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Borys Khersonsky. Kosmosnash.

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Borys Khersonsky. Kosmosnash.
"...I think that the most important things about my poems are sight and memory. Medieval Christianity commands us to remember the four "last things" – death, Judgment, hell, and paradise. But while these things have not been fulfilled, we remember the penultimate thing. Let's call it – to be short – life." Borys Khersonsky, from the foreword to the book
Books by Borys Khersonsky, who was born in 1950 in Chernivtsi, have been issued in Russia, Ukraine, the USA, the Netherlands, and Austria. The poems have been translated into many European languages. He is a recipient of scholarship from Joseph Brodsky’s Foundation (2008), "Anthologia" prize (2008), and other awards. In recent years, he has been writing not only in Russian, but also in Ukrainian.
In Russian.
Type of the edition: hard cover

Format: 120x162 mm
Number of pages: 240
Publisher: Meridian Czernowitz, Chernivtsi

- Borys Khersonskyi. Predposlednjaja veshch‘


- Eshche do toho, kak noha amerykantsa ostavyla sled...


- Zapykhnut‘ cheloveka v zhestjanku y zabrosyt‘ v prostory... \\ Kosmonavty tozhe sklonjaly holovy k partam... \\ Ostatky dnja svetovoho... \\ On so zlosty brosyl vylku v zhenu, yzurodovav ey lytso... \\ Kohda chelovechestvo bylo podeleno na... \\ Kto byl vozhakom nebol‘shoy chelovecheskoy stay... \\ O svobode nebyvaloy sladko dumat‘ u pechy... \\ Pechal‘naja povest‘ \\ Kyt prytvorylsja ostrovom. Na spyne u kyta... \\ V prostranstve, hde chelovek ymeet tol‘ko armeyskyy chyn... \\ Tjazhelyy, nyzkyy, seryy nebosvod... \\ Pamjaty Haharyna


- Yz ystoryy fylosofyy \\ Desjat‘ fylosofov v tohakh huljajut sredy olyv... \\ To ly Appyeva doroha, to ly Avhyevy konjushny – koroche... \\ Sudno dvyzhetsja k prolyvu mezh Kharybdoju y Stsylloy... \\ Henyy mestnosty, mesta, landshafta, derevny... \\ Drevnehrecheskoho mladentsa rodytely khoronyly... \\ Shestyletnyy mal‘chyk predstavljaet sebja podkydyshem u chuzhykh... \\ Na skale, nad berehom morja, sydyt satyr... \\ V belomramornoy Drevney Hretsyy – kamennyy les... \\ A poshly vy vse so svoey tsykutoy...


- Otpustyte menja, podkupyte yly podpoyte okhrannyka... \\ Varvarskoe proyznoshenye ne portyt vozbuzhdennuju rech‘... \\ My sokhranyly na pamjat‘... \\ Kto-to skazal mne... \\ Hruppa pestrykh vsadnykov na raznotsvetnykh loshadkakh... \\ Neprokhodymyy dozhd‘ za oknom – stenoy... \\ Roma \\ Svjatye \\ Baptysteryy. Sooruzhenye dlja obrjada kreshchenyja... \\ Svjatoy Frantsysk stoyt na kolenjakh... \\ Hde u russkykh kruh, u nykh treuhol‘nyk, chetyrekhhrannyk... \\ Perspektyva potopa pryvlekatel‘ney dlja dolyn... \\ V dvukh malen‘kykh chemodanakh – soderzhymoe dvukh nedel‘... \\ Ostia Antica \\ Tserkvy v Ryme dlja toho, chtoby turyst moh prysest‘... \\ Sledy horodov skryvajutsja, kak sledy prestuplen‘ja... \\ Ja ne moh predstavyt‘ nebesnykh tel bez nebesnykh syl...


- Ty pohruzyl v puchynu vsadnyka y konja... \\ Ne rysuy, ne vajay, ne lepy, nykakym ynym... \\ Moy dom stojal na ploshchady, hde p‘janaja matrosnja... \\ Pomny den‘ subbotnyy, kotoryy Boh osvjatyl... \\ Pochytay ottsa y mat‘ svoju, osobenno tam, kuda... \\ Ne ubyvay – ny sebja, ny druhykh, ny sebja v druhykh, ny druhykh v sebe... \\ Hospod‘ hovoryt proroku: zhenys‘ na bljady... \\ Ne ukrady! Ty slyshal? Ne ukrady!.. \\ Ne prynosy svydetel‘stva lozhnoho – donoschyku pervyy knut... \\ Ne pozhelay zheny blyzhneho tvoeho, ny eho vola...


- Psalom uchytel‘nyy \\ Psalom hnevnyy \\ Psalom – Pesn‘ voskhozhdenyja \\ Psalom messyanskyy \\ Psalom – zhaloba \\ Psalom khvalebnyy


- Nelehko, druh Nykolay, umyrat‘ v takuju zharu... \\ O ljubymaja doch‘... \\ Mylyy brat! Polk stoyt v avstryyskom smeshnom horodke... \\ Yokhan – Maryy: radovat‘sja! Tut... \\ Sestra, pyshu tebe pys‘mo ny v sklad, ny v lad... \\ Moy druh! Ja prynymaju tvoy uprek...


- Akademyzm \\ Kubyzm \\ Ekspressyonyzm \\ Dadayzm \\ Sjurrealyzm \\ Sotsrealyzm


- Syjaet solnyshko skvoz‘ lystvu vynohrada... \\ Kak slepoy, oshchupyvaja pal‘tsamy vospomynanyy... \\ Ot kraja sela do lesa – desjat‘ mynut khod‘by... \\ Dozhd‘ ydet y odnovremenno stoyt stenoy... \\ Pokydaja derevnju, zakolachyvaly okna y dvery...


- Yz Van Veja \\ Yz Ly Bo \\ Yz Du Fu \\ Yz Van Veja \\ Yz Ly Bo \\ Yz Du Fu \\ Yz Ly Bo \\ Yz Dkhammapady


- Hde chernoe solntse Osypa Mandel‘shtama, tam... \\ Tvoy kljuch menjaetsja, menjaetsja tvoe slovo... \\ Ryby – ustremylys‘ ly ryby za nym... \\ Vtsepyvshys‘ zubamy v hubku, my pyly zhadnymy rtamy... \\ Nykto uzhe bol‘she ne stanet lepyt‘ nas yz prakha zemnoho, yz etoy... \\ Yz podkorkovykh jader mozha, kak yz chechevytsy... \\ Y ponyne vyselytsa mnyt sebja tsvetushchey mahnolyey... \\ Eto hutsul‘skaja baba poloshchet skatert‘ v reke... \\ Ne ustanet khodyt‘ k pustomu kolotsu razbytyy kuvshyn...


- Dvadtsatyy vek \\ V nekotorom tsarstve revoljutsyja pobedyla... \\ 1960 \\ Bronzovaja holova na chernom mramornom kube... \\ Ydut rodnye plechom k plechu v plashch-palatkakh y kaskakh... \\ Vot y dumay teper‘, kohda my stoym so svoym tovarom... \\ Ysh‘ cheho zakhotely – stranu pod sebja podmjat‘... \\ Tsentral‘naja ploshchad‘ zanymaet pochty vsju ploshchad‘ strany... \\ Ystoryja zanjata tem, chto reklamyruet zlo...


- Vstrecha vypusknykov sorok pjat‘ let spustja... \\ Nyna \\ Sasha \\ Leva \\ Alyk \\ Vremja deystvytel‘no sushchestvuet...


- Uslyshy mja, Bozhe, spasytelju moy... \\ Ohromnaja dokhlaja ryba lezhyt na levom boku na peske... \\ Prosypaesh‘sja, vskakyvaesh‘, natjahyvaesh‘ shtany... \\ Strannye ljudy – vse na odno lytso... \\ Otkroy dlja sebja stranu, kak banku kylek v tomatnom souse... \\ Levyafan, yzhybajas‘, khvataet sebja za khvost, zamykaja kruh... \\ Tam eto more, velykoe y prostrannoe, tam...


- Pul‘chynella \\ Ystoryja Soldata \\ Solovey \\ Yhra v karty \\ Potseluy fey \\ Petrushka \\ Zhar-ptytsa


- Bljuz zakljuchennoho vremeny \\ Kanava-stryt-bljuz \\ Bljuz Chornoho kota \\ Bljuz voskresnoho dnja \\ Yohann-Sebast‘jan-bljuz \\ Bljuz zheleznodorozhnykh putey \\ Bljuz prezhdevremennoy smerty \\ Bljuz tserkovnoy paperty


- U Velykoho hertsohstva pojavylsja sojuznyk... \\ Stena vysotoy v pjat‘ metrov vokruh elovoho sada... \\ Vydno, bare nashy byly v ljubvy ne slaby... \\ Vot kakaja beda sluchylas‘ so vsemy namy... \\ Kakoy-nybud‘ baryn chudnoy, favoryt v otstavke... \\ Slushay prykaz: k nohe! na plecho! ot-stavyt‘...


- V sushchnosty, chelovek est‘ myshen‘ dlja strelka... \\ Raduytes‘, syroty! Vsekh pohybshykh ot puly... \\ A komu ochky, ochky – skvoz‘ nykh ne vydat‘ ny cherta... \\ Hlavnaja zapoved‘ doktora – "ne navredy"... \\ Zachystjat ploshchad‘, zamojut pjatno na stranytse... \\ Y chto zhe sokryto dlja nas za dver‘my... \\ My pomnym pravyteley – ony upravljaly myramy... \\ Chto zhe, pokuda zvenyt struna... \\ Znachyt, kto-to dolzhen stojat‘ na moroze pod nebom, a s neba... \\ V teatre voennykh deystvyy, sydja v partere... \\ Voskhodyt solntse ystoryy. Ljudy krychat: "Vyvat!" ... \\ Na chernoy ploshchady zhech‘ chernye avtopokryshky...


Publisher: Knyhy-XXI
Catalogue number: ISBN 9786176140849
Year: 2015

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Borys Khersonsky

Domestic price: 194.60UAH
International price: $13.90USD
See also:

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Marianna Kiyanovska. DO ER: selected works.

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Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Nazar Honchar. Avtoportrety. "Ukrainian Poetry Anthology". (Self-Portraits)

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Andriy Panchyshyn. Na vulytsy Batiarskiy. Songs from Lviv. (In Batiarska Street)

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Oksana Zabuzhko. Poems, 1980-2013.

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Domestic price: 320.60UAH, International price: $22.90USD

Kateryna Babkina. Hirchytsya. Naive Poetry. (Mustard)

Of course, for each of readers and thus re-readers the list of favorite parts of this collection will be individual. Yet, where all of us will agree is that Katya Babkina has absolutely succeeded in the intonation – and we've believed her. This sadness mixed with irony, this light, as after six coffees, bitterne...
Domestic price: 138.60UAH, International price: $9.90USD

Halyna Kruk. Spiv/isnuvannya. (Singing of Existence/ Coexistence)

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Domestic price: 180.60UAH, International price: $12.90USD

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International: $27.90USD
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Kateryna Kalytko. Orden movchalnyts. (The Order of the Silent)
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International: $19.90USD