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Mykhailo Yakubovych. Filosofska dumka Krymskoho khanstva. (The Philosophical Thinking of the Crimean Khanate)

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Mykhailo Yakubovych. Filosofska dumka Krymskoho khanstva. (The Philosophical Thinking of the Crimean Khanate)
"This book is the first comprehensive academic study of the religious and philosophical heritage of the Crimean Khanate of the 15th-18th centuries showing development of its major intellectual traditions – those of the law and apologetics, discursive theology and mysticism (Sufism) – in the global context of the Muslim philosophy in the post-classical period. Moreover, the author managed to reconstruct biographies of the most outstanding thinkers of the Crimean Khanate, and the annexes contains fragments of their works translated directly from handwritten and printed sources. Many of the sources used are introduced into the scientific discourse for the first time in the world practice of oriental studies."

In Ukrainian.
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 144x200 mm
Number of pages: 448, illustrated
Publisher: KOMORA, Kyiv

- Peredmova

- Vstup

Rozdil 1. Istoriohrafija ta dzherela do vyvchennja filosofs‘koji dumky v Kryms‘komu khanstvi

- Doslidzhennja filosofs‘koji spadshchyny Kryms‘koho khanstva u pratsjakh vitchyznjanykh ta zarubizhnykh avtoriv

- Dzherela do vyvchennja relihiyno-filosofs‘koji tradytsiji Kryms‘koho khanstva

Rozdil 2. Zarodzhennja filosofs‘koji dumky v zolotoordyns‘komu Krymu

- Rozvytok relihiyno-filosofs‘kykh znan‘ u period islamizatsiji Kryms‘koho Ulusu

- Zolotoordyns‘kyy uchenyy Sharaf ad-Din al‘-Kyrymi ta yoho komentar na "Majak svitochiv": hermenevtychni aspekty

- Filosofija Ibn al‘-’Arabi ta Sadr ad-Dina al‘-Kunavi v interpretatsiji Akhmada bin ’Abd Allaha al‘ Kyrymi

Rozdil 3. Filosofs‘kyy sufizm Ibrahima al‘-Kyrymi

- Ibrahim al‘-Kyrymi jak predstavnyk khal‘vatiys‘koho bratstva

- Koranichna hermenevtyka u tvorchosti Ibrahima al‘-Kyrymi

- Ideja dukhovnoji podorozhi v "Darunkakh mylostyvoho" Ibrahima al‘-Kyrymi: antropolohichna ta istoriosofichna perspektyva

Rozdil 4. Abu l‘-Baka’ al‘-Kafauvi: paradyhma postklasychnoho syntezu nauk

- Zhyttjevyy shljakh i naukova spadshchyna Abu l‘-Baka’ al‘-Kafauvi

- Kulliyjat Abu l‘-Baka’ al‘-Kafauvi v konteksti islams‘koho entsyklopedyzmu

- Problema rozuminnja bozhestvennykh vlastyvostey (syfat) u Kulliyjat Abu l‘-Baka’ al‘-Kafauvi

- Hermenevtychna teorija v Kulliyjat Abu l‘-Baka’ al‘-Kafauvi

Rozdil 5. Ratsionalizm Mukhammada al‘-Kafauvi (pom. 1754/1755 r.) ta Mukhammada al‘ Akkirmani (pom. 1761 r.)

- Retseptsija avitsenizmu v pratsjakh Mukhammada al‘-Kafauvi (pom. 1754/1755 r.)

- Ontolohichna ta etychni pohljady Mukhammada al‘ Akkirmani (pom. 1761 r.)

Rozdil 6. Teorija i praktyka sufizmu v tvorchosti kryms‘kykh avtoriv XVII-XVIII st.

- Svitohljadni osoblyvosti pratsi Abu l‘-Fayda al‘-Kafauvi Khada’jik al‘-Akhyar fi Khaka’jik al‘-Akhbar ("Sady naykrashchykh z-pomizh sutnostey povidomlen‘")

- "Vnutrishniy" i "zovnishniy" shljakhy bohopiznannja v "Putivnyku dlja znavtsiv" (Ariflerin Delili) Selima Divane Krymyly (pom. 1757 r.)

- Filosofs‘ki osoblyvosti sufiys‘koji ekzehetyky Khamida ’Bi-nuva’ Kyrymi

- Mistychne svitobachennja ’Abd al‘-Baki al‘-Khidzhabi (pom. 1822 r.)

Rozdil 7. Islams‘ka apolohetyka v tvorchosti kryms‘kykh avtoriv XVII-XVIII st.

- "Poslannja pro shist‘ nauk" ’Abd Allaha al‘-Kafauvi

- Akhmad bin Khasan al‘-Kafauvi (XVII st.) ta yoho "Poslannja pro sposib skhodzhennja odkrovennja"

- Eskhatolohichna homiletyka Kutb ad-Dina al‘-Kyrymi


Publisher: KOMORA
Catalogue number: ISBN 9786177286102
Year: 2016

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Yuriy Shevelyov, Leonid Plyusch. Lystuvannya: 1979-1995. (Correspondence: 1979-1995)

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Taisha Abelar. Mahichny perekhid. (The Sorcerer's Crossing. A Woman's Journey)

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Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

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