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LBB. Lemko Bluegrass Band. /digi-pack/.
Carpathian bluegrass
Domestic: 250.60UAH
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Komu Vnyz. 4: Shevchenko. (EP). /digi-pack/.
Komu Vnyz. Shevchenko. (EP) (special offer)
Domestic: 404.60UAH
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Catalogue -> NOT discs -> Books: History

Viktor Horobets. Zirky ta tereny Kozatskoi revolyutsii. The history of victories and defeats. /premium/. (Stars and Thorns of the Cossack Revolution)

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Viktor Horobets. Zirky ta tereny Kozatskoi revolyutsii. The history of victories and defeats. /premium/. (Stars and Thorns of the Cossack Revolution)
"The 16th-17th centuries: a difficult period where Cossacks gained precious military experience and international authority, where they attempted to find a political compromise with the ruling elite of Rzeczpospolita, as well as the time of powerful anti-governmental Cossack uprisings. These eventually laid the foundation for the outburst of 1648 Cossack Revolution, which resulted in emergence of a new state on the political map of Europe – the Zaporozhian Army.
A detailed and impartial analysis of the Cossack Revolution, reproduction of glorious military victories, campaigns for Lublin and Warsaw, a detailed description of heavy defeats, diplomatic victories and failures in negotiations with Warsaw, Bakhchisarai, Istanbul, Moscow, and Stockholm... The whirl of these events shaped the social identity of Cossacks, their sense of responsibility for the fate of Ukraine, awareness of the necessity to build their own state."
In Ukrainian
Type of the edition: hard cover, cardboard box
Format: 202x260 mm
Number of pages: 480, illustrated (b/w)
Publisher: Bookclub, Kharkiv

- Peredmova. Zirky ta tereny rozbudovy kozats‘koji Ukrajiny

Rozdil 1. Vytoky kozats‘koho fenomenu. Svitlo y tini rann‘oji istoriji kozatstva

Rozdil 2. Kozatstvo ta Rich Pospolyta v pershiy polovyni XVII st. Mizh spivpratseju ta viynoju

Rozdil 3. Omanlyva bezturbotnist‘ desjatylittja "zolotoho spokoju" Rechi Pospolytoji

Rozdil 4. "Skhidni kresy" Rechi Pospolytoji u vohni. Proloh Kozats‘koji revoljutsiji

Rozdil 5. Zvytjahy ta shalenstva lita 1648 roku

Rozdil 6. Vid Pyljavy do L‘vova y Zamostja. Peremozhna osinnja kampanija Viys‘ka Zaporoz‘koho 1648 roku

Rozdil 7. "Korol‘ jak korol‘, ale vy – korolev'jata, knjazi, kapostyte bahato". Krykhkyy myr pochatku 1649-ho

Rozdil 8. Zvytjazhna kampanija ta kompromisnyy myr lita 1649-ho

Rozdil 9. "Boday Khmelja-Khmel‘nyts‘koho perva kulja ne mynula"

Rozdil 10. Rozbudova het‘manom Khmel‘nyts‘kym Kozats‘koji derzhavy v umovakh zborivs‘koho kompromisu

Rozdil 11. Dosyt‘ myru – vivat viyni!

Rozdil 12. Herojizm i zhertovnist‘ kampaniji 1651 roku: Berestechko, Ripky, Kyjiv

Rozdil 13. Prohrano bytvu, ale ne viynu. Kozats‘ka Ukrajina pislja berestets‘koho katarsysu

Rozdil 14. Vyprobuvannja myrom: zavdannja (ne)realizatsiji Bilotserkivs‘koji uhody

Rozdil 15. Revansh 1952-ho

Rozdil 16. Protydijuchy doli – na poli boju ta za dyplomatychnym stolom

Rozdil 17. Perejaslavs‘kyy vybir

Rozdil 18. Ukrajina i svit pislja Perejaslava

Rozdil 19. Zvytjahy y porazky pershykh rokiv ukrajins‘ko-rosiys‘koji spivpratsi

Rozdil 20. Ukrajins‘ka perspektyva u svitli shveds‘koho Potopu Rechi Pospolytoji: novi vyklyky, novi mozhlyvosti

Rozdil 21. "A bez vojevod u cherkas‘kykh horodakh buty nehozhe". Skladni pytannja ukrajino-rosiys‘kykh vzajemyn 1656-1657 rokiv

Rozdil 22. "Smilyvym Mars dopomahaje". Spodivannja ta tryvohy pershoji polovyny 1657 roku

Rozdil 23. Derzhava, narodzhena revoljutsijeju

- Pisljamova. Revoljutsija, z jakoji postala nova Ukrajina

- Dzherela

Publisher: BookClub
Catalogue number: ISBN 9786171239166
Year: 2017

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Viktor Horobets

Domestic price: 600.60UAH
International price: $42.90USD
See also:

Anton Sanchenko. Kruz ta Lys. Naperedodni. (Kruse and Lys. On the Eve)

It is not surprising that the first Russian circumnavigation expedition was commanded by a German and a Ukrainian. ..Anton Sanchenko undertook to reconstruct the onset of Yuri Lysyansky's stellar career. The result is a fascinating and witty story..
Domestic price: 278.60UAH, International price: $19.90USD

Taras Kalyandruk. Kozaky. Slovyany proty Ordy. (Cossacks. Slavs vs the Horde)

..the reader will discover lots of large and small aspects that cumulatively create a new vision of the history of emergence of Cossacks. Taras Kalyandruk has conducted tremendous work, having collected very extensive historical materials. The research is supplemented with unique pictures of archaeological artifacts, drawings, and photographs not known to the general public.
Domestic price: 446.60UAH, International price: $31.90USD

Andrzey B.Pernal. Rich Pospolyta dvokh narodiv i Ukraina. The Diplomatic Relations in 1648-1659. (Rzeczpospolita of the Two Nations and Ukraine)

The work by Professor Andrzej B.Pernal is the result of many years of studying diplomatic relations between Rzeczpospolita and Ukraine since the time of Bohdan Khmelnytsky and Ivan Vyhovsky and represents a significant contribution both into the historiography of the history of Ukraine, and into the study of the Polish history.
Domestic price: 418.60UAH, International price: $29.90USD

Volodymyr Lobodaev. Revolutionary Realm. Free Cossacks Movement in Ukraine, 1917-1918.

The book tells us about the hardly known and controversial phenomenon of 1917-1918 – Free Cossacks – a kind of a militarized Ukrainian civil society organization that arose and was massively spread primarily among peasant...
Domestic price: 698.60UAH, International price: $49.90USD

Taras Chukhlib. Idealna derzhava v Ukraini? Kozatsky proekt 1710 roku. (The Perfect State in Ukraine? The Cossack Project of 1710)

On the basis of studying the original text of "Pacts and Constitutions of Laws and Liberties of the Zaporizhzhya Cossack Army..." of 1710, the author proves that its authors relied on the antique, late Middle-Ages and early modern political and legal traditions, thus using ideas of lots of European thinkers.
Domestic price: 152.60UAH, International price: $10.90USD

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Natalka Snyadanko. Pershe slidstvo imperatrytsi. (The Empress' First Investigation)
The Empress' First Investigation
Domestic: 250.60UAH 212.94UAH
International: $17.90USD $15.21USD
Taras Pastukh. Polumja vidihrije pamjat... Memories of Oleh Lysheha. (Flames Will Warm Up the Memory)
Memories of Oleh Lysheha
Domestic: 460.60UAH
International: $32.90USD
Leonid Plyusch, Yuriy Shevelyov. Lystuvannya: 1979-1995. (Correspondence: 1979-1995)
Plyusch, Shevelyov. Correspondence: 1979-1995
Domestic: 390.60UAH
International: $27.90USD
Karel Capek. R.U.R. Rossumovi universalni roboty. (Rossum's Universal Robots)
Karel Capek. R.U.R.
Domestic: 180.60UAH
International: $12.90USD