"A new book of poems by famous Ukrainian poet, journalist, and TV presenter Dmytro Lazutkin. His poems are a portrayal of the internal state, they capture and impress starting with the very first line. The new and unusual "sparkle" of the collection is the qr codes added to some of the poems: readers will have a chance to hear the voice of the author and his own reading of the works." In Ukrainian. Illustrations: Bohdana Bondar Type of the edition: hard cover Format: 125x167 mm Number of pages: 142, illustrated Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva, Lviv Contents: 1. laboratorna robota - laboratorna roota \\ kroty \\ raps \\ holovna nebezpeka – u mozhlyvosti zupynytysja \\ misto kotre nad namy \\ koljadky i val‘sy \\ berehova linija \\ koly tobi hovorjat‘ pro doviru – chekay zrady \\ kozhna khvylyna i kozhna myt‘ \\ tanky \\ pol‘ova kukhnja \\ rekvijem na doshchi \\ mizhsezonnja i riznotrav'ja \\ sprotyv materialu \\ smoke on the water \\ zabuvay \\ kontuzhenyy \\ osinni koliji \\ osinnimy stezhkamy lynut‘ zmiji \\ bachysh – dusha moja \\ marija \\ zbulysja prorotstva – os‘ \\ sl‘ozy ne vstyhly vystyhty 2. pid sonjachnymy mostamy - je vysota, de holosu ne chuty \\ zhinka z lehkymy povikamy zhinka z chitkymy rukhamy \\ hruden‘ v nebo tjahnet‘sja dymamy \\ novorichna kazka \\ novorichne (svitle) \\ nch letyt‘ sobi – u temrjavu volanchykom \\ mov ne zyma – snih vpav i roztanuv \\ ja vymrijav dolju – taku, jak bula \\ nich prykhodyt‘ syva i patlata \\ morja protikajut‘ mizh pal‘tsiv morja narodzhujut‘ zvuky \\ sidajesh v hondolu \\ koly znemahaje elektryka \\ davayte hovoryty ni pro shcho \\ chym tonshe povitrja – tym dovshe lunaje \\ vona z tykh dyvachok jaki robljat‘ zavzhdy vse ne tak \\ sonni dereva khytajut‘sja tykho-tykho \\ zirky navesni mizh kraplynamy – doshch meni \\ tryvozhni pal‘tsi lovljat‘ viter \\ mizh namy voda i vidsutnist‘ mostiv \\ shchos‘ tam sobi vyhadujesh \\ ljudy zakhodjat‘ v metro \\ vesna rozpravljaje napovneni rusla \\ vchys‘ povedintsi u riky \\ rozvidni mosty vidkryti kanaly \\ ljubov nemov metelyk-odnodenka \\ moji kryla rostut‘ zvidky b ja ne litav \\ ja pam'jatnyk sobi \\ pro tse \\ s‘ohodni bula zlyva. metelyky vmyraly \\ doshch takyy shcho zdajet‘sja ot-ot i rusalky litatymut‘ \\ rozlyte sontse – jak morkvjanyy sik \\ ...a mrijaty – z jakoho mozhna klasu?.. \\ vnochi plyvut‘ dereva netuteshni \\ druzi – televizor i komp'juter \\ ukrmova \\ muzychna shkola (sekstet) \\ tak mala b vyhljadaty koroleva anhliji \\ vyklych doshch – tak lehko i ne ljachno \\ mobi dik \\ monoloh mariji stjuart \\ divchynka vymazalasja sadzhajuchy shpalery na kley \\ bavyshsja \\ povni ochi \\ miy prysmak v tvojemu roti \\ tse lito tsi ozera \\ nich. mandarynovyy sad \\ pisok i lito doshchi ta rayduhy \\ korablyk \\ layner lazutkin \\ spershu – lyshe predtechi \\ tak pakhnut‘ molodi lystky \\ shchoranku u misti vse bil‘she zasmahlykh zhinok \\ tykho tsilujuchy protjah u spynu \\ nich – lamkyy labirynt \\ strybaty na travu de lystja dohoraje \\ pochatok zhovtnja tse taka pora \\ ts‘oho ne nazvaty nijak \\ messershmidt vpade na pidvikonnja \\ os‘ i vse – osinn‘o i bezbozhno \\ vlitku chy vzymku chy zaraz – vnochi \\ ptakhy, mov tsvjakhy \\ tut vdostal‘ kutiv a skhovatysja nide \\ i os‘ pochynajet‘sja chas koly ne vidpovidaje jiji telefon \\ ...a je slova shcho vazhko vymovljaty \\ chytala vitrjakam zhadana 3. manhal - manhal \\ jak khvostyk vuzha \\ tsykada \\ dovho povzty \\ ptashka \\ amnistija \\ dobryvo ranku \\ zelena vulytsja \\ supermarket \\ dovhi rozmovy kriz‘ jaki prostupaje tuman \\ shcho podaruvaty \\ brandenburz‘kyy kontsert \\ syni vysoki sosny \\ fb \\ bn \\ dacha lazutkina \\ poezija – tse biy z tinnju \\ u zatinku \\ seredzemne more \\ rozheve nebo \\ ja dykhaju v tebe \\ ty zavzhdy prykhodysh piznishe nizh obitsjajesh \\ riznovydy zv'jazku \\ paralel‘ni vulytsi \\ lyzhnyky prosochujut‘sja kriz‘ tuman \\ tse napevno takyy osoblyvyy stan \\ pastka \\ hlobus
Publisher: Staryi Lev Catalogue number: ISBN 9786176795100 Year: 2018
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- Dmytro Lazutkin
Domestic price: 252.84UAH
International price: $12.90USD
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..almost every woman can do that: give birth to a baby – and start to intensively recall her own childhood; see her husband go to the war – and start drawing parallels with the wars long past. But not everyone can with such love and determination express that, making the past as sharp as the present, and the present – as deep as the past.
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International price: $15.90USD
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Dmytro Lazutkin is sensitive to what is worth speaking about and knows how to pick up the right words. His poetry is interweaving of experiences and premonitions, flexible metaphors and clear images. "The Red Book" is a collection where most of the poems were composed during the last year...
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International price: $12.90USD
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Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
Zhadan talks – about the dearest letters and burnt bridges, lost spots and destroyed cities. In the rhymed verse and in the free verse, with his own words and translated ones. He talks to his guys and to aliens, to saints and those not very saint – and, sure, to us. In order to rescue – if not us, then at least our children.
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International price: $15.90USD
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International price: $12.90USD
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Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
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