"Maria" is, presumably, the first truthful book about Ukrainian Famine of 1932-1933 – for it was written in 1933. And written so that sometimes blood gets frozen – though, it might seem, there are virtually no scenes of cruelty or violence. At least, in the sense that is already habitual for modern society. I mean that if you expect for a heap of chronicle details – you won't find them here. And what you will find is a deep and very humane story about the fates of ordinary Ukrainian peasants. Hard-working, simple and wise – actually, exactly such people have all through the times been keeping the live earth. There is no epatage or pomposity at all, not a hint to the intension to exaggerate or hide something. Actually, it is this simplicity and maximal honesty of the story that make it so piercing, close – there are not statistics, but living people in it. Who love, work, believe, struggle, live and die – with dignity. And this dignity is most real, because it comes through hard callosities, salt sweat, through pain and joy of daily work on land. Everybody must work – otherwise, he/she becomes a parasite. And the greatest labor of a person is in his/her heart. And it is not by chance that the name of the protagonist is Maria...
Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)
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