(item from the "Rare Discs" section) "Right in front of your eyes, a new mass culture is emerging – the new style of a MASS SHOW. When we do something together, we get absorbed in a state that cannot be compared with anything else. This is – HEY-PHORI-YEAH: and this is the title of my new album." "HEY-phori-YEAH" is an album of charged songs. These are 9 tracks, each of them having its own "sound of joy", "sound of drive". The album, on which the singer worked for almost 4 years, was recorded in Ukraine, Sweden and the USA. Recording of the album involved contributions from Rusty Allen, Victor Little, George Benson, Brian Coller et al. – legendary musicians and producers. Despite this intercontinental nature, the album is based on Slavic rhythms. In old Slavic circle dances, plyaskas, hlopushkas and even liturgies, Ruslana discovered elements new for pop music. The album combines the famous "Gypsy Gril", "Yablochko", "Sirtaki", samples from Glinka, Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky, Rachmaninov. Take a note: from the Russian classics, the singer took what they, in due time, borrowed from the Ukrainian folk culture. Brief flashes of a few seconds of synchronous action – CHARGES – this is the key "know-how" and peculiarity of the new MASS style and Ruslana's show, which is intended to bring together as many people as possible." (information from the official press release)
Publisher: Comp music Catalogue number: 8797124 Year: 2012
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- Ruslana
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CD1 |
1. |
 | Miy Brat!
2. |
| ShaLaLa |
3. |
 | Rakhmaninov
4. |
| Roby huchnishe! |
5. |
 | Vau!
6. |
| Ja-blu4ko! |
7. |
| Davay, hray! / OHO!OHO! |
8. |
 | EY-fori-Ja!
9. |
| Kray (feat. Goran Bregovic) |
| Total playing time: 32:09 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
The ACOUSTIC program did not still become a full-fledged unplugged. The concert was also complemented by a group of strings, winds, percussion – in short, the sound turns out somewhat unexpected and very rich, the arrangements could not remain unchanged either. The habitual drive has not disappeared, though, it has shifted to a slightly different plane.
Domestic price: 448.84UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
Is there any way to measure experience? Even supposing that it is the sum of answers, all the knowledge you have gained. And what if experience is measured not with the number of answers, but with the quality of questions? Vivienne Mort seems to glide on the surface of a mirror on the other side of its bottomlessness – and puts dark pearls straight to your lips..
Domestic price: 448.84UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
..One can simply enjoy the concise arrangements with colorful spices. Or one can discover in these melodies, intonations, and pauses styling on the verge of grotesque. Or – one can hear stories that it is impossible to tell in any other way than this. Sentimental and ironic. And ask: why?
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
..when everything is good, nothing is left to do but just listen. With outstanding – which also matters – pleasure. This is the case when pop music is made so differently compared to most of the customary Ukrainian pop music that.. one can only express sincere gratitude.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
..In the album, one can definitely sense Lama's branded style. Another characteristic is its folk melodies, the Ukrainian musical roots. It is built on harmonies of our people.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
The new album is released in mid-winter, but its name hints at quite a spring mood – and the hint, it seems, is substantiated. If the debut work tended to "heavy blues", "Password: I Love" appears lighter, more romantic, transparent. However, it is still not the manner that has changed – one recognizes the group's sounding at once – it is the mood that has changed.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
..the album is not homogeneous, it has both sadness and joy, and lightness, and twilight, and seriousness, as different expressions of the same – and beautiful – face. While there is no – fear, although words about fear still can be heard from time to time. However, everybody trying to follow his/her path honestly unavoidably reflects on that – and slender honesty can be felt in every song of the album.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
It is difficult to explain this, because nothing has changed radically from outside. But somehow there is a persistent feeling that within this music there now sounds such confidence of one's own forces, ability to speak out simply, without superficial things – that it really looks like a new quality level.
Domestic price: 213.64UAH,
International price: $10.90USD
There is a new and bright reincarnation in it, a new look at things, a new gentle nuance. It looks like a flower, each petal of which has a different colour or shade, which emphasises the depth of other colours.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
Yanka Kozyr Orchestra not simply create music – they create their own mystery of sound, live and bright. And the music matter appears here so saturated, dense, enriched that it seems that it is visible, one can touch it, one can breathe it under water...
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
Talita Kum do not yield their habit – and this is good – to produce varicolored albums. "Show Business!" is again a kaleidoscope of moods, intonations, styles. From disco to rock-mainstream, from tender love lyrics to Freudian banter, from an unhurried ballad to spring drive – without ceremony.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
...this music has its own face, and it, which is good, can hardly be characterized with just one term. Yes, the sounding is characterized by soft lyricism – this could be usual pop-rock unless sometimes it did not swing, say, to the jazz palette...
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
Sometimes – and you never know the next step this group will make - it is a real alternative. You see, an alternative simply means an open possibility of choice, an unlimited amount of possibilities.
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
...this album may serve far not only for dancing. Though it is announced as a dancing one, it is interesting and pleasant just to listen to it. As for me, it is here that Aljona Vinnytska has come very closely to her own format, correct exactly for her.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
, Bucharest, Romania
26-08-2012 23:56 |
One of the best Ukrainian albums of this year. Ruslana manages to keep an original touch to every single song she records. My favorite tracks are : Davaj hraj!, ShaLaLa, Rakmaninov, Ey-fori-ya and Miy Brat.
, Bristol, UK, United Kingdom
13-07-2012 10:38 |
Brilliant album!!!
More collaboration with Bregovic please!
, Australia
13-07-2012 08:04 |
Fantasic music as always.! Ruslana incorporates a new style & sound into her eclectic mix of traditional/modern Ukrainian music.
, Manchester, England
30-06-2012 18:21 |
I bought this album only last week and I have listened to it dozens of times already. My favourite songs from the album are Davay Hray, Rakhmaninov, Kray and Sha la la. Ruslana has still managed to mix traditional Ukrainian music with a modern twist.
, Germany
13-06-2012 12:58 |
An album which is totally different from what Ruslana has done before, but it´s still Ruslana and I absolutely like the new style. Ей-форі-я is a real hymn to me, Давай, Грай!/ОГО! ОГО! gave me the real feeling for the Euro 2012 and Рахманінов makes me feel like dancing. Ша-ла-ла and Вау! are also tracks I like a lot, though I like the 2011 version of Bay! better.
, Прага, Чешская республика
08-06-2012 12:23 |
Руслана это моя любимая певица, поэтому я заказал диск. Ее песни разнообразные, как показал этот диск. Руслана дала песни сердца, и это показывает. Я надеюсь, что это будет продолжаться. Хороший альбом.
, Буцин
04-06-2012 08:11 |
Aльбом СУПЕР! Раджу всім!!!
ВаУ-ваУ!! Klasss superrr:-)
, The Netherlands
03-06-2012 19:05 |
With this album Ruslana shows what a talented and creative artist/musician she is. It's totally different from the previous albums but still so Ruslana. I have to be hones some of the songs really had to grow on me but most of them like Sha la la, Rahmaninhof, Davaj graj and Euphoria Amazed me!
Buy the album and you'll know what I mean.
, Germany
03-06-2012 14:08 |
A fantastic album by a fantastic artist! It’s certainly very different from everything she has done before. It's rock/pop style with powerful guitar riffs (at least most songs), no R’n’B, no romantic ballads and very little folk. Having delivered a number of excellent and popular albums it is of course difficult for an artist to develop further and not to follow stereotypes. I think Ruslana has mastered this perfectly well by delivering an album which is daring enough to walk on completely new paths, but at the same reflects her Ukrainian identity. The result is simply awesome! Of all her albums this has become my favourite. There is only one word that expresses my feeling about it: Eu-phori-ya!
Мій брат: Great rhythm and melody.
Ша-ла-ла: It gives me a summer sunshine feeling.
Рахманінов: Stunning combination of classical piano and modern pop. Well thought through arrangements. Very powerful chorus. It makes me want to dance.
Роби гучніше!: Great drive.
Вау!: Infectious rhythm, though I liked the 2011 version better.
Я-блу4ко!: The beginning reminds me of ‘I’m a Scatman’ by Scatman John, but then it really gets started. Very powerful rhythm. Can’t sit still.
Давай, Грай!/ОГО! ОГО!: Sensational football anthem!
Ей-форі-я: MASTERPIECE! Wow, I really love it and can't stop listening to it! Ruslana's beautiful voice goes very well with this power rock ballad. Brilliant arrangements. Wonderful!
Край: It would have been great on the Wild Dances album. On this album this folk song is a bit like an alien ;-)
, Острог, Україна
25-05-2012 19:53 |
Мені альбом ДУЖЕ сподобався... в кожній пісні відчувається якийсь слов'янський мотив... Останнім часом Руслана дуже заряджає...
Особливо з альбому подобаються треки: "Мій брат", "Шалала", "Рахманінов", "Яблучко", "Давай, грай / ОГО! ОГО!", "ЕЙ-форі-Я", "Край"...
Загалом подобаються всі, ДУЖЕ подобаються, але це ті, які я зараз найчастіше, і найбільше слухаю...
, Bandershtadt, Bandershtadt
11-05-2012 00:30 |
Пісні не сподобались! Перша та остання пісні можна слухати інші якась російська попса.
, Київ, Україна
29-04-2012 15:25 |
Пісні з альбому слухав в демо версіях на офіційному сайті і зрозумів, що це справді колоритна і сучасна платівка із слов*янськими мотивами. Назви пісень, тексти, музика, ідея загалом - це те, чого мені особисто бракувало і що наразі страшенно надихає мене:) Руслана стала кращою, іншою. Ей-форі-я - це те, що я відчуваю, коли чую мелодії з альбому. СУПЕР. Я в захваті. Це справжня українська БОМБА. КЛАС. Руслана - ти, як завжди не перевершана! З повагою, твій прихильник, Денис.
, New Orleans, Texas, usa
29-04-2012 09:40 |
General impression from first listening...that will be really a very BAD album!!!
maybe i lost my interest for her :-(((
sunny indie
Domestic: 507.64UAH
International: $25.90USD