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No doubt – despite the title, "Middle Age", no crisis is in question here. On the contrary. If you were missing something in the previous works by the band – now there is enough of everything: drive, imagination, diversity, groove, warmth, irony – freedom... everything. It's not even that some of these things were previously not found there. They were – but now all of this is combined in such a powerful balance that the album resembles a keg of dynamite when the wick is already set on fire: it will definitely explode but it only depends on you, whether it tears you into pieces, or you fly up somewhere where even birds will be impressed... This kind of angry joy – the bridges have been burned, and not only behind but also ahead. Therefore, one moves further on foot or by water, or goodbye, mom, sorry if that was not enough... I hope it will be continued – Andriy Khlyvnyuk has during the recent years revealed himself so vividly that one unwittingly believes: this guy, if he wishes, will not only stand by, but will also be a step ahead...Anton Yozhyk Leyba