Chorus named G. Veryovka. Oy tam, za lisochkom. /digi-pack/. (Oj, There, Behind the Grove) | | Track Reviews (2) |
As I have an acquaintance who works at the airport, I can confidently say: when flying away from Ukraine, people search for discs by exactly this Ukrainian collective, in fact, more frequently than any other ones. Whatever you might say, the National Choir named after G.Veryovka is a real, bright, original legend. Living. By the way, in 2008, the choir will celebrate the 65 th anniversary from the day of its foundation – and life whirls to this day: numerous tours, researches, successes, labor, realization... Creativity. It is necessary to indicate here that participants of the choir collect not only folk songs, dances, instrumental music. This is a real laboratory, in which they also study ceremonies and customs from all over Ukraine. Here, in fact, the choir, orchestra, dancing group, training studio, the ensemble "Tsviten" co-operate – the unordinary union of bright people, isn't it. By the way, it is from here that the way of one of the best performers of Ukrainian folk songs – Nina Matvienko – started. She was its soloist for many years... Thus, they have reasons to be justly proud of – and a lot of them. And if we take into consideration that till recently it was almost impossible to find records by the choir, because new ones did not appear, and old ones did not have second releases... I think that the only thing left is to congratulate everyone – us, you, them – of that what has long been expected for has finally happened. The silence is finally – broken!
Publisher: UKRmusic Catalogue number: UM-CD 106 Year: 2007
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- Chorus named G. Veryovka
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CD1 |
1. |
| Oh Come, My Geese, to the Pond (Oy, hylja, hylja, huson‘ky na stav)
2. |
 | Oh There, behind the Wood
(Oy, tam, za lisochkom)
3. |
 | Piper
4. |
| Oh You, the Moon (Oy, ty misjatsju)
5. |
 | Is It Cloudy, Is It Misty
(Oy, chy khmaryt‘sja, chy tumanyt‘sja)
6. |
| Green Oakery (Dibrovo zelena)
7. |
 | Grey Geese Have Eaten the Buckwheat
(Siriji husy hrechku pojily)
8. |
| Oh You Bushy Birch-Tree (Oy, ty, berezo kucherjava)
9. |
 | Gagilka (Traditional Grove Song)
10. |
| Little Shepherd (Vivcharyk)
11. |
| The Samur River (Samur-rika)
12. |
 | Meadow Cuckoo
(Luhovaja zozulen‘ka)
13. |
| Oh I'll Go to the Holey Mill (Oy, pidu ja do mlyna, do dyrjavoho)
14. |
| Old Man Walked to the Pond (Ishov did na stav)
15. |
| I'm a Pitman Girl (Ja shakhtarochka sama)
16. |
| Ulianka Reaped (Zhala Uljanka)
17. |
| Our Field Stretched Away (Rozljahlosja nashe pole)
18. |
| Vesnyanka (Traditional Spring Song) (Vesnjanka)
19. |
| Hopak |
| Total playing time: 67:55 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
This is a really good album, and we are glad that we can present it here. But – NOTE! – unfortunately, the first two tracks have manufacture defects. Therefore, one cannot buy this release from us – but you can get it as a present, as a free bonus to accompany any order..
Domestic price: 0.00UAH,
International price: $0.00USD
Audio cassette/ .."Vydubychi" is a church choir, that is why exactly church music usually makes up their repertoire. But at this disc you will hear Ukrainian folk songs performed by this choir.
Domestic price: 213.64UAH,
International price: $10.90USD
As I have an acquaintance who works at the airport, I can confidently say: when flying away from Ukraine, people search for discs by exactly this Ukrainian collective, in fact, more frequently than any other ones. Whatever you might say, the National Choir named after G.Veryovka is a real, bright, original legend. Living.
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
...the mastery performance of these choirs can be compared with academic examples of the world choir music – in particular, thanks exactly to Muravskyi...
Domestic price: 448.84UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
"Berehynya" is not simply an ensemble; this is the theatre of the Ukrainian folklore.
Domestic price: 448.84UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
...these songs at this disc sound somehow strictly, greatly, spiritually in that sense which is meant in connection with the church singing. Natural melodiousness of both Ukrainian language and, as they say, people’s soul is quite evident for everybody who listens to Ukrainian song...
Domestic price: 390.04UAH,
International price: $19.90USD
Here usual Ukrainian songs sound as spiritual ones, though they seem to have nothing to do with the church. So then, here a song as it is acquires a new quality and a new content – to be exact, an old and almost forgotten content.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
, Brisbane, Australia
28-11-2014 14:55 |
I lost the disc sometime ago in a hire vehicle .It was not returned, which leads me to believe that some one else also found this collection worth having. Nice cross selection of old and traditional songs from Ukraine.A must for the collector as are the others in the collection. ß âòðàòèâ äèñê äåÿêèé ÷àñ òîìó â ïðîêàò³ àâòîìîá³ëþ. Éîãî íå áóëî ïîâåðíåíî, ùî ïðèâîäèòü ìåíå äî äóìêè, ùî õòîñü ³íøèé òàêîæ âèÿâèâ, ùî öþ êîëåêö³þ âàðòî ìàòè. Õîðîøà ï³äá³ðêà ñòàðèõ ³ òðàäèö³éíèõ ï³ñåíü ç Ukraine. Îáîâ'ÿçêîâî ìàòè äëÿ êîëåêö³îíåðà, òàêîæ ÿê ³ ³íø³ â ö³é ñåð³¿.
, Äí³ïðîïåòðîâñüê
16-10-2008 19:29 |
×óäîâå âèêîíàííÿ íàðîäíèõ ï³ñåíü! Ïðîñòî ôàíòàñòè÷íî!
slow drive
Domestic: 448.84UAH
International: $22.90USD