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Carpathian bluegrass
Domestic: 350.84UAH
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Hrytsko Chubay. Pyatyknyzhzhya. (Pentateuch)

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Hrytsko Chubay. Pyatyknyzhzhya. (Pentateuch)
"This is the impersonation book by one of the most mysterious Ukrainian poets, whose star flashed brightly in the dark 1970's. This is a dialogue book of the Poet with the Contemporary beyond the usual time frame, and a book that is Hrytsko Chubai's conversation with his close friends – both the poems, and his friends have lived for many years after the poet had passed away. This book is like a letter in a bottle, an extremely important message from the past into the future to those who will be able to read into it, those who will be able to germinate the living words in their hearts."
This is, probably, one of the most important books of poetry in the Ukrainian literature of the recent decades – at least. This is unconditional Poetry..
In Ukrainian
Illustrations: Art Studio "Agrafka" (Romana Romanyshyn, Andriy Lesiv)

Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 140x200 mm
Number of pages: 255, illustrated publication
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva, Lviv

- Peredmova: Poezija Hryhoriya Chubaya. Kostyantyn Moskalets

Knyzhka 1. Postat‘ holosu:

- (Vchora vdosvita pryyshla do mene postat‘) \\ (Skrypuchi dveri pam’jati prychyneno) \\ (Na vydnokoli hronjat‘sja vzhe khmary) \\ (tak sprokvola nadkhodyt‘) \\ Teatr. Aktorovi Svjatoslavu Maksymchuku \\ Vin \\ (Koly do hub tvojikh...) \\ Pislja kino. Mykhaylovi Sanchenku \\ Don Kikhot \\ Vechir (zelenyy vechir...) \\ (I znov nesterpno tykho nastaje) \\ Rushnyk \\ Vechir (den‘ vidkhodyt‘...) \\ Bezsonnja \\ Muzyka \\ S‘ohodni \\ (derevo paradoksal‘nosti) \\ (Oy, dyvni ta predyvni) \\ Novorichne \\ (Tajemna tysh vechirnikh perevtilen‘) \\ Ptashka \\ (Stolochyly zazhureni maky vechora) \\ Prytcha pro avtoportret \\ Vdosvita \\ (Ostanniy hrim davno skotyvsja z dakhu) \\ (a ja tebe davno uzhe zabuv) \\ (tykhyy doshch) \\ Trava \\ (Moja zadykhana korydo) \\ (vidlunnja dzerkala)

Knyzhka 2. Vertep:

- Vertep (poema)

Knyzhka 3. Vidshukuvannja prychetnoho:

- Vidshukuvannja prychetnoho (poema)

Knyzhka 4. Plach Jeremiji:

- Plach Jeremiji \\ Cholovik \\ Zhinka \\ Lito \\ Korydor iz dveryma zavbil‘shky z oko \\ Vechir (zadyvljajemosja v krynytsju...) \\ Svit \\ Osin‘ z malen‘kymy derevamy \\ KhRONIKA. Ihorevi Kalyntsju \\ Chuty \\ Pastukhy \\ Prytcha \\ Rechi \\ Toy shcho pevnyy \\ Nevidomyy \\ Osin‘. – prorotstvo – \\ Mozhna \\ Sutenije \\ Pustelja \\ Prorok

Knyzhka 5. Svitlo i spovid‘:

I. Pisnja pro zoloti klitky. Dlja Valentyna Moroza:

- (letjat‘ shpaky na elektrychne svitlo) \\ Velykden‘. Kosmach-1970 \\ Kolyskova \\ Opovidach lehend \\ (tak upevneno majut‘sja...) \\ (ty bachysh nyni slid konja)

II. Svitlo i spovid‘. Halyni Chubay:

- 1. (derev’jana zozulja) \\ 2. (ja zapytaju Tebe...) \\ 3. Ty ne majesh dovkola \\ 4. (pishchanym berehom...) \\ 5. (Tobi uslid...) \\ 6. (sjade navproty zozulja...) \\ 7. (prechysti holosy) \\ 8. (od vikna i do stavu) \\ 9. (pobizhu po n‘omu...) \\ 10. (ne vidaju de) \\ 11. (a Ty na vysokiy hori) \\ 13. (nasnyt‘sja Tobi...)

III. Marija (poema)

poza P’jatyknyzhzhjam:

- (...ale ty takozh radist‘) \\ (Ziydy na pahorb...) \\ Koly staje zovsim-zovsim temno \\ (Lyshen‘ zibravs‘ poslukhat‘ solov’ja) \\ (Ota pora berezneva meni naymylisha) \\ Mayzhe romans \\ (Pry tiy sosni meni) \\ (Tysha vechirnja...) \\ (Tsvirkuny mov skazheni v travi dzelenchat‘) \\ (Chomu tak posmutnila ty?) \\ (Shchn tak nedavno y tak uzhe davno) \\ (Ja jiy skazav...) \\ (Ja shche zhyvu i dumaju po-litn‘omu) \\ (Jakos‘ nadvechir polem ishov samotoju) \\ Nich \\ Peyzazh \\ Snih (napys do kartyny P.Broyhelja "Rizdvo v Amsterdami") \\ Hipnoz \\ Bezsonnja \\ (Tsey flot plyve...) \\ Balada pro skrypku \\ Balada pro vtechu \\ Balada pro ochi \\ Balada pro vikna \\ Balada pro ljubov z pershoho pohljadu \\ (My kompromisymo) \\ Koly smijut‘sja dity \\ (Zlamaymo svoho spokoju kanony) \\ (V dvadtsjatyy vik ne prosto zhyty) \\ (Iz usima smijatysja i plakaty) \\ (Ne hovorim palkykh osvidchen‘) \\ (Tam stohominno, sontselyko) \\ (Shchastja – tse vyhadaty Tebe) \\ (Koly ty stajesh na kolina) \\ (Khtos‘ opivnochi hrav pro den‘) \\ (Topolynoste vohnju moho odchajena)

- Hovoryty, movchaty i hovoryty znovu (poema)

Chy pyshu ja teper lysty... Dva lysty do Oleha Lyshehy:

- ¹1

- ¹2

Post Scriptum. Oleh Lysheha

Publisher: Staryi Lev
Catalogue number: ISBN 9786176790242
Year: 2013

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Hrytsko Chubay

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See also:

Kateryna Kalytko. Orden movchalnyts. (The Order of the Silent)

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Domestic price: 390.04UAH, International price: $19.90USD

Serhiy Zhadan. Psalom aviatsiji. (The Psalm of Aviation)

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Domestic price: 448.84UAH, International price: $22.90USD

Serhiy Zhadan. Spysok korabliv. (The Ships List)

Sixty poems about the memory, born of love, and about the fire, which only leaves tenderness behind. Sixty attempts to outline the light and speak about the air over the city. The Ship List is a list of those who have left, but who cannot be forgotten. A list of cities, where somebody is always waiting for you. Probably, the author's most intimate book.
Domestic price: 390.04UAH, International price: $19.90USD

Olexander Klymenko. Pro dereva i levitatsiyu. (About Trees and Levitation)

This book is a fallout from the mundane life into metaphysics, a story about the human life that sprouts from heavy roots to levitate. A world born in creative visions can become the most important lifetime asset – an equivalent of true faith, hope, and love.
Domestic price: 135.24UAH, International price: $6.90USD

Dmytro Lazutkin. Arteria. (The Artery)

A new book of poems by famous Ukrainian poet, journalist, and TV presenter Dmytro Lazutkin. His poems are a portrayal of the internal state, they capture and impress starting with the very first line. The new and unusual "sparkle" of the collection is the qr codes added to some of the poems..
Domestic price: 292.04UAH, International price: $14.90USD

Serhiy Zhadan. Antenna.

80 new poems written over the past two years. 80 attempts to experience by touch the time that we live in, that we breathe, that we talk about. The time every touch of which burns. The time where private diary entries may turn out to be a military chronicle, and Biblical stories – morning news.
Domestic price: 390.04UAH, International price: $19.90USD

Iryna Tsilyk. Hlybyna rizkosti. (The Depth of Sharpness)

..almost every woman can do that: give birth to a baby – and start to intensively recall her own childhood; see her husband go to the war – and start drawing parallels with the wars long past. But not everyone can with such love and determination express that, making the past as sharp as the present, and the present – as deep as the past.
Domestic price: 370.44UAH, International price: $18.90USD

Bohdana Matiyash. rozmovy z Bohom. /second edition, extended/. (talking to the God)

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Dmytro Lazutkin. Chervona knyha. (The Red Book)

Dmytro Lazutkin is sensitive to what is worth speaking about and knows how to pick up the right words. His poetry is interweaving of experiences and premonitions, flexible metaphors and clear images. "The Red Book" is a collection where most of the poems were composed during the last year...
Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Borys Khersonsky. Kosmosnash.

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Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Serhiy Zhadan. Zhyttia Mariyi. (The Life of Maria)

Zhadan talks – about the dearest letters and burnt bridges, lost spots and destroyed cities. In the rhymed verse and in the free verse, with his own words and translated ones. He talks to his guys and to aliens, to saints and those not very saint – and, sure, to us. In order to rescue – if not us, then at least our children.
Domestic price: 331.24UAH, International price: $16.90USD

Marianna Kiyanovska. DO ER: selected works.

In this book, the poems by Marianna Kiyanovska are linked with the overarching plot – epic, mythological – of love as a way of creating the world. Despite the fact that "TO ER" was written for nearly 20 years, more than fifty of the poems composed in recent years are published for the first time.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Nazar Honchar. Avtoportrety. "Ukrainian Poetry Anthology". (Self-Portraits)

The book of selected poems by Nazar Honchar – one of the most original poets of the eighties, a member of numerous literary and art projects, a performer – includes his most famous and most remarkable works.
Domestic price: 272.44UAH, International price: $13.90USD

Andriy Panchyshyn. Na vulytsy Batiarskiy. Songs from Lviv. (In Batiarska Street)

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Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Oksana Zabuzhko. Poems, 1980-2013.

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Domestic price: 488.04UAH, International price: $24.90USD

Kateryna Babkina. Hirchytsya. Naive Poetry. (Mustard)

Of course, for each of readers and thus re-readers the list of favorite parts of this collection will be individual. Yet, where all of us will agree is that Katya Babkina has absolutely succeeded in the intonation – and we've believed her. This sadness mixed with irony, this light, as after six coffees, bitterne...
Domestic price: 194.04UAH, International price: $9.90USD

Halyna Kruk. Spiv/isnuvannya. (Singing of Existence/ Coexistence)

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Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

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