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Maria Chumarna. Kod ukrajins'koji vyshyvky. (The Code of the Ukrainian Embroidery)

Reviews (2)
Maria Chumarna. Kod ukrajins'koji vyshyvky. (The Code of the Ukrainian Embroidery)
"Feeling the live breathing of the space mystery encoded in the ancient culture of our ancestors, realizing the necessity of entering live sources of powerful rejuvenation of our modern life anew by touching the great Knowledge – this is the objective of the author of this unique research. The book offers samples of embroidery from all over Ukraine. It is demonstrated how far motives of Trypillya people, Egyptians, Sumerians, Incans, other ancient people were consonant with motives of modern Ukrainians. Decorative patterns replicated since the times of Trypillya and till nowadays, history and symbolism – all of this has been collected in one book by Maria Chumarna. This book is an attempt to reveal the sense of the encoded record of Ukraine imprinted on shirts and towels, trunks and altars. The same record exists in our genes and consciousness.

The publication is intended for all those who love Ukraine and the beauty of its hand-made masterpieces. The book contains very rich illustrative material – charts, photos, pictures."

In Ukrainian.

Chalk paper

Number of pages: 192, illustrated publication

Format: 208х288 mm

Cover: hard + dust-cover

Publisher: Apriori, Lviv

Table of Contents:

Vstup (Introduction):

- Skarby babusynoji skryni (Treasures of grandma's chest)

- Zvukovyy kljuch (Sound key)

- Koduvannja doli (Encoding the fate)

- Varvara ryzy tkala (Varvara wove vestries)

- Vyshyvka – tse kosmos (Embroidery is a space)

- Zirky i poznachennja (Stars and denotations)

- Trishky istoriji (A bit of history)

- "Jakby my vchylys‘..." ("If we learned...")

- Sakral‘na heometrija vsesvitu (Sacral geometry of the universe)

Section I: Svitobudova (The universe construction)

Section II: Tochka i kolo (Point and circle)

Section III: Trykutnyk, romb i kvadrat (Triangle, rhombus and square)

Section IV: Symvoly svitorukhu (Characters of light movement)

Section V: Kryvyy tanets‘ (Crooked dance)

Section VI: Varny svitu (Layers of the world)

Section VII: Kvitka zhyttja (Flower of life)

Section VIII: Oberehy doli (Mascots of fate)

Section IX: Na storozhi (On guard)

Catalogue number: ISBN 9789668256790
Year: 2008

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Maria Chumarna

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See also:

Taisha Abelar. Mahichny perekhid. (The Sorcerer's Crossing. A Woman's Journey)

Taisha Abelar is one of four students of Don Juan Matus. The Sorcerer's Crossing is a fascinating and detailed story about learning techniques that help one accumulate enough energy to perform an act of complete and ultimate release.
Domestic price: 334.60UAH, International price: $23.90USD

Neale Donald Walsch. Rozmovy z Bohom. an uncommon dialogue. Volume 1. (Conversations with God)

This is a kind of the author's dialog with God recorded on paper. In a simple language, in the form of questions and answers, it tells about the life mission, relationships and love, forgiveness and salvation. It speaks frankly about sex, power, money, children, what war and peace, knowledge and ignorance, the visible and the invisible are.
Domestic price: 320.60UAH, International price: $22.90USD

Helena Roerich, Nicholas Roerich. Leaves of Morya’s Garden. 1926. Book III. Obschyna. (Community)

In 1926, under extremely complicated circumstances, three Roerichs brought to Moscow Mahatma's message to leaders of the Soviet Union – the so-called letter of warning offering assistance, as well as the book "Community" from "Agni Yoga” series. However, the help was rejected. The country began rapidly slipping into totalitarianism.
Domestic price: 256.20UAH, International price: $18.30USD

Helena Roerich, Nicholas Roerich. Leaves of Morya’s Garden. 1925. Book II. Ozorinnya. (Brightening)

The second book from the series of the scientific and philosophical teaching "Living Ethics". The "Living Ethics" books are prepared for publication and published by Nikolay and Elena Roerich in the 1920-30s based on diary entries reflecting conversations between E.I. Roerich and Himalayan Teachers.
Domestic price: 256.20UAH, International price: $18.30USD

Helena Roerich, Nicholas Roerich. Leaves of Morya’s Garden. 1924. Book I. Zov. (Calling)

The first book from the series of the scientific and philosophical teaching "Living Ethics". The "Living Ethics" books are prepared for publication and published by Nikolay and Elena Roerich in the 1920-30s based on diary entries reflecting conversations between E.I. Roerich and Himalayan Teachers.
Domestic price: 256.20UAH, International price: $18.30USD

Maryna Sokolyan. Kherem.

The One Who Brings Light and The One Who Brings the New: in Christian mythology these are two opposite characters. And what if it were not the case? In the world of "Herem" everything is not so: believers expect for not the savior but the destroyer; a trinity of angels visit not the last righteous man but the last sinner; the teacher betrays the protagonist...
Domestic price: 180.60UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Reviews (2)

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Yaroslav Faizulin. Istorija.UA: postati, fakty, versiji. (History.UA: figures, facts, versions)
History.UA: figures, facts, versions
Domestic: 418.60UAH
International: $29.90USD
Oleksa Hryschenko. Moi roky v Tsarhorodi 1919-1920-1921. (My Years in Constantinople)
Oleksa Hryschenko. My Years in Constantinople
Domestic: 278.60UAH
International: $19.90USD
Tanya Sha, MuzBat. Kolyskova vid Tata. /song book+CD/. (Dad's Lullaby)
Dad's Lullaby. /song book+CD
Domestic: 0.00UAH
International: $0.00USD
Taras Pastukh. Polumja vidihrije pamjat... Memories of Oleh Lysheha. (Flames Will Warm Up the Memory)
Memories of Oleh Lysheha
Domestic: 460.60UAH
International: $32.90USD