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Bohdana Matiyash. rozmovy z Bohom. (talking to the God)

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Bohdana Matiyash. rozmovy z Bohom. (talking to the God)
This small book, in fact, is as if some log cabins in fairy-tales. Those, you know, that outside look small, but when you enter them you find there a palace sometimes, and sometimes even a whole country. While in this case – the whole Universe is hidden there... Open, defenseless, soft – but it is for this reason, though it might look paradoxically, that it is very strong. Bohdana Matiyash has managed not to describe, not to convey with words what she wanted to say. Instead, her words – so simple, transparent and frank – have turned into the door opening into the warm heart and – through it – probably, into infinity... "Talking to the God" is such honest, deep, true intimacy that one almost fails to believe: is it really a book of the 21st century? That restless and inattentive one where we are living – really? And do we live, indeed? But here, right in front of you, is a proof of true life, as it seems to me. In which there is, for example, the desire to search – and the ability to find. Not necessarily answers – possibly, just ways. But a way is also, in the end, an answer...
Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)
In Ukrainian.
Pages: 64
Type of the cover: soft
Format: 187x165 mm
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva, Lviv
- 1 "mozhe skazhesh meni Bozhe shcho v ts‘omu nemaje..."
- 2 "rybu miy Hospody teper zavzhdy dovodyt‘sja..."
- 3 (4) "ty bachysh jak meni skladno hovoryty z..."
- 4 (5) "s‘ohodni ja vchusja tebe slukhaty..."
- 5 (8) "a bachysh ja vse odno shche ne mozhu..."
- 6 (9) "znajesh Bozhe tsi ostanni dni..."
- 7 (10) "bachysh shche trokhy y zmozhu hovoryty z toboju inakshe..."
- 8 (11) "a mozhe Bozhe inakshe mozhe moje sertse..."
- 9 (21) "Bozhe doshch proshu tebe ne vidchynjay..."
- 10 (32) "tak ne mohla tak ne mohla..."
- 11 (40) "i todi tak tykho spochatku vseredyni..."
- 12 (45) "ty zh bachysh s‘ohodni nemaje chasu..."
- 13 (48) "jak nemovljata torkajut‘sja rukamy povitrja..."
- 14 (49) "chasom dumaju Bozhe chasom prosto..."
- 15 (57) "ja nikoly ne vmila dobre maljuvaty..."
- 16 (58) "a potim ja kydajusja bihty cherez..."
- 17 (59) "a teper zalyshit‘ mene a teper..."
- 18 (60) "zakhlynajusja vid vody..."
- 19 (62) "ja khotila by Bozhe shchoby ty zalyshyv meni..."
- 20 (63) "sered tsijeji oseni ja vyhljadaju duzhe nedorechno..."
- 21 (64) " kozhen bil‘ jakby ty zakhotiv Hospody mih by..."
- 22 (66) "djakuju shcho mozhu buty s‘ohodni djakujuchy..."
- 23 (70) "meni podobajet‘sja shcho ryby..."
- 24 (71) "ja zasynaju til‘ky todi..."
- 25 (79) "s‘ohodni ja duzhe vidchuvaju jak sumuje shkira..."
- 26 (82) "ponad lystja kul‘bab..."
- 27 (83) "ljubov ta shcho prykhodyt‘ kazhe vidday..."
- 28 (85) "napovny mene vdoju miy Hospody bo..."
- 29 (89) "meni tak shkoda shcho..."
- 30 (92) "skuchaju koly..."
- 31 (93) "znajesh jakby mozhna bulo prosyty pro molytvu..."
- 32 (97) "shcho my robytymemo tsey vechir Hospody..."
- 33 (98) "duzhe skuchaju Bozhe za zhinkoju jaku ty zabrav..."
- 34 (99) "ja obertajusja rivno nastil‘ky shvydko..."
- 35 (102) "dobre shcho my nikoly ne odni..."
- 36 (104) "meni staje sumno des‘ sered dnja..."
- 37 (105) "koly ty zapytujesh..."
- 38 (108) "shvydko zatsvitut‘ irysy..."
- 39 (109) "i zemlja miy Bozhe staje taka vidchutna..."

Publisher: Staryi Lev
Catalogue number: ISBN 9789662909210
Year: 2007

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Bohdana Matiyash

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Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

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Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

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Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

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Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Larysa Denysenko. Vidlunnya: vid zahybloho dida do pomerloho. (Echoes: from the Perished Grandfather to the Deceased One)

"Echoe..." is a strange and fascinating story of a young German woman Martha who believed that her grandfather had died a heroic death back during the Second World War – and had been buried somewhere near Zhytomyr. While it turns out that the old man actually lived out his age in a German asylum – and he turned her life upside down...
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

J.K.Rowling. Nespodivana vakansia. (The Casual Vacancy)

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Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Halyna Pahutyak. Urizh ta yoho duchy. (Urizh and Its Spirits)

"Urizh and Its Spirits" is a unique book in the Ukrainian literary discourse. It is a spiritual history in the mythological time of the actual village Urizh, where the original writer Halyna Pahutyak was born (a Shevchenko Prize winner), and she has portrayed it in her writing as a boundless universe...
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Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

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