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Kostyantyn Moskalets. Myslyvtsi na snihu. (Hunters in the Snow)

Reviews (3)
Kostyantyn Moskalets. Myslyvtsi na snihu. (Hunters in the Snow)
"The book by Kostyantyn Moskalets "Hunters in the Snow" offers the most complete presentation of poetic works by one of the significant poets of the 1980s generation, the author of the famous lyrics "Vona" (She), "Treba vstaty i vyjty" (Stand Up and Leave), "Armia Svitla" (Army of Light) and others."

In Ukrainian.

Type of the edition: hard cover, dust cover

Format: 122x165 mm

Number of pages: 244

Publisher: Piramida, Lviv


- Taras Pastukh. Chuttjeve svitinnja slova Kostjantyna Moskal‘tsja

DUMY (1989)

- Lysh na ridniy zemli ty napyshesh tu knyhu...

- Shevchenkovi vnochi

- Jeva

- Shche bude vs‘oho vyshche strikhy...

- Usmikhnenyy Hospod‘, bezljudnyy svit...

- Koly o p’jatiy ranku snih pade...

- Porjatunku meni ne treba...

- Val‘s

- Klychu tebe z dalyny...

- Hnizda radosti...

- Rozmovljaty vnochi po-slov’jans‘komu tykho zitkhaty...

- ljuby mene koly uzhe ne ljubysh...

- Visim t‘mjanykh sonetiv:

I. Restavratsija zymy

II. Nevermore

III. Jevkharystija

IV. Vidvidyny

V. O, zroby meni ochi

VI. Apokalipsys

VII. Fuha baroko

VIII. Kokhannja

- Davayte pohovorymo v zymi...

- Dumy

SONGE DU VIEIL PELERIN (Pisnja staroho pilihryma) (1994)

Chastyna persha:

- Tyrady 1 - 31

Chastyna druha:

- zavshe bojavsja zustrichi nemyloserdnoji...

- karta stara svitankova...

- veselykh svjat – idut‘ rubinovi doshchi...

- Ja shche raz vyp’ju kryzhanoho chaju...

- Nevolja

- Nichoho ne znaju nikoho ne znaju...

- Letyt‘ pozhovkle lystja z verkhovyn...

- Vin oselyvsja u pokynutomu khrami i pysav...

- Probudzhennja

- I chy bulo te lito shcho vymahalo ptakhiv...

- rankove peredmistja snu pro tebe...

- Tebe uzjala rannja rana – ljubov...

- miy druzhe miy vechirniy ty vzhe syvyy...

- Ty vtretje ts‘oho lita zatsvitesh...

- Smishnykh provintsialiv...

- v otykh vazonkakh rosly kanarky...

- Vona, koly ostatniy promin‘ hrakom...

- chekaymo...

- vid ljubyv horo...

- povoli hasne knyha kolir knyhy nazva knyhy...

- Nemaje nikoho u vesnjanomu nadvechir’ji...

- Otozh, ishche odyn zvychaynyy...

- Doshch

- U lystopadi ty ne spysh...

Chastyna tretja:

- pukhnastyy viter shcho letyt‘ z pivnochi...

- Vin – tse ty...

- zhaduju hnizda pokynuti...

- ne vitaymosja tut sered vulyts‘ dyvnykh pustel‘nykh...

- pryjikhaly chumaky...

- vona tantsjuje zaraz na terasi...

- Poema riky

- mylyy nevtishnyy i syvyy...

- Osin‘ ¹546

- sutinkovymy ptakhamy...

- jakby ty bula mojim holosom...

- Pobozhnyy chay

- sontse povoli sidaje za shkoloju...

- Renesans (poema)

Chastyna chetverta:

- Dlja trojandy (poema)

- Tse navit‘ ne virsh


- kholodnyy padolyst volohi pasma dymu...

- Jeva

- Khram

- Molytva do chuzhoho

- Mynajuchy mov son abo stare kino...

- Ja znaju, shcho vzhe zrije u meni...

- Pohljan‘ na tykh, koho bezdumna hyle...

- Slova i rechi, vechir i sova...

- Selo v snihakh i pes pobilja nih...

- Vid smerti u vodi...

- Dva virshi, jaki dovshyy chas vvazhalysja vtrachenymy, prote jikh zberih Jurko Sajenko

- jakby zahljanut‘ unochi...

- Cur male scribis?..

- Amor fati

- Smahljava i nizhna, u rozpovni lita lezhysh...

- Cherven‘ letyt‘ blyskavychno...

- Medytatsija

- Mjunkhen

- Chetverta ranku tykhyy rok i teplyy pled...

- Vona

- Dlja vechoriv (poema)

- Zakinchujet‘sja osin‘. Ty sydysh...

- Sribne pole

- Padaly tykhi snizhynky...

- Tysha zymova zorije...

- Miy Maystre, Snizhe miy, mizh muzyky chuzhoji...

- Istorija trojandy ta snihiv...

- Symvol trojandy

- Polahodyv hodynnyka staroho...

- Povtornyy chas

- Koly vsi pokladut‘sja na spochynok...

- Myslyvtsi na snihu

- Periody (poema)

- Nad nashoju khatynoju maloju...

- Tsja nespodivana dovho ochikuvana...

- Nichni pastukhy buttja


- V tremkomu polum’ji vesny...

- Moja kokhana spyt‘, a za viknom...

- Vladarka movchan‘

- Rokovyny

- Krokusy

- Mami

- Znajesh, mabut‘ ja znaju take, shcho spryymajut‘...

- Osinniy vechir kryv lisy sosnovi...

- Ty zhayvoronok Snih...

- Verbna nedilja

- Katarsys (poema)

Publisher: Piramida
Catalogue number: ISBN 9789664412350
Year: 2011

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Kostyantyn Moskalets

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Reviews (3)

  , Òîð÷èí, Óêðà¿íà
24-11-2014 22:14

Áåçö³ííà çá³ðêà ïîåç³é ãåí³àëüíîãî Êîñòÿ. Âñå ñàìå ïðåêðàñíå ³ âçàãàë³ âñå - â îäí³é âèøóêàí³é ïàë³òóðö³... ×óäåñíå!

  Àííà , ²çðà¿ëü
07-02-2012 12:31

Êíèæêà ñïðàâä³ ïàõíå ñí³ãîì, äåÿê³ ñòîð³íêè – á³ëèì ³ õðóñòêèì, àëå á³ëüø³ñòü òàêèì, ÿêèì â³í íàé÷àñò³øå áóâຠâ Óêðà¿í³: âîëîãèì ³ âàæêèì, í³áè ãðàíóëüîâàíèì, ç êðèæàíîþ øêîðèíêîþ.çàïàõ-ñí³ãó/

  , Ñóìè, Óêðà¿íà
28-01-2012 20:45

Çâè÷àéíî, â³ðø³ Êîñòÿ Ìîñêàëüöÿ íå ìîãëè ìåí³ íå ñïîäîáàòèñÿ. Êóïóþ÷è êíèãó, íàïåðåä çíàëà, ùî çàìîâëÿþ é íàâ³ùî. Ö³ííèì ìîìåíòîì äëÿ ìåíå º é ïóáë³êàö³ÿ ðàíí³õ òåêñò³â (ç³ çá³ðêè "Äóìè"). Ãàðíå, ñóãîëîñíå çàãàëüíîìó íàñòðîþ êíèãè îôîðìëåííÿ. Îäíàê âèíèêëî îäíî ñóòòºâå ïèòàííÿ (ç öüîãî ïðèâîäó íàâ³òü íàìàãàëàñÿ òåëåôîíóâàòè â ðåäàêö³þ, îäíàê íå äîäçâîíèëàñÿ): ùî ñòàëîñÿ ç òåêñòîì ç³ ñòîð³íêè 59? Çà ëîã³êîþ ðîçâèòêó â³ðøà â³í ìຠòàì áóòè! Îäíàê ñòîð³íêà ïîðîæíÿ. ×è òî ÿêèé çàäóì ðåäàêòîð³â, ìåí³ íå çðîçóì³ëèé, ÷è ïðîñòî ïðèêðèé íåäîãëÿä?