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The name, "Terminal B", is not an accidental one: Boombox has been touring quite a lot, so the album has been born in their free time, including during the dozens (if not hundreds) of hours at airports. The literally life drive has transformed into the musical drive of the new work, audible from the first second. This disc appears as the Boombox third electric album which may also be described as "hop-rock" with the second part having more weight. This time, however, everything sounds much lighter than in the previous "Middle Age", though without a deficit of hard guitars. This sound equilibristics, though, brings to your mind the sprees of the band’s earlier works. And the lyrics... Something is changing inside. The feeling is as if Andriy Khlyvnyuk submerges much deeper now, and peers much closer, and than suddenly opens up and appears probably even defenceless, vulnerable – and because of that, however strange that may be, stronger. Even if it is painful. And this movement is there. True, there is also some space of ironic relaxation, but the main focus is on the wish to get there, to understand, to realize. Without turning aware, without making concessions to some subjective reasons. And this is, if you will, the reason to listen carefully.