently snuggle in the mom's and dad's laps, reading the wonderful "Quiet Poems for Winter"...
Domestic price: 222.60UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Eugen Sedko. The Art of Flamenco Guitar. /re-edition, digi-pack/.

This album is a tribute to rich musical tradition and also the result of many years work on performing and composing traditional flamenco. I have been learning to play to reach the soul of this musical phenomenon, to reveal the secrets of the art of flamenco.. – Eugen Sedko
Domestic price: 208.60UAH, International price: $14.90USD

Verka Serduchka. Tralli-valli.

Domestic price: 138.60UAH, International price: $9.90USD

Tanya Sha, Svet. Ten Step Journey.

Fortunately, sometimes you run across the albums about which it is very difficult to say anything – because you just frankly like them. Because, in spite of external simplicity, they contain so many ideas, various subtleties – one's ears just go astray..) Because the music tells you stories without words, while the words tell you stories full to the brims with music..
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Vasyl Shklyar. Troscha. (Wreck)

"Troscha" is a novel about the UPA (Ukrainian Insurgent Army), about one's victory over circumstances and over oneself. The author himself says that he wrote the book in order to show the world that Ukrainians have not conformed with the regime and continue struggling as they did before. New from the author of the bestsellers "Zalyshenets" (Outcast) and "Marusya"!
Domestic price: 264.60UAH, International price: $18.90USD

Vasyl Shklyar. Treba spytaty u Boha. (We Must Ask God)

This collection contains short stories and stories written mostly in the 1970s. The book also includes extraordinary and candid memories about the distinguished writers with whom he has been friends. And the expansive interview with Shklyar is a kind of an autobiographical story by the author..
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Iryna Shynkaruk. Tse moja i tvoja Ukrajina. (This is my and your Ukraine)

She appears on TV and radio not so often as, for example, Povaliy or Bilozir. And it’s a pity, because at her early twenties Iryna Shynkaruk is inferior to none of her more experienced colleagues. She can represent Ukrainian variety revealing its bright sides better than many singers.
Domestic price: 208.60UAH, International price: $14.90USD

Volodymyr Solyanyk, Mykola Oorzhak, Serhiy Khmelyov. Tanets i zvuk orla. /digi-pack/. (The Dance and Sounds of an Eagle)

..the album is not free improvisation for keyboards, but – a space of co-creation in the ethno-jazz spirit. Space so deep, versatile – there is enough magic of rhythms, and magic of silence, not to mention the fact that Oorzhak's throat singing  inevitably adds very characteristic colors.
Domestic price: 306.60UAH, International price: $21.90USD

Stoned Jesus. The Harvest. /digi-pack/.

This album leaves an interesting feeling – as if one has heard three in one. A sort of "arrivederci" to the previous album, completely different aesthetics. But it is only the first half (including by timing) of the disk. Next is "Black Church" – through which one may already recall that Stoned Jesus started with vintage rock...
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

SV Savana. Two Ways.

That's right: it is a fusion of diverse, multi-style guitar music and spicy rhythmic patterns – all of that together sounds very emotional and surprisingly rich. Another proof of that in order to create interesting, live music one does not necessarily need to gather a bunch of people.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Natalya Svyrydenko. Three Centuries of Baroque.

On this disc there is music of the beginning of baroque, where an influence of the Renascence is felt, music of the period of baroque's prosperity and completed with works, where premonition of the classics is observed..
Domestic price: 348.60UAH, International price: $24.90USD

Natalya Svyrydenko, Trio Bortniansky. Trio Bortniansky.

The bases of the ensemble are the most popular instruments of baroque's period – harpsichord and flute in combination with a high and light soprano. Exactly for this composition of performers a lot of musical masterpieces of the XVI-XVIII centuries have been composed...
Domestic price: 348.60UAH, International price: $24.90USD

Alfred Szklarski. Tomek na stezhci viyny. (Tomek on Martial Path)

The novel tells us of Tomek's and his friend boatswain Nowicki voyage to North America while they visits Sally in New-Mexico and have to recruit a group of Indians for an European circus. But an adventurous boy becomes involved in a stormy life of Mexican borderline and he befriends an Indian man called Red Eagle...
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Tadeusz Borowski. U nas, v Aushvitsi... (We Were in Auschwitz...)

The eerie power of prose by Borowski is due to that with some otherworldly – beyond the good and evil – stylistic indifference he reveals to us the everyday life of the camp complex of Auschwitz-Birkenau. The camp world was a complex social system with its hierarchy and corruption, with intrigues and jealousy, with love and betrayal...
Domestic price: 306.60UAH, International price: $21.90USD

Taisha Abelar. Mahichny perekhid. (The Sorcerer's Crossing. A Woman's Journey)

Taisha Abelar is one of four students of Don Juan Matus. The Sorcerer's Crossing is a fascinating and detailed story about learning techniques that help one accumulate enough energy to perform an act of complete and ultimate release.
Domestic price: 334.60UAH, International price: $23.90USD

Telepen'ky za kordonom.

Do you still remember such phenomenon as Telepen’ky? ... these series are meant to accompany rest and entertainment for adults in their all-possible manifestations.
Domestic price: 130.20UAH, International price: $9.30USD

Dorota Terakowska. Tam, de padajut Anhely. (Where Angels Fall)

..A pensive but light and thought-provoking novel that invites one to travel in search of important answers to the eternal questions of the struggle between the Good and Evil.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Tetiana Zholtikova. Kraplynka Toshka ta kytenya Hoshka. Musical Fairy Tale. (Droplet Toshka and Kitten Hoshka)

The book is intended for the youngest readers/listeners, aged from 0 to 6. The tale introduces the child to the varied natural water world and teaches the child love for the environment: plants, animals, water, people... Since Classica publishing house is a music publisher, the book contains music accompaniment.
Domestic price: 166.60UAH, International price: $11.90USD

Tetyana Davydenko. Krajina pryznachennya. (The Destination Country)

Stepan Bear's letters are travel essays written on behalf of an average Ukrainian bear. These are stories from the various exotic countries and cities, as well as cities Ukraine that Stepan has really visited. There is a lot of irony and intertextuality here. While writing letters to his owner, Stepan offers a short course on the Ukrainian and world literature..
Domestic price: 236.60UAH, International price: $16.90USD

The Best Songs of Ukrainian Variety Art of XX ct. Part 2. Golden collection.

Every voice, every melody, every text are the treasure of Ukrainian variety art tested by time. That is why it is both a little strange, and pleasant that songs on the disk do not compete among themselves, but complement each other, mutually emphasize the advantages.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

The Best Ukrainian Ballads. P.2.

It really represents the best, brightest groups and performers in very different styles – hip-hop, folk-rock, reggae, neo-folk, hard-blues, acid-jazz, pure rock, romantic pop, trance... uh... and that is not yet everything – one’s eyes get lost, there is a very wide choice of pleasant meetings.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

The Best Ukrainian Ballads. P.3.

See yourself what a wide styles palette is offered by the collection: pop-rock, reggae, art-rock, hip-hop, folk-rock, heavy blues, post-rock... Nevertheless, the disc looks integral – there is a certain inner line that truly unites, links such, seemingly, different approaches to creativity.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

The Best Ukrainian Ballads.

Oleksandr Ponomaryov, Mad Heads XL, Ruslana, “Arahnofobia”, “Haydamaky”, Yu-RA, Yevhenia Vlasova, “Remont Vody”, Max Chorny and other performers – it is difficult even to imagine a more diverse list of performers. Still, strange though it may seem, all together it looks interesting – and is listened to with satisfaction.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

The Company of Heroes. (2 VideoCD).

Events of the film "Iron Hundred" take a place in 1944-1947 in the territory of Western Ukraine and Eastern Poland.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

The DAKH theatre. Photo album. (Ukr/Eng).

The core of the book are photographs of the DAKH theatre, which was created by the prominent Ukrainian art director Vladyslav Troitskyi. The DAKH is an open area for the creative work, and its history is primarily the story of people who formed it. The book contains unique texts on the theatre and the individuals who contributed to its creation.
Domestic price: 978.60UAH, International price: $69.90USD

The French Kissers. /Les beaux gosses/. (DVD).

The debut feature of acclaimed graphic artist Riad Sattouf, it's a rollicking tale of a pair of teens who are far removed from the cool crowd, as they suffer the endless embarrassments and minor triumphs of their first sexual experiences.
Domestic price: 152.60UAH 102.20UAH
International price: $10.90USD $7.30USD

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. (DVD).

"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" is the first film of the trilogy based on the world's bestseller "Millennium" by the Swedish writer Stieg Larsson. Reporter Mikael Blomkvist (Daniel Craig) is employed by one of the richest Swedish industrialists to find the murderer of his niece, who disappeared 40 years ago...
Domestic price: 152.60UAH 102.20UAH
International price: $10.90USD $7.30USD

The great unknown Ukraine. Film One: Ukrainian Carpathians. (DVD).

Picturesque nature, fragments of hutsul holidays and their way of life in conjunction with most interesting historical and geographical information will appear to you in this amazing project. The romantic of this places and felling that time was stopped here will drag you back – to feel again the breath of mountings.
Domestic price: 214.20UAH, International price: $15.30USD

The Guard. (DVD).

THE GUARD is a comedic fish-out-of-water tale of murder, blackmail, drug trafficking and rural police corruption. Two policemen must join forces to take on an international drug-smuggling gang – one, an unorthodox Irish policeman and the other, a straitlaced FBI agent...
Domestic price: 124.60UAH, International price: $8.90USD

The Hangover. Part III. (DVD).

"The Hangover Part III" is the epic conclusion to an incomparable odyssey of mayhem and bad decisions, in which the guys must finish what they started by going back to where it all began: Las Vegas. Oneway or all ends here.
Domestic price: 144.20UAH 96.60UAH
International price: $10.30USD $6.90USD

The History of Ukraine. Part 1. Children's collection.

Multimedia encyclopaedia of Ukrainian History for children under 13. In Ukrainian only.
Domestic price: 166.60UAH, International price: $11.90USD

The Kids Are All Right. (DVD).

Two girlfriends – a family couple – Nic and Jules (Annette Bening, Julianne Moore), bring up two children, which were born due to the method of artificial impregnation. The 15-year old Laser convinces his elder sister Joni to help him find their biological father (Mark Ruffalo)...
Domestic price: 144.20UAH 96.60UAH
International price: $10.30USD $6.90USD

The Lovely Bones. (DVD).

When the 14 year-old Susie Salmon was killed, she left her life unfinished. But now, before she is able to move further from the strange but beautiful transitory world where she is in, the girl must help her father to catch the killer and to protect the family...
Domestic price: 152.60UAH 102.20UAH
International price: $10.90USD $7.30USD

The Milk of Sorrow. /La teta asustada/. (DVD).

Fausta is ill with a disease contracted from her mother’s breast milk known as "the milk of sorrow". However, this is not a sickness caused by bacteria or infection: it is a condition that only affects those women in Peru who were abused or raped during the years of terrorist struggle...
Domestic price: 152.60UAH 102.20UAH
International price: $10.90USD $7.30USD

The modern treatment of traditional Ukrainian folk music. (mp3).

So, now one disc unites all the four albums that had time to be released within the framework of this project: "Korali" (Corals), "Zelene" (Green), "Vesil‘ni" (Wedding), "Osjayni" (Effulgent). The project is definitely cool – therefore, we can recommend this release to all those who value truly high-quality combination of traditional music and modern rhythms.
Domestic price: 404.60UAH, International price: $28.90USD

The next three days. (DVD).

Life seems perfect for John Brennan until his wife, Lara, is arrested for a murder she says she didn't commit. Three years into her sentence, John is struggling to hold his family together, raising their son and teaching at college while he pursues every means available to prove her innocence...
Domestic price: 152.60UAH 102.20UAH
International price: $10.90USD $7.30USD

Theognis of Megara. Elehiji vyhnantsya. (The Outcast's Elegy)

...Deep pessimism borders on the light and thirst for life, the nostalgic tone – on the neat aphorisms. In comparison with Homer's long poems, "the Bible of the classic antiquity", the collection by Theognis can really be considered its "catechism".
Domestic price: 166.60UAH, International price: $11.90USD

The Other Guys. (DVD).

In the New York police, there are true heroes – detectives Danson (Dwayne "Rock" Johnson) and Highsmith (Samuel L. Jackson). They destroy the criminal world and mock at their colleagues – a couple of clowns who waste their working days in reserve producing reports at the department...
Domestic price: 152.60UAH 102.20UAH
International price: $10.90USD $7.30USD

The Social Network. (DVD).

Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest multimillionaire in the world, the proprietor and creator of the unprecedented social network Facebook. An impertinent idea that started as hooliganism helped Mark and his programmer friends to arrive at the unusual project and to build an ultramodern business. The greatest trial – enormous money – is in store for these boy...
Domestic price: 152.60UAH 102.20UAH
International price: $10.90USD $7.30USD

The Son of No One. (DVD).

Jonathan (Channing Tatum) is a second-generation cop who gets in over his head when he’s assigned to re-open a double homicide cold case in his Queens neighborhood. An anonymous source feeding new information on the long-unsolved murder...
Domestic price: 144.20UAH 96.60UAH
International price: $10.30USD $6.90USD

The taking of Pelham 123. (DVD).

The life of Walter Garber (Denzel Washington) is firmly put on rails. Coordinating the well-tuned transporting system of the New York, he did not even expect that an ordinary working day would turn into real chaos for him, and he will be forced to extend his competence. An armed band of terrorists with Ryder (John Travolta) at its head, hijacks a train and requests transfer of the ransom..
Domestic price: 152.60UAH 102.20UAH
International price: $10.90USD $7.30USD

The Vow. (DVD).

Inspired by a true story. Leo is devastated when a car accident plunges his wife Paige into a deep coma. She miraculously recovers – but the last five years of her memories have vanished. Suddenly, Leo finds himself married to a stranger who can’t remember anything about him...
Domestic price: 152.60UAH 102.20UAH
International price: $10.90USD $7.30USD

Thich Nhat Hahn. Spokiy u kozhnomu krotsi. (Peace is Every Step)

..he reminds us that unity with another person and with the entire world is not only a recipe for behaving in difficult situations, but also a lifelong strategy that can help overcome insecurity, anger, and depression, as well as proactively assist people.
Domestic price: 264.60UAH, International price: $18.90USD

Thieves. /Ladrones/. (DVD).

Alex leaves an orphanage and tries to conduct a normal life – he settles down in his old apartment, finds work and simultaneously looks for his mother.On a beautiful day at a shop Alex meets a girl at her hopeless attempt to steal a disc. Alex helps the girl to resolve the situation and sets to teach her stealing correctly..
Domestic price: 152.60UAH 102.20UAH
International price: $10.90USD $7.30USD

Thomas Glavinic. Zhyttya bazhan. (The Life of Desires)

Imagine that your deepest desires start coming true. The most secret, dark desires that so far you had no clue about. This is what happens to Jonas, to whom an unexpected passer-by one day offers to fulfill his three wishe...
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Tibor Dåry. Lyubyj bo-per!.. (Cher Beau Pere!.. )

In the lyrical story "Cher Beau Pere!.." (Dear Father-In-Law) one feels the motives of farewell to everything beautiful and good that happened in life. The theme of the story is rare for the world literature, it is a work about people’s aging...
Domestic price: 236.60UAH, International price: $16.90USD

Til‘ky pisnja. Songs with lyrics by Natalka Samsonova. (Only the Song)

We encounter Natalka Samsonova's art not for the first time already, but till now our acquaintance was only limited to songs performed by her – both in collections and in solo albums. This time – it is quite a different thing, and we will not hear Natalka's bright voice here. Instead, we will hear her poems – in fact, as known, she is quite a popular author of song lyrics.
Domestic price: 152.60UAH 137.34UAH
International price: $10.90USD $9.81USD

Tirza Atar. Vid viyny plachut. (They Cry Because of War)

These poems were composed by Israeli poet Tirza Atar. She composed them long ago, in the mid 70s. Sure, not about our reality – but about theirs, for the war has long been grown into normal lives of people there. And it is creepy that these poems – written on behalf of a seven year-old Jewish girl – are so much in unison with our reality..
Domestic price: 208.60UAH, International price: $14.90USD

To be continued. Vol.2. Keep the wave... /dg-pack/

The release, mixed by DJ Small, mainly contains tracks by residents of CTS records: Sergio Mega, Marcello Mineo, Ikiro – as well as three joint projects. The pearl of this release is a remix by the famous founder of Acid House – DJ Pierre (the USA) – for the track by Sergio Mega "Only Friends", which is included into the compiling as a complete bonus track.
Domestic price: 152.60UAH, International price: $10.90USD

To be continued. Vol.1. Next level is present... /digi-pack/

The album has comprised 12 tracks by Ukrainian, European and Russian producers. Next to such names of the stars of the world dancing floor as DaHool, Trik & Kubic, Coburn – there are names of known, as well as new Ukrainian and Russian producers – Sergio Mega, DJ Small, DJ DerBastler, Dan Brain, Sambooca.
Domestic price: 152.60UAH, International price: $10.90USD

Todos‘ Os‘machka. Starshyy bojaryn. (mp3). (First bride’s man)

Todos’ Os’machka’s prose is one of the most remarkable mirrors that reflected the light and the darkness of the Soviet epoch. He is also the author of impressive chronicles of criminal massacre of Ukrainian people. A fairy and lyrical story "First bride’s man", that goes in tune with Sartr’s "The Nausea" and "The Stranger" of Camus, is also of his authorship.
Domestic price: 152.60UAH, International price: $10.90USD

J.R.R.Tolkien. The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun.

Now for the first time we present Tolkien's dramatic version of the great Northern legend to Ukrainian readers. He composed two related poems basing on his close study of the ancient poetical traditions of Iceland and Norway and preserving exacting verse-forms, which helped him to render the concentrated energy of the poems of Edda...
Domestic price: 256.20UAH, International price: $18.30USD

Tomato Jaws. Tomato Jaws.

It seems to me that it would be pleasant and would charge with energy if you even simply lie with this music. And if, for example, you insert it in your ears and walk around the city – at night or day, it does not matter, – the charge will be very powerful.
Domestic price: 194.60UAH, International price: $13.90USD

Tonino Guerra. Sad zabutykh plodiv. (The Garden of Forgotten Fruits)

Tonino Guerra, whose prose was the background of the cult films by Fellini, Antonioni, Tarkovsky, is also the author of short stories, where the depth and conciseness of Oriental parables are combined with surprises of the European surrealism. In this collection we have assembled the best known materials and those that are published for the first time.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Torun Lian. Lyshe khmary tantsyuyut z zirkamy. (Only Clouds Move the Stars)

A story of a girl who started counting her life "before" and "after". Maria recently lost her brother and is now afraid that she will lose her parents too – the mother who cannot continue living because of the grief, and the father, who is trying to cope with everything, but this turns out not enough. Then Maria makes a new friend, Jacob..
Domestic price: 208.60UAH, International price: $14.90USD

Tracy Chevalier. Divchyna z perlovoyu serezhkoyu. (Girl with a Pearl Earring)

"Girl with a Pearl Earring", a brilliant piece by Dutch painter of genius in the 17th century, Jan Vermeer. This picture has something magnetic in it, it has been living its separate life for almost four centuries. Tracy Chevalier, modern US-British writer, picked up the girl from the famous portrait as the protagonist of her novel..
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Trans-Former. Terytorija trojand. (Territory of Roses)

Thus, there are no sophisticated constructions, flirting with the public, theatrical gestures here – but there is simple, and thus strong rock music. And there are the lyrics – probably, not too sophisticated, but thus no less meaningful. Because, in the end, one of the key features of "Trans-Former" has been and still is – honesty.
Domestic price: 222.60UAH, International price: $15.90USD

True Grit. (DVD).

True Grit is a powerful story of vengeance and valor set in an unforgiving and unpredictable frontier where justice is simple and mercy is rare...
Domestic price: 152.60UAH 102.20UAH
International price: $10.90USD $7.30USD

True Story. (v/a). /digi-pack/

Sentimony Records led by the duet Sphingida continues releasing new discs – and making us enjoy their content. At that, there is a lasting impression that collections by this recoding studio – good, aren't they – become even better each time. Pleasant impression, sure.
Domestic price: 180.60UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Try istoriji Halychyny. (DVD). (Three Stories of Galicia)

The authors traveled in Halychyna for 4 years collecting memoirs of those whose lives had been changed by the war. The film speaks about how, in the bloody mincer of wars and cataclysms, one can stay human, how different nations can co-exist without clashes and fight...
Domestic price: 208.60UAH, International price: $14.90USD

Try ljubovi Stepana Bandery. (DVD). (Three Loves of Stepan Bandera)

For the first time in history: on the video - Stepan Bandera live. A unique chronicle of the war and post-war periods that captured Stepan Bandera and his sworn brothers and opponents is used in the video film. What role did women play in life of the Ukrainian leader?
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Olga Voichenko, Sergey Kapeliushok. Tenderly.

It is not enough to have a valuable, high-quality instrument – it is desirable to master it as well. Olga – has mastered it so that we can only be grateful to her. Especially when she sings in lowercase – then, the thought flashes that in Ukraine, presumably, there is simply nobody to compare with her...
Domestic price: 306.60UAH, International price: $21.90USD

Bernard Werber. Tanatonavty. (The Thanatonauts)

..they depart to conquer the continent of the dead and to find out the location of Paradise. For two and a half years, the writer studied in detail the theme of death in perception of different religions, mythologies, doctrines, he tried to discover points of intersection among known sacred texts and invented the new word "Thanatonaut", meaning "death sailor"..
Domestic price: 474.60UAH, International price: $33.90USD

Yavoryna Trio. Trio "Yavoryna". /cassette/.

Audio cassette/ ..This trio was founded in 1997. It includes three singers of H. Veriovka choir: Lazarenko Olena, Chuhno Tamara and Kravchuk Larissa.
Domestic price: 152.60UAH, International price: $10.90USD

Polina Zherebtsova. Tonka sriblysta nyt. (The Thin Silvery Thread)

The thin silvery thread is not just an image, but a symbol of death. Insidious like death itself, because it can only be disclosed by an unexpected ray of sunshine – and then it will gleam maliciously, because the victim escapes. Polina Zherebtsova's new book speaks about the two Chechen wars in a strict and unsentimental way, and thus it touches the depths of human consciousness..
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

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7 june 2024
UMKA plans to take a break
22 february 2022
The "Return Alive" Foundation
Oksana Zabuzhko. Planeta Polyn. (Planet Wormwood)
Zabuzhko. Planet Wormwood
Domestic: 306.60UAH
International: $21.90USD
Tanya Sha, MuzBat. Kolyskova vid Tata. /song book+CD/. (Dad's Lullaby)
Dad's Lullaby. /song book+CD
Domestic: 0.00UAH
International: $0.00USD
Kateryna Kalytko. Orden movchalnyts. (The Order of the Silent)
The Order of the Silent
Domestic: 278.60UAH
International: $19.90USD
Dakh Daughters. Make Up. /digi-pack/.
Dakh Daughters: what's behind the mask
Domestic: 250.60UAH
International: $17.90USD