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LBB. Lemko Bluegrass Band. /digi-pack/.
Carpathian bluegrass
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD
Komu Vnyz. 4: Shevchenko. (EP). /digi-pack/.
Komu Vnyz. Shevchenko. (EP) (special offer)
Domestic: 507.64UAH
International: $25.90USD
Artists :   A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [0-9]
Albums:   A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [0-9]


Anatoly Alexanian, Jazz Impression. Anatoly Alexanian & Jazz Impression. /digi-pack/
  Михаил Оськин , Киев
24-03-2008 23:56

Я не слышал ничего красивее и проникновеннее в нашем джазе, чем пьеса Full Moon in Korea. Чувство и образный ряд завораживают своей искренностью. Это пример того, как мало средств надо для передачи настоящих состояний, как можно играть чувство, как можно видеть образы, играть образы, избегая всякой нарочистости. Если вы чувствовали что-то подобное в жизни, эта пьеса тронет самую глубину вашего сердца.

Aby MC, Tanya Radosteva. F5. /digi-pack/
  Mapko , USA
24-03-2008 19:02

Мені цей альбом дуже сподобався! Будючи за кордоном світогляд людини міняється і починаєтся ностальгія за своїм. Цей альбом дарує можливість любити своє по іншому. Такий стиль музики є для любителів етно а я просто шанувальник тому хочеться почути більше.

Voanerges. Hay "Da" Maky. (Steppe'N'Poppies)
  , Głogów, Polska/Poland
20-03-2008 18:33

Pozwolę sobie napisać po polsku.
Gdy otrzymałam płyte zafascynowała mnie okładka..pełna barw, typowo wiosenna, nastrojowa.
Uważam że wszystkie płyty które do tej pory wydał zespół Voanerges są fantastyczne. Cieszę się, że po osłuchaniu się już z płytą "Vertepno" oraz "Zlata Vrata" przyszedł czas na "HajMaki". Bardzo miło jest połuchać czegoś nowego. Myślę że muzyka Voanerges jest i nastrojowa i taka do której można potańczyć. Naprawdę, wszystkim bardzo polecam szczególnie tym którzy być może wahają się nad zakupem tejże płyty. Każdy zjadzie coś dla siebie. Życzę zespołowi Voanerges by ich twórczość była dla wielu ludzi świadectwem patriotyzmu oraz głębokiej wiary.
Pozdrawiam serdecznie z Polski! :)

Zaporozhets‘ za Dunajem. Feature comic music film. Based on the same-name opera by S. Hulak-Artemovsky. (DVD). (Zaporozhian Behind the Danube)
  , Chiefland Florida, U.S.A.
18-03-2008 23:15

This dvd I purchased as a present for my wife and my Father-in-law. They enjoy it as a classic from days long ago. It is very entertaining to me as I have just seen it for the first time and it is fine comedy, good and clear with no visual problems as a dvd. Good volume as sometimes dvds have low sound , good entertainment!

Ukrajins‘ka herojichna pisnja. (Ukrainian Heroic Song)
  , orchard park, usa
13-03-2008 16:16

This CD cannot be overpraised. Out of 5 stars, I give it 10. It is a triumph
of modern Ukrainian music; historic in its aesthetic and social significance. Inspired by the classics of the 20th century's Ukrainian patriotic/heroic songbook, Ukraine's rock geniuses present a unique musical statement that is revolutionary. The CD's musical producer Oleh Skrypka is a true hero of modern Ukrainian culture. He truly deserves his recently bestowed Shevchenko prize of honor. I hope this CD sets a record for sales; its a gift for all lovers of Ukrainiian music.

Maria Burmaka. Saundtreky. (Soundtracks)
  , Київ, Женева
09-03-2008 13:03

Від"їжджаючи з України купила декілька нових дисків, щоб слухати "дома". Диск "Саундтреки " мене просто вразив, розчулив, ввів в світлу печаль і переконав, що життя прекрасне. Одночасно. Марія Бурмака--це по-моєму недооцінене явище в Україні.. Є деякі пісні на грані геніальності. Дякую.

Mandry. Mandry u Krajini Mriy. (live). /digi-pack/. (Wayfaring in the Dreamland)
  Owen , London, United Kingdom
09-03-2008 00:22

An outstanding live CD from Mandry! The energy of the show is truly captured and the mastering on the disc is outstanding with no loss of sound quality from being live. After the average last studio album, "The Way", this is a true return to form. At a time when folk rock is getting recognition worldwide and in a perfect world, Mandry would be bigger internationally than Gogol Bordello (USA), Haydamaky (UA) and Goran Bregović (Serbia) put together.

Kvitka (Kasey) Cisyk. Two Colors.
  , Toronto, Canada
08-03-2008 14:47

I bought this CD over a decade ago from a Ukranian bookstore/general store in Toronto because they were often playing it when I used the Canada Post government office within their store. One day I asked the lady clerk for the name of the singer and she told me that the CD was available at the other side of the store. I bought it and I loved it, even though I was in my late 20s then and clubbing every weekend to really hard house music. I would play it when friends came to my apartment, and it always had an effect on them. When my sister died in 2003, I gave my Kvitka CD to my Mom because her voice and songs are really uplifting. Oh, how I missed owning that CD afterwards. I did often look for it in the World Music section of stores, but had no success. Now I'm happy that I could find it and that I own it once again and the inspirational quality that I once enjoyed, returned. I appreciate your great service, and your prices are amazing. When we want to buy a CD in Canada, the prices (approx. equal to USD) start at $15 and if imported could go up to $40. To get it for $14.45 from halfway around the world, a week after the order is and excellent deal.


Qarpa. inZhYR. /digi-pack/
  , Colubus, OH, USA
06-03-2008 13:44

This album rocks! I don't understand the Ukrainian lyrics, but I don't care. The gripping music and edgy vibe of each song transcends the language barrier. Sometimes I wish that I did understand the lyrics, because I imagine that my enjoyment of the music would be enriched, but the acoustic experience stands on its own two feet. The experience of listening to this album as pure sound is satisfying enough for me to want more of Qarpa. Dya kuyu!

Huljajhorod, Tartak. Kofein.
  Олександр , Костянтинівка, Україна
05-03-2008 14:09

Надзвичайно цікавий альбом. Дорослий. Положинський, здається, на попсову сцену вже не повернеться. Його громадська діяльність стає все активнішою. Думаю, що ми скоро побачимо серйозний творчий злет людини (напевне, талант утвердивсь у світоглядовому, філософському плані). Принаймні, цей альбом дає такі сподівання. Більше того - не є легкою подібна творчість у такому жанрі. Дуже приємно.

Yuriy Gnatkovsky, Ulia Lord. Snizhnist'. Muzyka zymovyh svjat. (Snowiness. Music of Winter Holidays)
  Леся , Київ
01-03-2008 22:56

цей диск потрясаючий!!!
я отримую задоволення щоразу його прослуховуючи, хоча зимові свята вже давно пройшли.
дуже хороший звук, аранжування і приємні голоси Юрія Гнатковського та Юлії Лорд - усі ці фактори створюють атмосферу свята, домашнього затишку і тепла. рекомендую!!!

Video-collection "Ukrainian State Folk Dance Ensemble Virsky". 2 DVDs.
  , Perkinsville, USA
29-02-2008 17:34

What wonderful DVDs! Fantastic folk dancing and a delight to watch. The costuming is beautiful and filming very well done. They have given me hours of pleasure and will be shared with family and friends, including students at a high school. Highly recommended for any and all who enjoy folk dancing from around the world. A realy joy!

Anatolij Matvijchuk. Zacharovana krasa. (Charmed Beauty)
  , Perkinsville, USA
29-02-2008 17:04

What a pleasure to listen to Anatoly Matviychuk! Although I am not, as noted, in the "middle age group", having reached my elder years he is thoroughly enjoyable to listen to. This is more modern music than from my younger years. However, it is wonderful with his emotional voice giving the music and lyrics (although I do not understand Ukrainian nor Russian!) giving me much easy listening.

Studio theater "Arabesque", Kharkiv Klezmer Band, Serhiy Zhadan. Radio shanson: visim istoriy pro Juru Zoyfera. /brochure+CD/. (Radio Chanson: Eight Stories of Jura Soyfer)
  щлег , кременчук, укр
28-02-2008 18:28

Супер!!!На жаль не представлено в маленьких містах, у маршрутках, казіно...

Kobza. Lisova Pisnya.
25-02-2008 04:08

KOBZA is simply an awesome band -I knew their first album, wonderful- in the middle of the soviet decadence whitch oppressing the immortal, milennary, glorious and beloved Ukraine People, but never cannot defeat us!!!. I'm not naturally born in Ukrainian Land but I'm a direct hutzul descent from the Ukrainian Carpatian Mountains (this information give me a long time ago my grand-father R.I.P. -Bashel Kierniczny-, just arrived in 1939 at my born Country: Paraguay). All right, KOBZA is a glorious page of the early rock's culture, not only for the beloved Country Ukraine, but for all the countries spreading around these lattitudes and neighbourhood. Thank you for give to my this space and excuse me my poor english 'cause I'm was educated in latine languages. Thanx again!!!.

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7 june 2024
UMKA plans to take a break
22 february 2022
The "Return Alive" Foundation
Braty Hadyukiny. Made in Ukraine. /digi-pack/.
songs in the time change
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD
Dakh Daughters. Make Up. /digi-pack/.
Dakh Daughters: what's behind the mask
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD
Natalka Snyadanko. Pershe slidstvo imperatrytsi. (The Empress' First Investigation)
The Empress' First Investigation
Domestic: 311.64UAH 264.99UAH
International: $15.90USD $13.52USD
Yaroslav Faizulin. Istorija.UA: postati, fakty, versiji. (History.UA: figures, facts, versions)
History.UA: figures, facts, versions
Domestic: 468.44UAH
International: $23.90USD