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Komu Vnyz. 4: Shevchenko. (EP). /digi-pack/.
Komu Vnyz. Shevchenko. (EP) (special offer)
Domestic: 404.60UAH
International: $28.90USD
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Catalogue -> Church

The ensemble of old church music "Sreteniye". Penye drevnej cerkvy. Bogosluzhebnye pesnopenyja Vyzantyy, Yveryy y Rusy.

Reviews (1)
The ensemble of old church music "Sreteniye". Penye drevnej cerkvy. Bogosluzhebnye pesnopenyja Vyzantyy, Yveryy y Rusy.
Three other discs, which can be found with us, present a separate immersion into Byzantine, Georgian and Ancient Russian church singing. At this disk all three directions are presented at the same time. You know, this mixture does not look like vinaigrette. On the contrary, such joining gives a specific filling and volume to the singing canvas of the recording. You will hear how three schools supplement one another and emphasise characteristic features of one another. Sunny Georgian blood and luxurious Byzantine fretwork in a single whole with silver Ancient Russian light create practically boundless prayerful space. Yes, the sense lies exactly here. As a matter of fact, this singing is a prayer in all its purity, beauty and power. There’s not a shadow of fear, greediness or humiliation here, but there is dignity, freedom, correspondence to your destination in this world and responsibility for this destination. These particular things give people the right and possibility to be a Person...
Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)

Year: 2003

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The ensemble of old church music "Sreteniye"

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1.  Vyzantyjskyj Prychasten Pashy bolharskoho yzvoda, hlas 5
2.  Pryydyte poklonymsja (na lyturhyy). Yverskoe pesnopenye
3.  Blahoslovy (ps. 103). Valaamskyj obyhod
4.  Bohorodyce Devo radujsja: a)Russkaja (stolpovoj raspev), b) Vyzantyjskaja, v)Yverskaja tradycyy
5.  Tropary na pohrebenye Bozhyej Matery. Stolpovoj raspev
6.  Allyluya. Yverskoe pesnopenye
7.  Kto Boh velyj: a) Vyzantyjskaja, b) Bolharskaja y v) Russkaja tradycyy
8.  Tropar' Rozhdestvu: a) Russkaja (stolpovoj raspev), b) Vyzantyjskaja v) Yverskaja tradycyy
9.  Kondak Rozhdestvu: a) Russkaja (stolpovoj raspev), b) Vyzantyjskaja tradycyy
10.  Svetylen Rozhdestvu: a) Russkaja (stolpovoj raspev), b) Vyzantyjskaja tradycyy
11. Mp3Heruvymskaja. Yverskyj obyhod
12.  Pokajanyja otverzy my dvery: Vyzantyjskoe pesnopenye bolharskoho yzvoda
13.  Vzbrannoj Voevode vyzantyjskyj 8 hlas, samopodoben
14.  Psalom 127, na Venchanyy: vyzantyjskyj 3-j hlas
15. Mp3Heruvymskaja, Vyzantyjskyj 8 hlas. Bolharskyj yzvod
16.  Otca y Syna, vyzantyjskyj 6 hlas
17. Mp3Prychasten Voskresnyj, stolpovoj raspev
18. Mp3Prychasten Voskresnyj, Vyzantyjskoe dvuhholos'e
19.  Dostojno est' (arhyerejskoe) na podoben hymna Demetre I
 Total playing time: 70:45

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

Reviews (1)

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