- AbaNDa SHAKE. Shake.
- Aby MC. Ocetni standarty. (Acid Standards)
- Academic Choir of the National radio of Ukraine named after P. Maiboroda, Shtonda Taras. Hospody, Hospody, syloyu Tvoyeyu! Sacred Music. /digi-pack/. (Lord, Lord, with Your Power!)
- Adler, Yael. Vnutrishnia istoria. Pro tse ne hovoriat. (The Inside Story. They don't talk about it)
- AgiaDimitra, male choir. Da voskresnet Boh. /digi-pack/. (God Will Rise Again)
- Agrafka, Art Studio. Viyna, scho zminyla Rondo. (The War That Changed Rondo)
- Airport. Come back.
- Akapulko. Dveri v Raj. /digi-pack/. (Heaven Door)
- Akhat Assia. I like it... /digi-pack/
- Akhat Assia. Chocolate.
- Akhat Assia. Ja luchshaja!
- Akhat Assia. Homo Novus.
- Akhat Assia. 320 Minutes of Music. (mp3).
- Alabuzhev ILya. Recovery. /digi-pack/.
- A la Ru. to be.
- Aleksiychuk Iryna. Choir Compositions. /digi-pack/.
- Alexandrov Dmitry, Jazz Atmosphere. Time After Break.
- Alexandrov Dmitry, Soskin Mark, Arnautov Andrew, Fantaev Alex. Skhid-Side meets Mark Soskin. (live).
- Alfa Alfa. Rozprjahayte khloptsi koney. (Hey, Unbridle Horses)
- Alibi. Folk. /digi-pack/.
- Alloise. Bygone. /digi-pack/.
- Alloise. Episodes. /digi-pack/.
- Amelina Viktoria. Syndrom lystopadu. (The November Syndrome)
- Anchiskhati Choir. Bahatoholossja. (live). /mini-pack/. (Polyphony)
- Andersen, Hans Christian. Nove vbrannya dlya korolya. (The King's New Clothes)
- Andersen, Hans Christian. Dyki lebedi. (Wild Swans)
- Andrukhovych Yuri, Karbido. Absinthe. /super-pack/. (CD+DVD).
- Andrukhovych Yuri. Kokhantsi Yustytsii. (Lovers of Justice)
- Anna Mia Quintet. Miasophy. /mini-pack/.
- Anna. Sribna Zmiya. (Silver Snake)
- Anniebri. Lo-Fi Feeling.
- Anno Domini. Sand & Stone.
- Antypovych Taras. Pomyrana.
- Antypovych Taras. Tilo i dolya. (Body and Fate)
- AntytilA. Hello. /digi-pack/.
- AntytilA. MLNL. /digi-pack/.
- AntytilA. Sontse. /digi-pack/. (Sun)
- Arabesque, studio theater, Trzaska Mikolaj. Krytychni dni. Music for performance. (Periods)
- Arachnophobia. Arachnophobia.
- Arlett. Arlett. /digi-pack/.
- Asimov, Isaac. Fundatsia ta Imperia. (Foundation and the Empire)
- Astarta. Astarta/Edwin. /digi-pack/.
- Asymmetry of Emotions. Setalight.
- Avramenko, Oleksandr. 100 ekspres-urokiv ukrainskoi. Part 2. (100 Express Lessons of the Ukrainian)
- Avramenko, Oleksandr. Oksana Tyschenko. Ukrainska mova. Spelling in tables, test assignments. (Ukrainian language)
- Babkina Kateryna. Schaslyvi holi lyudy. (Happy and Naked People)
- Babkina Kateryna. Hirchytsya. Naive Poetry. (Mustard)
- Babkin Serhiy. Sergevna. /digi-pack/.
- Babkin Serhiy. #neubyvai. /digi-pack/. (#donotkill)
- Babkin Serhiy. Motor. (Action)
- Babkin Serhiy. Muzasfera. /mini-pack/. (MuseSphere)
- Back Country. Reflection of Universe. /digi-pack/
- Bandura-Players Trio of the Ukrainian Radio. De viter zemlyu holubyt. /premium, digi-pack/. (Where the Wind Cuddles the Land)
- Bandura-Players Trio of the Ukrainian Radio. Melodiji ridnoho kraju. (Melodies of the Native Land)
- Bandurist Capella of Ukraine, H.I. Maiboroda National Honored Bandurist Choir, Hmyrya Borys. Ukrainian folk songs. /cassette/.
- Baricco Alessandro. Shovk. (Silk)
- Beauty Band. Don't Forget...
- Berehynia, Ukrainian folk ensemble. (2CD).
- Bergman, Ingmar. Nedilne dytya. (The Sunday's Child)
- Bilyi Ihor. Ya – ne lyalka. /digi-pack/. (I Am Not a Puppet)
- Bilyk Iryna. Forever. (mp3).
- Bilyk Iryna. Oma. (re:2008).
- Bilyk Iryna. Na bys.
- BioNik. BioNik.
- Blessing, Bria. Chapter 2: Of Good News & Great Joy. /eco-pack/.
- Bobul Ivo. Topolyna Liubov.
- Bodnaruk Zhanna. All the Best.
- Bogolyubov Alexey. My "Cool & Crazy" world. /digi-pack/
- Bohomolets Olha. For Lina Kostenko Con Amore. /Hyacinth Sun/. (2CD). /digi-pack/.
- Bondar, Andriy. Cerebro.
- Bondar, Andriy. I tym, scho v hrobakh. (And to Those in the Tombs)
- Boombox. Holy korol. (EP). /premium, eco-pack/. (Naked King)
- Boombox. Lyudy. (EP). /eco-pack/. (People)
- Boombox. Seredniy vik. /digi-pack/. (Middle Age)
- Boombox. Terminal B. /digi-pack/.
- Boombox. Trymay. (EP). (Hold)
- Boombox. Vse vklyucheno. /digi-pack/. (All Inclusive)
- Borko Ihor. Z holosu zemli mojeji. (From the Voice of My Land)
- Borshch. Parazita Kusok.
- Bortnianskyi Dmytro Ñhamber Ñhoir. Dobryj vechir tobi, pane hospodarju!
- Bortniansky trio, Svyrydenko, Natalya. Trio Bortniansky.
- Boychenko Oleksandr. Moi sered chuzhykh. Reader's guide. /second edition/. (Mine Among Strangers)
- Boychenko Oleksandr. 50 vidsotkiv ratsii. (50 Percent of the Ratio)
- Boychenko Oleksandr. Krajina za Zbruchem. (The Country behind Zbruch)
- Boychuk Bohdan. Mitolohia Karpat/ Hutsulska zrada. (Mythology of the Carpathians / Hutsul Betrayal)
- Bozhychi, folk ensemble. Psalmy. Pomyshlyayte, chelovetsy. /digi-pack/. (Reason Thee, Men. Psalmas)
- Bozhychi, folk ensemble. Kotylàsja oj jasnà zorja z nebà. (Rolled, oh, the clear star from the sky)
- Bozhychi, folk ensemble. Vik ljubysh – ne naljubyshsja. (You Love Forever – And You Do Not Love Enough)
- Braty Bluzu. One Autumn Concert. (live). /digi-pack/.
- Braty Hadyukiny. Na!Zhyvo.
- Braty Hadyukiny. Made in Ukraine. /digi-pack/.
- Braty Hadyukiny. Schaslyvoi dorohy! /cassette/. (Good Riddance!)
- Brem Stoker. Chysto Ekolohichno. (Just Ecologically)
- Brem Stoker. Zbyrane. (Condensed)
- Britalin, the. Season 1. /digi-pack/.
- BUDU band. Vydykh Vdykh. (2CD). /premium, eco-pack/. (Exhale Inhale)
- Burdon, folk band. Re: Karpatia.
- Burmaka Maria. My jdemo!
- Burmaka Maria. Saundtreky. (Soundtracks)
- Bystrushkin Olexander. Zhovti psy Karpat. /mini-pack/. (Yellow dogs of the Carpathians)
- Caipirinha. Caipirinha.
- Carroll, Lewis. Alisa u Dyvokrai. (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)
- Carter Tom (Charalambides), Arn Vanessa, Moglass, the. Snake-tongued Swallow-tailed...
- Castaneda, Carlos. Vchennya dona Khuana. (The Teachings of Don Juan. A Yaqui Way of Knowledge)
- CAT (Contemporary Acoustic Trio). CAT. /digi-pack/
- CAT (Contemporary Acoustic Trio). COPICAT. /digi-pack/.
- Celan Paul. Nichyina troyanda. /bilingual/. (Nobody's Rose)
- Cepasa. Doing Right.
- Chapay Artem. Dyvni lyudy. (Strange People)
- Charivna Olesja, Kyiv Camerata, National Ensemble of Soloist. Ukrainian romances and folk songs.
- Chavdar Yelyzaveta. Best Opera Pieces.
- Chavdar Yelyzaveta. Vocal miniatures. (2CD). /collection release/.
- Chechenja Kostjantin, Ancient Music Ensemble of. Kalejdoskop starovynnyh melodij.
- Chechenja Kostjantin, Ancient Music Ensemble of. Music dialogues. Ukraine-Poland.
- Chechenja Kostjantin, Ancient Music Ensemble of. Music dialogues. Ukraine-France.
- Chemberzhi Mykhaylo. Christmas Lullaby. Opera-vertep.
- Chubay, Solomia. POETY. /polygraphy in English, premium, CD+book/.
- Chubay Taras, Skryabin Kuzma (Andriy Kuz'menko), Molotov 20. Nashi partysany. /cassette/. (Our Guerrillas)
- Chubay Taras, Plach Yeremiji. Svitlo i spovid'. (Light and Confession)
- Chukhlib Taras. Idealna derzhava v Ukraini? Kozatsky proekt 1710 roku. (The Perfect State in Ukraine? The Cossack Project of 1710)
- Chupa Oleksiy. Vyshnya i ya. (Vyshnya and Me)
- CoMaha (Maria Hmeleva). Nizhnist'. (Tenderness)
- Contrabanda.com.ua. Contrabanda.com.ua.
- Contrabanda.com.ua. Parol‘: kokhaju. (Password: I Love)
- Contrabanda.com.ua. Dreamer. /digi-pack/.
- Critical. Graphorrhea.
- Cymbala Orest. Son pro Kokhannya. /digi-pack/. (Dream about Love)
- DakhaBrakha. Light. /digi-pack/.
- DakhaBrakha. Na mezhi. /digi-pack/. (On the Verge)
- DakhaBrakha. Shlyakh. /premium, digi-pack/. (The Road)
- Dakh Daughters. If. /digi-pack/.
- Dakh Daughters. Make Up. /digi-pack/.
- Dakh Daughters. Air. /digi-pack/.
- Dalai Lama. the sixth turtle.
- Danylenko Volodymyr. Hrozy nad Turovtsem: simeyni khronoky. (Storms over Turovets: Family Chronicles)
- Danylenko Volodymyr. Tini v majetku Tarnovskykh. (Shadows of the Tarnovsky's Estate)
- Danysh Vasyl. Doktryna mriji. (The Dream Doctrine)
- Dark Patrick. Rise of the Underworld. /mini-pack/.
- Davydov Sergiy. Ukrainian Jazz Round Dances.
- Dazzle Dreams. Diva. /digi-pack/.
- Dazzle Dreams. (Go! Go! Go!) Disco killers.
- Dazzle Dreams Sound System. Nepal. (CD+DVD).
- Dazzle Dreams. Groove Inspira. (DVD).
- Dehnel, Jacek. Saturn. (Black Images from Lives of the Goya Family Men).
- Dehnel, Jacek. Krivoklat.
- Dehnel, Jacek. Matinka Makryna. (Matka Makryna)
- Delia. Spohad. (Flashback)
- Denysenko Larysa. Nova stara baba. (The New Old Woman)
- Denysenko Larysa. Vidlunnya: vid zahybloho dida do pomerloho. (Echoes: from the Perished Grandfather to the Deceased One)
- Denysenko Larysa. Ya i Konstytutsiya. (I and the Constitution)
- Deresh Lyubko. Arche. (mp3). /digi-pack/
- Deresh Lyubko. Trokhy pitmy. (A Bit of Darkness)
- Dermansky Olexander. Chudove Chudovysko i Pohane pohanysko. (Wonderful Wonder and Monstrous Monster)
- Dermansky Olexander. Chudove Ñhudovysko v Krajini zhakhovysk. /second edition/. (Perfect Beast in the Land of Terrors)
- Dermansky Olexander. Chudove Chudovysko. /fifth edition/. (The Wonderful Beast)
- Der Neustuck Orchester. Underground Horse.
- De Shifer. Spalahnuv...2005.
- Dilya, Krysa, Orest. 22. /digi-pack/.
- D.Lemma. ...ce nashe. (...it's Ours)
- Dnistrovy Anatoliy. Hlobus Karla Marksa. (The Globe of Karl Marx)
- Dnistrovy Anatoliy. Snidanok na snihu. (Breakfast on the Snow)
- DOK. DVA. /digi-pack/.
- Dollheads. Dollheads.
- DomRa. Kupal‘s‘ka.
- Dorn Ivan. Randorn. /premium, digi-pack/.
- Dosch. Hra svitla. (Play of Light)
- Dovhan' Pylyp. Suzir’ja Del'finiv. (Constellation of Dolphins)
- Dovzhenko, Oleksandr. Bez hrymu: lysty, spohady, arkhivni znakhidky. (Dovzhenko without Makeup: letters, memoirs, and findings from the archive)
- Drach Eduard. Nebo Ukrajiny.
- Drahan Myroslav, Shkurhan Andrij. Dolja. The music to Shevchenko's "Kobzar". (The Fate)
- Drakulic, Slavenka. Niby mene nema(ye). (As If I Am Not There)
- Drevo", female ensemble from the Kryachkivka village. Bahatoholossja. (live). /mini-pack/. (Polyphony)
- Drevo group, Hurtopravtsi, Volodar group, Otava, group, Dyke pole, group. Zberimosja, rode... /v.2/. (Let's gather the family)
- Dudko quintet. Sofia.
- Dunaewsky69 (Alexandr Gladun). Xquisite. Xcerpt. /eco-pack/.
- Dunaewsky69 (Alexandr Gladun), Zavoloka, Kotra (Dmytro Fedorenko). Kallista. /eco-pack/.
- Dva Koliory, duo. (Two Colors)
- DVS. Just Crazy.
- Dyachenko Igor. A Soulful Sax. One Session in Kiev.
- Dyachenko, Maryna and Serhiy. Balloon Fish.
- Dyki Sertsem. Bez zayvykh sliv. /digi-pack/. (Without Further Ado)
- Dymna Sumish. V krajini iljuziy. /digi-pack/. (In the Country of Illusions)
- Elephants, the. Colors. /premium, eco-pack/.
- Epolets. Dogma.
- Epolets. Dity morya. /premium, eco-pack/. (Children of the Sea)
- Er.J.Orchestra. The Unicorn Live. (2CD).
- Er.J.Orchestra. The Unicorn. (remastered). /digi-pack/.
- Erlbruch Wolf. Leonard.
- Erlbruch Wolf. Vedmezhe dyvo. (The Bear's Miracle)
- Esthetic Education. Leave Us Alone.
- Esthetic Education. Face Reading. /digi-pack/
- Esthetic Education. Werewolf.
- Eteria" choir. Yerusalymska utrenya. The Ukrainian Tradition of Church Singing. Vol.4. /digi-pack/. (Jerusalem Matins)
- Faizulin, Yaroslav. Istorija.UA: postati, fakty, versiji. (History.UA: figures, facts, versions)
- Faizulin, Yaroslav, Hinda Volodymyr. Ukraina u vohni mynuloho stolittya. Personalities, Facts, Versions. (Ukraine in the Flames of the Past Century)
- Faktychno Sami (Practically by Themselves). Kosmichnyj vakuum. (Space Vacuum)
- Faktychno Sami (Practically by Themselves). Lo-Fi TRavmy.
- Faktychno Sami (Practically by Themselves). 70 tracks in mp3 format.
- Fantaev Alex. First Kiss. /digi-pack/
- Fayno. Oznaky zhyttya. /digi-pack/. (Signs of Life)
- Fiolet. Pisni lyubovi na poli boyu. /digi-pack/. (Songs of Love on the Battlefield)
- Fiolet. True Love. /mini-pack/.
- Fiolet. Vigvam. /digi-pack/. (Wigwam)
- Flyza. Zasmaha na sertse. (Tan on the Heart)
- Foer, Jonathan Safran. Vse yasno. (Everything Is Illuminated)
- Foer, Jonathan Safran. Os ya. (Here I Am)
- Folk Instrumental Orchestra of the International Culture & Art Centre Kyiv. Melodies Known Worldwide.
- Folknery. Korysni rechi. /digi-pack/. (Useful Things)
- Foma. Concert in "Golden Gates". Live.
- Forgotten Symphony. 7%. (EP).
- Fozzey. MetaMoreFozzey: Mono.
- Franko Ivan. Zakhar Berkut. Ukradene schastya. (mp3).
- Franko Ivan. Collection of works. Part 2. (mp3).
- Froehly Jean-Pierre. Away from the crowd. The music of Attila Zoller.
- Fromm, Erich. Mystetstvo lyubovi. (The Art of Loving)
- Fusion Orchestra. Octagon. /digi-pack/
- Gabor Vasyl, Zhovna, Oleksandr, Danylenko Volodymyr. Svyato harbuzovoi knyahyni. Love stories and more. (Pumpkin Princess Feast)
- Gaytana. Children of Light: Kookaburra (+ karaoke). (2CD). /digi-pack/.
- Gaytana. Kapli dozhdya. (Raindrops)
- Gaytana. Slidom za toboju. (Following you)
- Gaytana. Taynye zhelanyja.
- Giordano Paolo. Chorne i sriblyaste. (Black and Silver/ Like Family)
- Gogol Bordello. Multi Kontra Culti vs. Irony.
- Gogol Bordello. Pura Vida Conspiracy.
- Golding William. Boh Skorpion. (The Scorpion God)
- Gorchitza live project. It's You.
- Gorchitza Alexey. Neytrino. /digi-pack/
- Gorchitza live project. Highlights. /digi-pack/
- Gorgisheli. Live.
- Gouache. Simple me. (CD+DVD).
- Green Grey. Glaz leoparda. /digi-pack/. (The Leopard's Eye)
- Green Sally. Napivzahubleny. (HalfLost)
- Green Silence. .
- Grosu Alina. More volnuetsja.
- Gutsul Calipso. Reket-Hanhstera. (Racket-Gangsters)
- Gutzul Magik Foundation. Molfar. /digi-pack/.
- Halushko Kyrylo. Peoples, Ethnic Groups, Nations... Find Any Differences. The "Likbez-Abetka" series.
- Halushko Kyrylo. Maydanny semestr. (Maydan Semester)
- Haplyk. Shvydka muzychna dopomoha. (Music First-Aid)
- Hardkiss, the. Stones and Honey. (re-edition). /digi-pack/.
- Hardkiss, the. Perfection Is a Lie. /premium, eco-pack/.
- Hardkiss, the. The Best. /digi-pack/.
- Hardkiss, the. Akustyka. /premium, eco-pack/. (Acoustic)
- Harrison, Harry. Stalevyi Schur ide do armiji. (The Stainless Steel Rat Gets Drafted)
- Harrison, Harry. Narodzhennya Stalevoho Schura. (A Stainless Steel Rat is Born)
- Haydabura Valeriy. Teatr, rozviyany po stepu. (The Theatre Scattered In the Steppe)
- Hector Mukomol. Immersion. /digi-pack/
- Hemingway Ernest. Choloviky bez zhinok ta inshi opovidannya. (Men Without Women and Other Stories)
- Hetman, quartet. Otaman.
- HLAS, gospel choir. Predsuschy javyvsya. The Ukrainian Tradition of Church Singing. Vol.1. /digi-pack/. (The Pre-Existent Appeared)
- HLAS, gospel choir. Khrystos razhdajetsya, slavite! The Ukrainian Tradition of Church Singing. Vol.2. /digi-pack/. (Christ Is Born, Glorify Him!)
- Hmyrya Borys. Velykomu Kobzarevi. /premium, digi-pack/. (To the Great Kobzar)
- Hmyrya Borys. From the Treasury of the World Performing Arts.
- Hmyrya Borys. Great Kobzar in My Heart. (premium edition). /digi-pack/.
- Hmyrya Borys. Russian Classics Masterpieces.
- Hmyrya Borys. Za myr na Zemli. (For the Peace on Earth)
- Hmyrya Borys. German Classics.
- Hmyrya Borys. Fenomenal'ne mystetstvo. (Fenomenal art)
- Hmyrya Borys. Ukrainian folk songs and romances.
- Hmyrya Borys. Arias.
- Hmyrya Borys, NAOFI, National Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments of Ukraine. Ukrainian folk songs. /cassette/.
- Hmyrya Borys. Ukrainian folk songs and romances. /cassette/.
- Hnatyuk Dmytro. Nich taka misjachna. /light pack, slim box/.
- Hnatyuk Mykola. Znov. (Again).
- Hohol Mykola. Taras Bulba. /premium edition/.
- Hontarsky Vasyl. Akustyka. (Acoustics)
- Hontarsky Vasyl, Galinin Yuriy aka HoboT. Vasya and Hobot.
- Hontarsky Vasyl, Vasya Club. Hipan. (anniversary edition). /digi-pack/. (Hipster)
- Horbachevska Uliana. Dole. /digi-pack/. (Destiny)
- Horobets Viktor. Zirky ta tereny Kozatskoi revolyutsii. The history of victories and defeats. /premium/. (Stars and Thorns of the Cossack Revolution)
- Horova Lesja. I Am a Patriot.
- Hosudareva Tanya. Vil‘na. (Free)
- Hrebenjuk Olena. Le Forze Del Destino" project. /digi-pack/
- Hreshchatyj Jar, ensemble. Ukràjins'kà muzychnà veselkà.
- Hud:mov (Pavlo Hudimov). Trampliny.
- Huljajhorod, Tartak. Kofein.
- Hura Olga. Zhinka epohy Vidrodzhennya. (The Renaissance Epoch Woman)
- Hursenko Vjacheslav. Sokolyata. /cassette/.
- Hursenko Vjacheslav. Kryk belyh zhuravlej. /cassette/.
- Ihnatenko Iryna. Choloviche tilo u tradytsiyniy kulturi ukraintsiv. (The Male Body in the Traditional Culture of Ukrainians)
- Ihnatusha Olexandr. Bily vovk. /digi-pack/. (White Wolve)
- ILchenko Oles. Port Gitana.
- ILchenko Oles. Misto z khymeramy. /supplemented and revised edition/. (The City with Chimeras)
- ILLaria. Vilna. (2nd edition). /digi-pack/. (Free)
- ILLaria. 13 misyatsiv. /digi-pack/. (13 Months)
- Inkunabula. Nevydane. (Unprecedented)
- Insight, Katamadze Nino. Yellow.
- Inter-media Research Platform, Macenka, Svitlana. Literary and Jazz Improvisations: intermedial studies
- Ionenko Kostyantyn. Noema. /digi-pack/.
- Ischenko Andriy. Plyve moja dusha... (CD + DVD). (My soul is floating...)
- Ivan Samshit. Essential Shit. /digi-pack/
- Ivanychuk Roman. Lvivska knyha. (The Lviv Book)
- Ivanychuk Roman. Mandrivky do Aberfaylyu. (Trips to Aberfoyle)
- Ivanychuk Roman. Khresna proscha. (Cross Pilgrimage)
- Izmailov Enver, trio. Minaret.
- Izzet. My Security.
- Jamala. All Or Nothing. /digi-pack/.
- Jamala. For Every Heart. /digi-pack/
- Jamala. For Every Heart: Live at Arena Concert Plaza. (CD+DVD). /digi-pack/.
- Jamala. Podykh. /digi-pack/. (Breath)
- Jamala. 1944. (EP). /eco-pack/.
- JazzEx. Bee JazzEx.
- Jazz Impression, Krupsky Alexey, Alexanian Anatoly. Marfa. /digi-pack/
- Jergovic, Miljenko. Batko. (The Father)
- Johnny Bardo. Basket Case. /digi-pack/
- Kabanov Olexa. Ambrelyre. Polyphonic wheel lyre.
- Kabanov Olexa. Wind from the Orient.
- Kabanov Olexa. Dale of Muses.
- Kaktus Fresh. Kaktus in Kolo live.
- Kalyandruk Taras. Kozaky. Slovyany proty Ordy. (Cossacks. Slavs vs the Horde)
- Kalyna Ruslana. Tobi... (For you...)
- Kalytko, Kateryna. Orden movchalnyts. (The Order of the Silent)
- Karabits Ivan. Symphonic and chamber compositions.
- Karol Tina. Intonatsii. /mini-pack/. (Intonations)
- Karol Tina. Show Me Your Love.
- Karpa Irena. Pysmennytsya, spivachka, mandrivnytsya. (Writer, Singer, Traveler)
- Karpa Natalka. Kolyadky ta novorichni pisni. (Carols and Christmas Songs)
- Karpa Natalka. mp3 Collection.
- Katamadze Nino, Insight. Green.
- Kazaky. I Like It. Part I. /digi-pack/.
- Kazaky. I Like It. Part II. /digi-pack/.
- Kazaky. The Hills Chronicles. /digi-pack/.
- KAZKA. Karma. /digi-pack/.
- Keyes, Daniel. Viyny Milligana. (The Milligan Wars)
- Keyes, Daniel. Kvity dlya Eldzhernona. (Flowers for Algernon)
- Keyes, Daniel. Pyata Salli. (The Fifth Sally)
- Kharuk Andriy. Kondratyev V. Hayrulin M. "Anatra": Airplanes of Odessa Aircraft Building Enterprise, 1910-1924.
- Khersonsky Borys. Kosmosnash.
- Khoma Igor. Pisni. (Songs)
- Khoma Igor. Medicus" Band.
- Khoma Ivan. Yevhen Konovalets.
- Khvorost Liutsyna. Solodko-hirkyi romans. /digi-pack/. (Bittersweet Romance)
- Kiev Acoustic Trio. Moment.
- Kind of Zero (Kindzerskiy Sergey). Happy people. /digi-pack/
- Kiritchenko Andrey, Lopez Francisco. Mavje.
- Kiritchenko Andrey. Stuffed With/Out.
- Kiritchenko Andrey, Saralunden (Lunden Sara). There was no end. (EP).
- Kiritchenko Andrey. Bees & Honey.
- Kiyanovska Marianna. DO ER: selected works.
- Klochkova-Kovalenko Svitlana. Marije... (Maria...)
- Klochkova-Kovalenko Svitlana. Nad Dniprovoyu sahoyu. /digi-pack/. (Over the Dnipro Bay)
- Klymenko Olexander. Pro dereva i levitatsiyu. (About Trees and Levitation)
- Klymenko Olexander. Prykhovana fortetsya. (The Hidden Fortress)
- Kogan Alexey. ..Just 50.
- Kokotyukha, Andriy. Chervony. /third edition/.
- Kokotyukha, Andriy. Chervony. Bez liniji frontu. (No Front Line)
- Kolesnichenko Kostyantyn. Hypnotized! /digi-pack/.
- Kolyada Roman. Expectancy. /eco-pack/.
- Komlikova, Anastasia. Bandura Repertoire Collection.
- Komu Vnyz. 4: Shevchenko. (EP). /digi-pack/.
- Kostenko Lina. Zapysky ukrains'koho samashedshoho. (Notes by the Ukrainian Lunatic)
- Kotra (Dmytro Fedorenko). Revolt. /eco-pack/.
- Kotra (Dmytro Fedorenko). Reset. /eco-pack/.
- Kovalchuk Mykhaylo. Miko.
- Kovtun Yuriy. BraviBelli.
- Kozak System. Shablya. re-edition. /digi-pack/. (Saber)
- Kozlovs'kyj Vitalij. 20UA.
- Kozlovsky Ivan. Zasvystaly kozachenky. Ukrainian folk songs. P.1.
- Kozlovs'kyj Vitalij. Nerozhadani sny.
- Kozlovs'kyj Vitalij. Holodnaja noch'.
- Kozlovs'kyj Vitalij. Krasota-razluka. (Separation Beauty)
- Kozlovs'kyj Vitalij, Gaytana. 90 + 105 Minutes of Music. (mp3).
- Kraamola. Kraamola. (EP).
- Kralytsia, folk ensemble. Oj u Kyjevi...
- Krapka. Khrestyky y nuli. /digi-pack/. (Noughts and Crosses)
- Krapka. Zhyvyj. (Alive)
- Krasnoukhov Dmitry. Legend.
- Krasnoukhov Dmitry. Birth of Angel.
- Krasnoukhov Dmitry. Fairy Peace. (Magic World)
- Krasnoukhov Dmitry. Na krylakh khvyli. (On the Wave's Wings)
- Krobak. The Diary of the Missed One.
- Kroky. Volodar Tajemnyts‘. (Lord of Secrets)
- Kruk Halyna. Spiv/isnuvannya. (Singing of Existence/ Coexistence)
- Krysko Viktor. Cinema graffiti. The best of movie music. /digi-pack/.
- Kuku Shanel. Polubelaya-poluchernaya. (2CD). /digi-pack/. (Semi-White/Semi-Black)
- Kulykovska, Viktoria. Romantic Guitar.
- Kviten‘ Ruin. Restavratsija. (Restoration)
- Kyiv Camerata, National Ensemble of Soloist. Alexander Levkovich. Chamber Works.
- Kyiv saxophone quartet. Swing cocktail. Live in Concert. /digi-pack/.
- Kyiv Soloists, state chamber ensemble. From Romantic Times. Kyiv Soloists Play.
- Kyrpa Halyna. Trynadsyaty misyats u rotsi. (The Thirteenth Month of the Year)
- Kyrychenko Raisa. The Best of...
- Ladovytsi, folk group. A Bozhaya Maty po svitu khodyla. /digi-pack/. (Oh Mother of God walked along the world)
- Lama. Nazavzhdy... (CD+DVD). /digi-pack/. (For Ever...)
- Lauren Anna-Lena. Nevidoma tsina svobody. The Democratic Revolutions in Georgia, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan. (The Unknown Price of Freedom)
- Lauren Anna-Lena. U nykh shchos‘ neharazd z holovoyu, u tykh rosiyan. (Those Russians, Something's Wrong with Their Head)
- Layuk Myroslav. Svit ne stvoreny. (The Non-Created World)
- Lazutkin Dmytro. Arteria. (The Artery)
- Lazutkin Dmytro. Chervona knyha. (The Red Book)
- LBB. Lemko Bluegrass Band. /digi-pack/.
- Lebedeva Nataliya. Medium Cool.
- Lebedeva Nataliya. Medium Cool live. (DVD).
- Lebedeva Nataliya. Medium Cool live.
- Levko Durko. Huljay, vesillja!!! (music comedy). (Hey, Wedding!)
- Levko Durko. L‘vivs‘ka khata. (Lviv Hut)
- Levytsky Myroslav. Session in Banff. Rollston Hall (live). /digi-pack/.
- Liapis Trubetskoy. Zolotye jajcy. (Golden eggs)
- Likhoshva-Ovsianikov quartet. Swing Brothers.
- Lobodaev Volodymyr. Revolutionary Realm. Free Cossacks Movement in Ukraine, 1917-1918.
- Logvynenko Bohdan. Saint Porno. Istoria pro kino i tilo. (The Story of the Cinema and Body)
- Logvynenko Bohdan. Perekhozhi. South-East Asia. (Passers-by)
- Luchykhina Anna, Alexanian Anatoly. 4/10. (EP). /digi-pack/.
- Luciw Volodymyr. Ukrainian folk songs & dumy.
- Luciw Volodymyr. Mizhnarodni pisni. (International songs)
- Luciw Volodymyr. Z Ukrajinoju v sertsi. (With Ukraine in heart)
- Luciw Volodymyr. Collection. (3CD box-set).
- Luiku. Yeher Mayster. /digi-pack/. (Yeger Meister)
- Lukaschuk Khrystyna. Zhyty syohodni. (Living Today)
- Luk. Sex.
- Luk. Tourist Zone.
- Lukyanenko Hryhoriy. Pory roku. /digi-pack/. (Seasons)
- Lvivs'ki Menestreli (The Lviv Minstrels). Music from the times of the Kingdom of Rus', Polish Kingdom and the Grand Lithuanian Principality in the XIV-XVII cent.
- Lysheha Oleh. Potsilunok Elly Fitzgerald. (A Kiss by Ella Fitzgerald)
- Lyubka Andriy. Killer +.
- Lyubka Andriy. Tviy pohlyad, Chio-Chio-san. (Your Glance, Cio-Cio-san)
- Lyubka Andriy. Kimnata dlya pechali. (A Room for Sadness)
- Lyubka Andriy. U poshukakh varvariv. (In Search of Barbarians)
- Lyuty Orest. A ya – ne moskal. /digi-pack/. (And I am not a Moscovite)
- Lyuty Vasyl (bojan Zhyvosyl). Orijana. Zhyttja jak je. (Life As It Is)
- Mad Heads. Contact.
- Mad Heads. Psycholula.
- Mad Heads XL. Forever.
- Makhno, Vasyl. Dim u Beyting Hollov. (The House in Bating Hollow)
- Malyarchuk Tanya. Zabuttya. (Oblivion)
- Mamanet. Ki-Mono.
- Mamoushev Igor. Prydumay sobi Islandiyu. /digi-pack/. (Fancy Your Iceland)
- Mandarinovy Raj. Podyvys‘ u vikno. (Look Through the Window)
- Mandry. Doroha. (Road)
- Mandry, Foma. Chas letyt. /digi-pack/. (Time Flies)
- Mandry. Lehenda pro Ivanka ta Odarku.
- Mandry. Rusalky. /cassette/.
- Mandry. Svit. /digi-pack/. (The World)
- Maneken, the. 5. /digi-pack/.
- Maneken, the. Soulmate Sublime. /digi-pack/.
- Maneken, the. Sale%. /premium, eco-pack/.
- ManSound. Voyage.
- ManSound. Slavic roots.
- ManSound. Hymn of Ukraine. /mini-pack/. (State Anthem of Ukraine)
- ManSound. In the Name of Life... (in memory of Vladimir Mikhnovetsky)
- ManSound. Joy to the World.
- ManSound. If It's Magic...
- Marenych Trio. Try Topoli. (Three Poplars)
- Marenych Trio. Try topoli. /digi-pack/. (Three Poplars)
- Marenych Trio. Vesna. /digi-pack/. (Spring)
- Marsh, Henry. Ni sontse, ani smert. (Admissions: A Life in Brain Surgery)
- Marti Laura, Marti Kristina. Try to feel. (feat. HP Salentin). /digi-pack/.
- Marti Laura. Shine. /digi-pack/.
- Martseniuk, Tamara. Zakhysnyky halaktyky": vlada i kryza v cholovichomu sviti. ("Defenders of the Galaxy": the power and crisis in the male world)
- Masteroñk, ensemble. Rejoice To Christ’s Birth!
- Matiyash Bohdana. rozmovy z Bohom. /second edition, extended/. (talking to the God)
- Matiyash Dzvinka. Marta z vulytsi Svyatoho Mykolaya. (Martha from St. Nicholas Street)
- Matiyash Dzvinka. Roman pro bat'kivschynu. (Novel about the Motherland)
- Matvienko Tonia. Smiyutsia, plachut solovyi. (studio live). /digi-pack/. (Nightingales Laugh and Cry)
- Matvienko Nina. Kolyskova zori. (Lullaby to a evening-glow)
- Medobory, ensemble. Try dorohy.
- Mekhanichny Apel'syn. Tsyrk kvitiv. (The Circus of Flowers)
- Melnyczuk, Askold. Scho skasano. (What is Told)
- Melnyk Yaroslav. Dalekyi prostir. (Far Away Space)
- Melnyk Yaroslav. Dalekyi prostir. /new edition/. (The Far-Away Space)
- Merva. Bardo.
- Merva. Shaman. /digi-pack/.
- Mind Shredder. Mindless Puppets. /digi-pack/.
- Mirzoyan Arsen. Paperovy snih. /digi-pack/. (Paper Snow)
- Mogilevska Natalia. Etot tanec. (This Dance)
- Mogilevska Natalia. Vidpravyla message. (Have Sent A Message)
- Moglass, the. Sparrow Juice. /digi-pack/
- Moglass, the, Kiritchenko Andrey, Courtis Anla (Courtis Alan). Courtis/Kiritchenko/Moglass.
- Molotov 20, Shpak Marta. Osiayni. The modern treatment of traditional Ukrainian folk music. /digi-pack/. (Enlighted)
- Monatik. LOVE IT rhythm. /digi-pack/.
- Monatik. Zvychyt. /digi-pack/. (It Sounds)
- Morozov Victor, Halychyna, Batiar-band. Til'ku vi L'vovi. L'vivs'ki batjars'ki pisni. (Only in Lviv)
- Morozov Victor, Chetvertyy kut. Armija Svitla. (Army of Light)
- Moroz Serhij. Jarij, Dushe...
- Moskalets Kostyantyn. Poezia Kelii. (The Poetry of the Cell)
- Moskalets Kostyantyn. Hra tryvaye. (Game Goes On)
- Moskalets Kostyantyn. Spolokhy. Literary Criticism and Essays. (Stirs)
- Moskalets Kostyantyn. Dosvid koronatsii. Selected works. (Coronation Experience)
- Moskalets Kostyantyn. Stezhachy za tekstom. Selected Critique and Essays. (Following the Text)
- Motion Trio. Pictures from the Street.
- Motor'rolla. ..sho komu ne jasno?..sche! (..Wut's Not Clear?..Once More!)
- Motor'rolla. Kol‘orovi sny. (de luxe edition). (Colored Dreams)
- Mr. Och & His Root Boys. Dig That Roots!
- Mr. Och & His Root Boys. On the Air.
- Mukharsky Antin. Village Glam. /digi-pack/
- Mukharsky Antin. Zlokohoochy Man.
- Mukharsky Antin. Maidan. (R)evolutsia dukhu: the art and culture project. (The (R)Evolution of the Spirit)
- Mustafa-zadeh Vagif. One Day in Kyiv.
- Muzychny batalion. Neskoreny ProRock. Vasyl Stus. /songbook+CD/. (Unsubdued ProRock. Vasyl Stus)
- Mykolaichuk Maria. Oy, chervona kalynochko. Golden Collection. (Oh, Red Snowball Tree)
- Nademski Alex, ILLaria. Podykh. /digi-pack/. (Breath)
- Nanetti Angela. Mistral.
- NAOFI, National Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments of Ukraine. Melodies Of Ukraine. Tenth CD.
- NAOFI, National Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments of Ukraine. Melodies Of Ukraine. The third CD.
- NAOFI, National Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments of Ukraine. Melodies Of Ukraine. The second CD.
- NAOFI, National Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments of Ukraine. Melodies Of Ukraine. The first CD.
- NAOFI, National Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments of Ukraine. Melodies Of Ukraine. Eighth CD.
- NAOFI, National Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments of Ukraine. Tantsjuval‘ni melodiji. (Dance Melodies)
- NAOFI, National Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments of Ukraine, Shelepnytska Nataliya. Ja tak tebe ljublju... /digi-pack/. (I love you so...)
- NAOFI, National Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments of Ukraine. Melodies Of Ukraine. Ninth CD.
- Naydan, Michael. Sim znakiv leva, abo mahia Leopolisa. (The Seven Signs of the Lion, or the Magic of Leopolis)
- Nedaremno. Stezhky do tebe. /digi-pack/. (Trails to You)
- Nederytsa Stefan. Abundance. Baroque Music with Sounds of Nature.
- Nederytsa Stefan. Perfect Figure. Music for Losing Weight. "The Book of the Living" Series.
- Nederytsa Stefan. The Soul of a Woman. "The Book of the Living" Series.
- Nederytsa Stefan. Mozart Effect: Music for Newborns. "The Book of the Living" Series.
- Nederytsa Stefan. Mozart Effect: Absolute Health.
- Nederytsa Stefan. House of Water. Dolphin Therapy. "Intelligent Child" Series.
- Nederytsa Stefan. While the Candle Burns. Music for Prayers. "The Book of the Living" Series.
- Nederytsa Stefan. Bach Effect. Active Thinking (alpha-, beta-waves).
- Nederytsa Stefan. Healing of the Soul. "The Book of the Living" Series.
- Nederytsa Stefan. Znayka in the Village. Memory. "Intelligent Child" Series.
- Nederytsa Stefan. Znayka and Birds. Intellect. "Intelligent Child" Series.
- Nederytsa Stefan. Beethoven Effect. Stable Pressure. "The Book of the Living" Series.
- Nederytsa Stefan. Recovery After a Stroke. Prevention of Brain Diseases. "The Book of the Living" Series.
- Nederytsa Stefan. Moldovan Folk Tales.
- Nederytsa Stefan. Znayka and Wild Animals. Imagination. "Intelligent Child" Series.
- Nederytsa Stefan. Two Hearts. Music for Those In Love.
- Nederytsa Stefan. Meditative Symphony. "The Book of the Living" Series.
- Nederytsa Stefan. Child Album No.4. Moonlight. "Intelligent Child" Series.
- NeDilya. Fortissimo.
- NeDilya. NeDilya.
- NeDilya. Trohy teplyh sliv. (Some warm words)
- Nemirovsky Gregory. SonGs in the Key of Odd. /eco-pack/.
- Nemirovsky Gregory. Mirages.
- Nestayko Vsevolod. Naynovishi pryhody Kolka Kolyuchky ta Kosi Vukhanya. /fifth edition/. (The New Adventures of Miky Spiky and Sunny Bunny)
- New Music in Ukraine, chamber ensemble. Runchak. Sacred Works. (2).
- New Music in Ukraine, chamber ensemble. Lutoslawski, Runchak, Almashi. (5).
- New Music in Ukraine, chamber ensemble. Kagel, Bibik, Runchak. (7).
- New Music in Ukraine, chamber ensemble. Runchak, Holliger, Dinescu, Glauber, Pilyutykov, Rose. (8).
- New Music in Ukraine, chamber ensemble. Runchak, Polyova, Ruppert, Widmann, Rook. (9).
- New Music in Ukraine, chamber ensemble. Runchak. Orchestral Music. (1).
- Nikita. ChamelEon.
- NIK_TO, ex-DJ. ChronoMaster.
- NIK_TO, ex-DJ. The Flora.
- NIK_TO, ex-DJ. The Treeson.
- NIK_TO, ex-DJ. Open.
- NimB. NimB.
- Ocheretyany Kit. Dvadtsiat krokiv. /digi-pack/. (Twenty Steps)
- Ojra, Kiritchenko Andrey. A Tangle Of Mokosha.
- Ojra. Krokovoje koleso. /digi-pack/
- Okean Elzy. Dolce Vita. Remastered. /re-edition, digi-pack/.
- Okean Elzy. Tam, de nas nema. /re-edition, digi-pack/. (Where We Are Not)
- Okean Elzy. Gloria. /re-edition, digi-pack/.
- Oneyroid. Khoden'. /digi-pack/.
- Oneyroid. Giftstoffe (Poisonous Matters).
- ONUKA. Onuka. /digi-pack/.
- Opium. Molysja na mene. (Pray to Me)
- Opium. Pochuttya i Medali. /digi-pack/. (Feelings and Medals)
- Opozicia. Odyn iz tysjach. (One of Thousands)
- Ostashko Tetiana. Serhiy Kokin. Vyrok ukrajinskiy revolyutsii: "The Case of the CC of the UPSR". (The Verdict for the Ukrainian Revolution)
- Otava, group, Êiyv Kobza Guilds. Ya my hodymo prokhozhaemo. Zabuti pisni Kyivschyny. (Lost Songs of Kyiv Region)
- O.Torvald. Acoustic. /digi-pack/.
- Ot Vinta. Potom i krovju. /limited, eco-pack/. (With Sweat and Blood)
- Ot Vinta. Potom i krovju. (With Sweat and Blood)
- Ot Vinta. Pilotka. /digi-pack/. (The Forage Cap)
- Pahutyak Halyna. Nebesna kravchynya. Book of defenselessness. (The Heavenly Seamstress)
- Pahutyak Halyna. Urizh ta yoho duchy. (Urizh and Its Spirits)
- Pahutyak Halyna. Kozhen den' – inshyj. A Diary. (Every Day is Different)
- Pahutyak Halyna. Khronika znykloho mista. Besidy z Pereviznykom. A quest book. (The Chronicle of the City that Disappeared. Conversations with the Carrier)
- Pahutyak Halyna. Sentymentalni mandrivky Halychynoyu ta inshi istorii. A Travel Book. (Sentimental Travels in Galicia and Other Stories)
- Pahutyak Halyna. Zhorstokist isnuvannya. A book of essays. (The Cruelty of Existence)
- Palahniuk Chuck. Biytsivsky klub. (Fight Club)
- Panivalkova. Dontvori. /premium, eco-pack/. (Don't Worry)
- Pashkovsky Oleh. +1. /digi-pack/.
- Pastukh, Taras. Mosty Oleha Lyshehy. (Bridges of Oleh Lysheha)
- Pastukh, Taras. Polumja vidihrije pamjat... Memories of Oleh Lysheha. (Flames Will Warm Up the Memory)
- Patrycia. Lechu. /digi-pack/. (I'm Flying)
- Patrylyak Ivan. Peremoha abo smert. /revised edition/. (Victory or Death)
- Pavlik Victor. (and friends). Rock.
- Pavlik Victor. Kimnata v seredyni moho sercia. (Room in the Middle of My Heart)
- Pavlik Victor. Anna-Maria / Ty podobajeshsya meni. 2CD. /digi-pack/. (I Like You)
- Pavlik Victor. Dance together.
- Pavlik Victor. Naykrashe. (The best of...)
- Pavlik Victor. Djakujuchy Bohu.
- Pavlik Victor. Exclusive - 3.
- Pavlik Victor. Bili cheremhy.
- Pavlychko, Dmytro. Zolotorohy Olen. (The Golden Horn Deer)
- Pavlyuk, ILLarion. Tanets nedoumka. (The Dance of an Idiot)
- Perkalaba. !chydro /digi-pack/
- Perkalaba. Hovoryt' Ivano-Frankivs'k. (Ivano-Frankivsk Speaking)
- Petrov (Domontovych) Viktor. Spraha muzyky. (The Quench for Music)
- Petrov (Domontovych) Viktor. Romany Kulisha. Movchusche bozhestvo. (Romances by Kulish. A Silent Deity)
- Pianoboy. Take Off. /premium edition, digi-pack/.
- Pianoboy. Prostye veschi. /digi-pack/. (Simple Things)
- Pikkardiyska Tertsia. Anthology. Volume 1.
- Pikkardiyska Tertsia. Rock legends of Ukraine.
- Pins. Marafon. /digi-pack/. (Marathon)
- Plach Yeremiji. Ya pidu v daleki hory. /cassette/.
- Plach Yeremiji. Dobre. /cassette/. (Good)
- Plach Yeremiji. Rock legends of Ukraine.
- Plyusch Leonid. Yoho taemnytsya, abo "Prekrasna lozha" Khvyliovoho. (His Secret, or Khvyliovy's "Beautiful Loge")
- Plyusch Leonid. U karnavali istorii. Testimony. (At the Carnival of History)
- Podervyansky Les. Bljesk ta nischjeta pidarasiv. (DVD). (Splendor and Misery of Maricones)
- Pokalchuk Yuri, Vohni Velykoho Mista (VVM). Topoli.
- Pokalchuk Yuri, Vohni Velykoho Mista (VVM). Vony Kazhut'.
- PoliKarp. Barvinochok. /digi-pack/. (Periwinkle)
- Polischuk, Yaroslav. Hibrydna topohrafia. Places and Non-Places In Modern UkrLit. (Hybrid Topography)
- Polischuk Svitlana. Yavyscha pryrody. /book+coloring book/. (Nature Phenomena)
- Pollack Martin. Otrueni peyzazhi. (Poisoned Landscapes)
- Pollack Martin. Zhinka bez hrobivtsya. Rozpovid pro moju titku. (The Woman Without a Tomb. A story about my aunt)
- Polozhynsky Sashko. Po-Vilno. /digi-pack/. (S-Law-ly)
- Pomaranch. ...sche, dlja morjakiv u Niheriji.
- Pomerantsev Igor. Homo Eroticus.
- Ponomariov Olexander. Ja ljublju tilky tebe. (Only You I Love)
- Ponomariov Olexander. Z ranku do nochi. (From Morning Till Night)
- Ponomariov Olexander. Persha i ostannja ljubov. (First and Last Love)
- Ponomariov Olexander. Vin. (He)
- Ponomariov Olexander. Nichen‘koju. (At Night)
- Popova Yelena. Voices From My Soul. /digi-pack/
- Poshtar Rajisa. Ukrajins'ki zastol'ni pisni 9. (Table Party Songs)
- Postman. Everything Is New. /digi-pack/.
- Postman. Being High. /mini-pack/.
- Postsense. Pyty po krapli. (Drinking In Drops)
- Pratchett Terry. Dushevna muzyka. (Soul Music)
- Pratchett Terry. Poven neba kapelyukh. (A Hat Full of Sky)
- Prokhasko Taras. Tak, ale... (Yes, But...)
- Propala Hramota. Chudernatska syla. /eco-pack/. (Freakish Power)
- Propala Hramota. Tseyvo. (Sorta)
- Propala Hramota. Honor. (Pride)
- Prykhodko Anastasia. Ya Vilna. /digi-pack/. (I Am Free)
- Ptakh_Jung. Black Period. /digi-pack/.
- Pushkar Viktor, Okhrimchuk Serhiy. [chomub.ini]. Court music as it could [not] happen.
- Pushkar Viktor, Okhrimchuk Serhiy. [chomub.ini].
- Pyvovarov, Anton. Lemkian Suite. /digi-pack/.
- Qarpa. & I made a Man. /digi-pack/.
- Qarpa. inZhYR. /digi-pack/
- Qzzaargh, Perkalaba. Qzzaargh vs. Perkalaba.
- Radioraj. Moya heohrafia. (My geography)
- Raj Julia. The Best Songs.
- Raj Julia. Ty mene poljubysh.
- Raj Julia. Richka. (River)
- Rasumovsky, quartet. Masterpieces of the Viennese Classics.
- Red Cardell. Narodzhennja. (Naitre) (Birth)
- Rend Ayn. Atlant rozpravyv plechi. P.3: A Is A. (Atlas Shrugged)
- Rend Ayn. Atlant rozpravyv plechi. P.1: Non-Contradiction. (Atlas Shrugged)
- Retroskop. Vesnyany tvist. /digi-pack/. (Spring Twist)
- Riabchuk, Mykola. Sto anekdotiv. (One Hundred Anecdotes)
- Riabchuk, Mykola. Do Chapli na urodyny. (To Heron's Birthday Party)
- Rock-H. Spivanochky pro lyubov. /digi-pack/. (Melodies About Love)
- Rodyna, folklore group. Hej, Rozhestvo! Schedryj vechor! (Hey, Christmas! Christmas Eve!)
- Roerich Helena, Roerich Nicholas. Leaves of Morya’s Garden. 1926. Book III. Obschyna. (Community)
- Roerich Helena, Roerich Nicholas. Leaves of Morya’s Garden. 1925. Book II. Ozorinnya. (Brightening)
- Roerich Helena, Roerich Nicholas. Leaves of Morya’s Garden. 1924. Book I. Zov. (Calling)
- Rohachevsky Yevhen. Yickij Aun. (2CD).
- Rohachevsky Yevhen. Razom nazavzhdy. /digi-pack/. (Together Forever)
- Role Model. Scylla and Charybdis. /digi-pack/.
- Rolliks. Peretvorysya na zbroyu. /digi-pack/. (Turn Into Weapons)
- Roma Yuliya. Raduysya. Ukrainian carols. /digi-pack/. (Rejoice)
- Roma Yuliya. Heartbeats.
- Rosava, LoTus (Leonid Titov). LoTus feat. Rosava.
- Rosava. Prosto Neba. (On the open air)
- Rosava. Radist. /second edition/. (Joy)
- Rosava. teper i potim. (now and then)
- Rowling, Jîanne Katheline. Nespodivana vakansia. (The Casual Vacancy)
- Rozhden. R2. /eco-pack/.
- Rudnytska Angelika. Znajdy mene. (Find Me)
- Rulada. Ye chas... /digi-pack/. (There is Time...)
- Run. Over the Border.
- Run. Samhein. /digi-pack/
- Rura. Bdzhilka Mayja. (Maya Bee)
- Rura. Moja ljubov. (My Love)
- Rura. Rura.
- Rushnychok, Ensemble. Susidka. (Neighbor)
- Rushnychok, Ensemble. Solov'jina Ukrajina.
- Ruslana. Dyka enerhiya. (single). /slim box/. (Wild Energy)
- Ruslana. Rizdvo z Ruslanoju. (DVD). (Christmas with Ruslana)
- Ruslana. Ostannje Rizdvo 90-kh. (DVD). (Last Christmas of the 1990s)
- Ruslana. Na Rizdvo do L‘vivs‘koho! Christmas Legends 2. (DVD). (For Christmas to Lvivsky)
- Ruslana. Wild Energy.
- Rutkivsky Volodymyr. Dzhury i pidvodny choven. /second edition/. (Dzhuras and the Submarine)
- Rutkivsky Volodymyr. Dzhury kozaka Shvayky. /fourth edition/. (Armor-Bearers of Cossack Shvayka)
- Rutkivsky Volodymyr. Dzhury-kharakternyky. /second edition/. (Harakternyk Armor-Bearers)
- Rutkivsky Volodymyr. Dzhury i Kudlatyk. (Dzhuras and Shaggy)
- Rutkivsky Volodymyr. Syni Vody. /new edition/. (Blue Water)
- Safonov Herman, Strogan Helena. Grieg, Brahms, Galperin.
- SAMATA. Fire-show.
- Samosaboyzz. Samosavershenstvo.
- Samsonova Natalka. Vsi moji pisni. (All of My Songs)
- Sanchenko Anton. Kruz ta Lys. Naperedodni. (Kruse and Lys. On the Eve)
- Savka Maryana. Tykhi virshyky na zymu. (Quiet Poems for Winter)
- Sax Kings quartet. Classics & Jazz. Live in concert. /digi-pack/.
- Sax Kings quartet. Fever. /digi-pack/.
- Sayenko Yuriy. Kvity u Rosi. Fantaziji na temy pisen' I. Bilozira.
- Schastja. Piensas ya en el amor?
- Schulz Bruno. Knyha lystiv. (Book of Letters)
- Sedko, Eugen. The Art of Flamenco Guitar. /re-edition, digi-pack/.
- Serduchka Vera. Tralli-valli.
- Serduchka Vera. DoReMi DoReDo.
- Sertsevyj Napad. Golden $hits.
- Shabaltas Vladimir, VSH-Ensemble. Acid Menu live. /digi-pack/
- Shabaltas Vladimir, VSH-Ensemble. Acid Menu live. (DVD).
- Shamo Igor. Songs.
- Sha Tanya, Svet. Ten Step Journey.
- Sha Tanya, Muzychny batalion. Kolyskova vid Tata. /song book+CD/. (Dad's Lullaby)
- Sha Tanya, Muzychny batalion. Neskoreny ProRock. Olena Teliha. /songbook+CD/. (Unsubdued ProRock. Olena Teliha)
- Sheetel. Mr. White. /special edition, digi-pack/.
- Shepeta Pavel, Zverkhanovsky Danylo Quartet. Facing You. Jazz Kolo live. (2CD). /digi-pack/
- Shepeta Pavel, Zverkhanovsky Danylo Quartet. Facing You. Jazz Kolo live. (DVD).
- Shepeta Pavel, Kapeliushok Sergey, Voichenko Olga. Spivanochky moi. Ukrainian folk songs. /eco-pack/. (My Songs)
- Sheptytsky Andrey. vid A do Ya. Children's encyclopedia. /compiled by H.Tereschuk, O.Dumanska/. (Sheptytsky from A to Z)
- Shestak Nadija. Viry, Ljubovi...
- Shevchuk, Sviatoslav, Zabuzhko Oksana. APOKRYF. Chotyry rozmovy pro Lesyu Ukrainku. (THE APOCRYPHA. Four conversations about Lesya Ukrainka)
- Shevelyov Yuriy, Plyusch Leonid. Lystuvannya: 1979-1995. (Correspondence: 1979-1995)
- Shklyar Vasyl. Treba spytaty u Boha. (We Must Ask God)
- Shklyar Vasyl. Kharakternyk.
- Shklyar Vasyl. Krov kazhana. (The Bat's Blood)
- Shklyar Vasyl. Troscha. (Wreck)
- Shklyar Vasyl. Zalyshenets‘ /Chorny Voron. (Outcast/ Black Raven)
- Shklyar Vasyl. Marusya.
- Shkolna Tetiana. Dobraja hodynonka. Ukrainian folk songs. /cassette/. (The Right Time)
- ShockolaD, Off-Quar-Tet (OQT). Jazz:Kolo:Bez. live. (2CD). /digi-pack/
- ShockolaD, Off-Quar-Tet (OQT). Jazz:Kolo:Bez. Live. (DVD).
- ShockolaD. Single. /mini-pack/.
- ShockolaD. Schedryi vechir z dobrym jazzom. /re-edition, eco-pack/. (Christmas Eve Wiz Good Jazz)
- ShockolaD, Novel Ewa. Nova. /digi-pack/.
- Shopping Hour Grp. Sunce Viter. (+bonus). /digi-pack/. (The Sun Wind)
- Shopping Hour Grp. Amor. /digi-pack/.
- Shopping Hour Grp. Sunce Viter. (premium edition). /digi-pack/. (The Sun Wind)
- Shopsha Mykola. Nevmyruscha pisnya. (Immortal Song)
- Shpak Marta. Na svitanku. /digi-pack/. (At Dawn)
- Shpakov Anatoliy. Spravzhniy podyh vikiv.
- Shtanko Kateryna. Drakony, vpered! (Dragons, Go!)
- Shynkaruk Volodymyr. Perekoty-nebo. (TumbleSky)
- Shynkaruk Volodymyr. Shestystrunnyy doshch. Vam, molodym... (Six-String Rain. For you, the young...)
- Shynkaruk Iryna. Mira. (Measure)
- Shynkaruk Iryna. Tse moja i tvoja Ukrajina. (This is my and your Ukraine)
- SHyZO (SHyroko Zakryti Ochi). Zroby tse... (Do It...)
- Silska muzyka, ethnogroup. Oy, sered sela... (Hey, Amidst the Village...)
- Skhid-Side. SkhidSideMen. /digi-pack/
- Skhid-Side. Brand New.
- Skinhate. NeYakUsi. (NotLikeEveryone)
- Skryabin. Dyakuyu, lyudy... Live concert. (2CD). /digi-pack/. (Thank You, Folks...)
- Skryabin. Pro ljubov? (About Love?)
- Skryabin. Nature.
- Skryabin. Glamour.
- Skryabin, Smack Band. Skryabinos Muchachos.
- Skryabin. Balady. /digi-pack/. (Ballads)
- Skryabin Kuzma (Andriy Kuz'menko). Ja, "Pobeda" i Berlin. (mp3). /digi-pack/
- Skryabin. Khrobak. (re-edition). /digi-pack/. (Worm)
- Skrypka Oleh, Podervyansky Les. Humanists. (premium release). /digi-pack/
- Skrypka Oleh. Inkoly. /premium release, digi-pack/. (Sometimes)
- Skrypka Oleh. Zhorzhyna. Bohdan Vesolovsky songs. /digi-pack/. (Dahlia)
- Skrypka Oleh, Podervyansky Les. Humanists.
- Smack Band. Coisa Ligeira. /digi-pack/.
- Smal, Yulia. Yak ya bula botom. (How I Was A Bot)
- Smyk Olexandr. Vsenoshna dlja dushi. Songs Vernissage. (Vespers for the Soul)
- Snyadanko Natalka. Okhayni propysy ertshertsoha Vilhelma. (Neat Orders by Archduke Wilhelm)
- Snyadanko Natalka. Pershe slidstvo imperatrytsi. (The Empress' First Investigation)
- Sobolev Vitaliy, Nesterenko Yevhenia. Mykola Lysenko: Works. /digi-pack/.
- Social Classes. Unplugged. (2CD). /mini-pack/.
- Sodomka Martin. Yak zmaystruvaty litak. (How to Construct a Plane)
- Sodomora Andriy. Slyozy rechey. (Tears of Things)
- Soli Deo, choir. Spivaje "Soli Deo". (Soli Deo singing)
- Solyanyk, Volodymyr, Oorzhak, Mykola, Khmelyov, Serhiy. Tanets i zvuk orla. /digi-pack/. (The Dance and Sounds of an Eagle)
- Sparinsky Alexander. Spring Singers, Rejoice! Multimedia edition.
- Sparinsky Alexander. Chary Kupal‘s‘koji nochi. Musical Suite. (CD extra). (Midsummer Night Magic)
- Stakhiv Ostap's Folklore Theater. A vzhe vesna vskresla. (And Spring Has Already Resurrected)
- Stari Koni (Old Horses), folklore group. Stari Koni. (Old Horses)
- Start Up. Otrujeni mriji. (Poisoned Dreams)
- Stereoliza. XYZ (X-amine your zippa). /re-edition 2007/.
- Stoned Jesus. Seven Thunders Roar. /digi-pack/.
- Stoned Jesus. The Harvest. /digi-pack/.
- Strelchenko-Band. My Day.
- Strogan Helena, Safonov Herman. Berezovsky, Schubert, Ischenko.
- Sturqen. Neophobia. /vinyl 140g LP/.
- Suharjev Oleh. Poklyk. (Call)
- SunSay. SunSay.
- Sun Tzu. Mystetstvo viyny. /premium edition/. (The Art of War)
- Susidy, group. KryHITna EUROpa. (Small Europe)
- SV acoustic. Waitin' For.
- Svitjaz', duet. 46 tracks in mp3 format.
- SV Savana. Two Ways.
- Svyrydenko, Natalya. Three Centuries of Baroque.
- Sydorov Dmytro. Vverkh po reke. A Music Journey. /digi-pack/. (Up Along the River)
- Sylvestrov Valentyn, Kyiv Camerata, National Ensemble of Soloist. Meditation (symphony for violoncello and chamber orchestra).
- Szklarski Alfred. Tomek na stezhci viyny. (Tomek on Martial Path)
- Tabakov Pavlo. Miy svit. (My World)
- Tabakov Pavlo. Rizdvo dlja dvokh. (Christmas for Two)
- Tafiychuks, the family group. Music of Carpathian Valleys. /digi-pack/.
- Tafiychuks, the family group. Vesillya v Kryvorivni. /digi-pack/. (Wedding in Kryvorivnya)
- Tafiychuks, the family group. Melodiji Karpat. /digi-pack/. (Carpathian Melodies)
- Talita Kum. Harjacha i hirka. /re-edition, digi-pack/.
- Talita Kum. Shou biznes! (Show Business!)
- Tanok Na Maydani Kongo (TNMK). ShoPopaloShow. (DVD). (RigUpShow)
- Tanok Na Maydani Kongo (TNMK). All Special Projects On mp3.
- Tanok Na Maydani Kongo (TNMK). Zabuv. Maxi-Single.
- Tanok Na Maydani Kongo (TNMK), Skhid-Side. Jazzy. Live.
- Tanok Na Maydani Kongo (TNMK). S.P.A.M. /digi-pack/.
- Tanok Na Maydani Kongo (TNMK). 7. /premium, eco-pack/.
- Taran, Lyudmyla. Yablunya. (The Apple Tree)
- Tartak. AnTARTAKtyda. Part 2. /digi-pack/. (AnTARTAKtica)
- Tartak. Nazbyralosya na 2010. /digi-pack/. (Collected for 2010)
- Tartak. Pershyj komercijnyj. /digi-pack/
- Tartak. Ukrajino, Zabyvaj! (maxi single). /digi-pack/. (Ukraine, Score It!)
- Tartak. Zaklipani pisni, abo Bachyly ochi scho kupuvaly. (Clipped Songs, or the Eyes Saw What They Bought)
- TaRuta. EthnoLab. /digi-pack/.
- TaRuta. Narodzheni v LYUBOVI. /digi-pack/. (Born in LOVE)
- Tayanna. Fantastychna zhinka. /digi-pack/. (The Fantastic Woman)
- Telnyuk: Sisters, National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine. Nash Shevchenko. /DVD/. (Our Shevchenko)
- Telnyuk: Sisters. Live at the Glenn Gould Studio. /Road of Glass/. (DVD-r).
- Telnyuk: Sisters. REHEARSAL (studio video project). (DVD).
- Telnyuk: Sisters. live krashche. (The Best Live)
- Telnyuk: Sisters. Nazavzhdy. Bohdan-Ihor Antonych. (single). /digi-pack/ (Forever)
- Terakowska Dorota. Dochka Charivnyts. (A Daughter of Sorceresses)
- Terakowska Dorota. Tam, de padajut Anhely. (Where Angels Fall)
- The Sokalsky Quartet. Koljady. (Christmas Carols)
- Tik Tu. Shuma. /digi-pack/.
- TIK. tyKhYJ. (Silent)
- TIK. Vesilny. (Wedding)
- Tol. detoNatsija. live. (DVD). (detoNation)
- Tolkien, John Ronald Ruel. The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun.
- Tol. Kley.Mo. (EP). /digi-pack/
- Tolmachova Natalia, Shutko Olga. Romantic Cello. /digi-pack/
- Tomato Jaws. Tomato Jaws.
- Tomato Jaws. Reconstructed. /digi-pack/.
- Tomato Jaws. No Concept.
- Tomato Jaws. One Secret.
- Trans-Former. Terytorija trojand. (Territory of Roses)
- Trans-Former. Styhla vyshnja. (A Rip Cherry)
- Troye Zillia. Paradise Birds. /digi-pack/.
- Tryzubyj Stas. Ja povertajusja vol 4. (I am coming back)
- Tryzubyj Stas. Ja povertajusja vol 2. (I am coming back)
- Tryzubyj Stas. Ja povertajusjavol 3. (I am coming back)
- Tsilyk Iryna. Chervoni na chornomu slidy. (Red On Black Trails)
- Tsilyk Iryna. Hlybyna rizkosti. (The Depth of Sharpness)
- Tur-Konovalov Kostyantyn. Kruty 1918.
- Tuwim Julian. Slon Trubalsky. (Elephant Trunkalsky)
- Tuwim Julian. Poeziji ta konteksty. (Poetries and Contexts)
- Tymoshchuk Levko. Kriz plach ta stohin... /digi-pack/. (Through Cry and Moan...)
- Tynchenko Yaroslav. Heroi ukrains'koho neba. Pilots of the 1917-1920 Liberation War. (Heros of the Ukrainian Sky)
- TyshaKids. Zhyva vinila. (Live Vinyl)
- Ukrainian Barvy. Etno MIX. /digi-pack/
- Ukrainians, the. Respublika.
- Ukrainian Barvy. Vinochok. (Diadem)
- Ukrainka Lesya. Lysty 1876-1897. (Letters. Vol. 1)
- Vakarchuk Svyatoslav. Brussels. /digi-pack/.
- Vakarchuk Svyatoslav. Oranzhereya. /digi-pack/. (The Orangery)
- Vakarchuk Svyatoslav. Vnochi. /digi-pack/. (At Night)
- Valik, DJ. 1-st Ukrainian Mixtape.
- Vasya Club, Hontarsky Vasyl. Rus‘kyy al‘bom. (Russian Album)
- Vasylenko Olexander. Kvitka nichnoho sadu. /digi-pack/. (Night Garden Flower)
- Vasylenko Olexander. Meni z toboju dobre. /digi-pack/. (I Feel Good With You)
- Vdovychenko Halyna. 36 i 6 kotiv-detektyviv. (36 and 6 Detective Cats)
- Vengrynyuk Christine. Narodzhuvatysya i pomyraty vzutymy. (To Be Born and to Die Booted)
- Verbena, trio. Bila kazka. (White fairy-tale)
- Vertep, Hurt Mandrivnykh Dyakiv. Buchalchyn gandzh.
- Veryovka, Ukrainian National Honoured Academic Folk Chorus named. Verbovaja doshchechka. /digi-pack/. (Willow Plank)
- Vesnivka, children's choir. Vesnivka.
- Vesnyanka, folk group. Oh come out vesnyanky.
- Vinky. Ruta-M'yata.
- Vinnitskaya Alena. Electro.
- Vinnitskaya Alena. Konvert. (Envelope)
- Vitaliy Ivanov Quartet. Returning live.
- Vitaliy Ivanov Quartet. Returning live. (DVD).
- Viva, choir of Shevtchenko Universitat Luhansk, Philharmonic Orchestra of Luhansk. Salzsymphonie. (Salt Symphony)
- Vivienne Mort. Rosa. (EP). /mini-pack/.
- Vivienne Mort. Dosvid. /digi-pack/. (Experience)
- Viy. Yshov ja nebom. /digi-pack/. (I Was Walking in the Sky)
- Voanerges. Hay "Da" Maky. (Steppe'N'Poppies)
- Vognesmih. Kraine U. (Country U).
- Voichenko Olga, Kapeliushok Sergey. Tenderly.
- Voichenko Olga. (feat. A. Schilkloper). Charivni Sny. (Magic Dreams)
- Vombad. Pereplyvu okean... (I Will Swim Across the Ocean...)
- Vopli Vidopliassova. Chudovy Svit. /digi-pack/. (The Wonderful World)
- Vopli Vidopliassova. Buly den'ky. (There were those days)
- Vopli Vidopliassova. Official mp3-collection. P.1.
- Vopli Vidopliassova. Mamay.
- Vopli Vidopliassova. Chio Chio San. (single). /digi-pack/.
- VovaZiL'vova. Presenting: YoY#1.
- VovaZiL'vova. Vyno, kobity, patifon. (Wine, lasses, gramophone)
- Vpershe Chuyu. PryamoTok. /digi-pack/. (ForwardFlow)
- Vuraj. Rajok. /digi-pack/.
- V.U.Z.V. Prosto.
- Vydubychi Church Chorus. Praise the Name of the Lord.
- Vydubychi Church Chorus. Golden Melodies. Ukrainian folk songs.
- Vydubychi Church Chorus. Golden Melodies. Ukrainian folk songs. /cassette/.
- Vydubychi Church Chorus. Roman Hurko. Liturgy No.2 ( St. John Chrysostom)
- Vynnychuk Yuriy. Vikna zastyhloho chasu. (The Windows of Time Frozen)
- Vynnychuk Yuriy. Mistse dlya drakona. (The Place for the Dragon)
- VYO, the. Zeleny. /digi-pack/. (Green)
- v4w.enko. Harmonic Ratio. /eco-pack/.
- Wagner Alexey, Krupsky Alexey. April Sky. /digi-pack/
- Werber, Bernard. Tanatonavty. (The Thanatonauts)
- Werber, Bernard. Imperia anheliv. (The Empire of the Angels)
- Werber, Bernard. Skrynya Pandory. (The Box of Pandora)
- Werber, Bernard. Zoryany metelyk. (The Star Butterfly)
- Werber, Bernard. Zavtra budut koty. (Tomorrow There Will Be Cats)
- WhaTsup. Yak vsi. /digi-pack/. (As Everyone)
- White. Byj pershym. (Hit First)
- Whybrow Ian. Maly Vovchyk – otaman zgrai. (Little Wolf, Pack Leader)
- Witoszynskyj Leo, Shutko Ostap. Cantabile e ritmico.
- Yanka Kozyr's Orchestra. Maty. (Mother)
- Yanka Kozyr's Orchestra. Shljahy. /digi-pack/. (Roads)
- Yansen Kukansen. Dupadzhonidepa.
- Yatsenko Yuri. Sribljastyj kobzy peredzvin. (Kobza silver sounds)
- Yatsenko Petro. Sichkarnya, abo Ostannya mandrivka moho dida. (Chaff Cutter or the Last Trip of My Grandfather)
- Yatsenko Petro. Derevo bodhi / Povernennya prydurkiv. (Bodhi Tree / Softheads' Return)
- Yatsenko Petro. Mahnetyzm. (Magnetism)
- Yatsenko Petro. Korotky putivnyk iz halytskoho seksu. (A Short Guide to the Galician Sex)
- Yermakova Lyudmyla. Pisnja zhyttja moho. (Song of My Life)
- Yeshkilev Volodymyr. Bohynya i Konsul'tant. (Goddess and Consultant)
- Yevshan, Halych chamber choir. Fol'klorna skrynja.
- YoGhurt Ghurt (band). real live album.
- YouCrane. Koly my budem znajomi. /digi-pack/. (When We are Acquainted)
- YouCrane. Again. /digi-pack/.
- Younnat (Serdyuk Oleg). Ryba.
- Yurcash, the. Menuets. Tjulpany V TselaFani. (Menuets. Tulips In CellaPhane)
- Yurchenko Iryna. Podarunok. /collection of children's songs/. (Present)
- Yuriy Yatsenko's "Kapelysta Muzyka", Miroshnychenko Yevhenia. Uljubleni ukrajins'ki melodiji. (Favourite Ukrainian melodies)
- Yuriy Yatsenko's "Kapelysta Muzyka", Miroshnychenko Yevhenia. Favorite Ukrainian melodies. /cassette/.
- Yusypovych Myron. Overtures, Introductions, Intermezzos. (live).
- Zabuzhko Oksana. Shevchenkiv mif Ukrainy. Attempt of philosophical analysis. /fourth edition/. (Shevchenko's Myth of Ukraine)
- Zabuzhko Oksana. Notre Dame d'Ukraine: Ukrainka v konflikti mifolohiy. /third edition, supplemented/. (Ukrainka in the Conflict of Mythologies)
- Zabuzhko Oksana. reading own poems. /digi-pack/
- Zabuzhko Oksana. Litopys samovydciv: devyat misyatsiv ukrainskoho sprotyvu. (Annals of Eyewitnesses: Nine months of the Ukrainian resistance)
- Zabuzhko Oksana, Shevelyov Yuriy. Selected Correspondence against the Background of the Epoch: 1992-2002. /second edition, revised and complemented/.
- Zabuzhko Oksana. Pislya tretioho dzvinka vkhid do zaly zaboronyaetsya. (After the third ring, no one will be seated)
- Zabuzhko Oksana. Poems, 1980-2013.
- Zabuzhko Oksana. Planeta Polyn. (Planet Wormwood)
- Zabuzhko Oksana. Filosofia ukrajinskoji ideji ta evropeyski kontekst. / 5-th edition/. (Philosophy of the Ukrainian Idea and the European Context: Franko period)
- Zabuzhko Oksana, Hurnik, ILja. Iyerykhonski trubachi. Kod Hurnika. (Trumpeters of Jericho. Hurnik's Code)
- Zagaykevych Alla, CAT (Contemporary Acoustic Trio). Zymovy sat. /digi-pack/. (Winter CArTen)
- Zaitseva Ludmila, Kazykin Slava. Quasi una Fantasia. /digi-pack/.
- Zakharec' Serhiy. Huljay, molodyy! /digi-pack/. (Make Merry, Youth!)
- Zakhar. Pershyj.
- Zakus Band, Zakus Igor. Kolomyyky live. (DVD).
- Zakus Igor, Zakus Band. Kolomyyky live.
- Zakus Igor, Zakus Band. Zakus Was Here live.
- Zakus Igor. Zakus Was Here.
- Zakus Igor. Dedications.
- Zakus Igor, Zakus Band. Kolomyyky. /digi-pack/. (Kolomyikas)
- Zakus Igor, Zakus Band. Ukrainian bass song. /digi-pack/
- Zamriy Denys, Tur-Konovalov Kostyantyn. Khudozhnyk /Taras Shevchenko/. (The Painter)
- Zavadsky Igor. Ave Love. (2CD).
- Zavadsky Igor. 9th Planet. (2CD).
- Zavadsky Igor. Mysterium. (2CD).
- Zavadsky Igor. Festival. (2CD).
- Zavadsky Igor. Danielf. Concert recording.
- Zavoloka. Viter. (EP). /eco-pack/.
- Zavoloka. Suspenzia. /digi-pack/
- Zavoloka, Kotra (Dmytro Fedorenko). Wag the Swing. /eco-pack/.
- Zavoloka. Vedana. /eco-pack/.
- Zdorenko Yuri & Hash. Na zdorov'ja! /digi-pack/. (To Health!)
- Zhadan Serhiy. Zhyttia Mariyi. (The Life of Maria)
- Zhadan Serhiy. Antenna.
- Zhadan Serhiy. Psalom aviatsiji. (The Psalm of Aviation)
- Zhadan Serhiy. Spysok korabliv. (The Ships List)
- Zhadan Serhiy. Khlibne peremyrja. (Bread Ceasefire)
- Zhekhovych Marta. 4 Seasons.
- Zherebtsova Polina. Tonka sriblysta nyt. (The Thin Silvery Thread)
- Zholdak Bohdan. UKRY. (The UKRs)
- Zholdak Bohdan. Nestyama. (Frenzy)
- Zhovna, Oleksandr. Solodka ilyuzia zhyttya. (The Sweet Illusion of Life)
- Zhuravchak Oles'. Singing sopilka 2.
- Zhuravchak Oles'. Spivucha sopilka 3: Sny Karpat. (Singing sopilka 3: Dreams of the Carpathians)
- Zhytynsky Taras. Kozats‘ki balady. (Cossack Ballads)
- Zhytynsky Taras. Jikhaly batjary. Halychyna Chanson. (Batiars Were Riding)
- Zhytynsky Taras, Zhytynska Iryna. Duet.
- Zinkovska Iryna. Zvuky. /digi-pack/. (Sounds)
- Zinkovsky Vladimir. Music First!
- Znak Vody. Misto tvojikh sniv. (City of Your Dreams)
- 2sleepy. Art Fraud. /digi-pack/
- 4.A.J.K.A. Aerodinamika.
- 5'nizza. KU. /super-pack/.
- 5'nizza. Piatnitsa. (Friday)
- A.Audhild Solberg. Khto proty superkrutykh. (Who is Against the Supercool)
- Above the Karayets River. Project "My Ukraine. Bervy".
- Adam Johnson. Syn nachalnyka syrit. (The Orphan Master's Son)
- Adolfo Bioy Casares. Schodennyk viyny zi svynmy. (The Diary of the War of the Pig)
- After Earth. (DVD).
- Aharon Appelfeld. Kateryna.
- Aka Morchiladze. Prohulyanka na viynu. (Journey to the War)
- American Gangster. (DVD).
- Andriy Bachynsky. 140 detsybeliv tyshi. (140 Decibels of Silence)
- Andriy Kozytsky. Istoria Ukrajiny. A Handbook for Grades 10 and 11. (The History of Ukraine)
- Andriy Panchyshyn. Na vulytsy Batiarskiy. Songs from Lviv. (In Batiarska Street)
- Andriy Shevchenko. "Dynamo" Kyiv – Forever! (DVD).
- Andrzej Stasiuk. Skhid. (The East)
- Andrzey B.Pernal. Rich Pospolyta dvokh narodiv i Ukraina. The Diplomatic Relations in 1648-1659. (Rzeczpospolita of the Two Nations and Ukraine)
- Anne Fine. Boroshnyani nemovlyata. (Flour Babies)
- Anthology of the Modern Ukrainian Literature for Children to Read at the 1st, 2nd Years of Studies.
- Anthology of Sacred Music. (mp3).
- Aram Pachian. Robinzon. (Robinson)
- Arnold Svyatohorov. Vidlunnya virnosti.
- A Tender Night.
- Australia. (DVD).
- Bass kolo live. (2CD). /digi-pack/
- Bass Kolo. /digi-pack/
- Bass kolo live. (DVD).
- Battle for Terra. 3D. (DVD).
- Before the Fall. /Tres dias/. (DVD).
- Benefice of the People's Artist of Ukraine Bogdan Benyuk. (DVD).
- Bervin Bervinkovyj. Ukrainian ethnic music.
- Black Belt. /Kuro-obi/. (DVD).
- Blood Diamond. (DVD).
- Bohdan Nyzhankivsky. Vulytsya. (The Street)
- Bohdan Oslavsky. Lyontom: dorohy i lyudy. (Lyontom: Roads and People)
- Bohdan Rubchak. Mity metamorfoz, abo Poshuky dobroho svitu. (Myths of Metamorphoses, or Search for a Good World)
- Bohdan Voloshyn. Polit zolotoi mushky. (The Flight of A Golden Fly)
- Burlesque. (DVD).
- Candice Millard. Heroy imperii. (Hero of the Empire)
- Carlo Rovelli. 7 osnovnykh urokiv z fizyky. (7 Brief Lessons on Physics)
- Carmo, Hit the Road. /Carmo/. (DVD).
- Carola Hansson. Steinhof.
- Charivni kolyskovi pryrody. (Magic lullabies of nature)
- Childhoods. /Enfances/. (DVD).
- Chotyry lysty fanery. Golden Collection of Ukrainian Films. (DVD). (Four Pieces of Plywood)
- Chrystia Freeland. Plurokraty. The rise of the New Global Super-Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else. (Plutocrats)
- Collection "Volodymyr Rutkivsky. "Dzhury Trilogy". (3 volumes).
- Collection "Jazz-Kolo, 2nd season. Drums". 4 CDs.
- Collection "Jazz-Kolo. Bass-vision". CD+DVD.
- Collection "Rosava. Serious pop-music". 2 CD.
- Cop Out. (DVD).
- Cowboys & Aliens. (DVD).
- Dato Turashvili. Pokolinnya dzhyns. Vtekty z SRSR. (The Jeans Generation. Escaping from the USSR)
- Dave Eggers. Sfera. (The Circle)
- Did You Hear About the Morgans? (DVD).
- Dimitre Dinev. Yanholski holosy. (Angelic Voices)
- Dmitrij Kapitelman. Miy nezrymy batko. (My Invisible Father)
- Dmitriy Goychenko. Krasny apokalipsis: Skvoz raskulachivanie i Golodomor. Memoirs of an eye-witness. (Red Apocalypse: Through Dispossession and Great Famine)
- Dmytro Pavlychko. Dva kolyory. "Ukrainian Poetry Anthology". (Two Colors)
- Dorian Gray. (DVD).
- Drum kolo live. (2CD). /digi-pack/
- Drum Kolo. (2CD). /digi-pack/
- Dyvovyzhni ihry z paperom ta ruchkoyu. (Amazing Pen & Paper Games)
- Elfriede Jelinek. Smert i diva I-V. The Drama of Princesses. (Death and the Maiden)
- Eurovision Song Contest 2010. Oslo. (2CD).
- Eurovision Song Contest 2007. Helsinki. (2CD).
- Eurovision Song Contest 2008. Belgrade. (2CD).
- Fat People. /Gordos/. (DVD).
- Fialka teroru. "Cinema Myths of History" Documentary Series. (DVD). (Violet of Terror)
- Flushed Away. (DVD).
- Frankenweenie. (DVD).
- Frederik Pohl. Brama. (Gateway)
- Friedrich Durrenmatt. Suddya ta yoho kat. (The Judge and His Hangman)
- From Paris with Love. (DVD).
- F.X.S.Maneiro, M.Bergna. Odnakovi chy rizni? Genomics. (Same or Different?)
- Ghost Rider. (DVD).
- G.I.Joe: Retaliation. (DVD).
- Giulia Enders. Vnutrishnya istoria. (Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body's Most Underrated Organ)
- Golden Pages of the Ukrainian Opera. Golden collection.
- Golden September. The Galician Chronicles 1939-1941. (DVD).
- Griselidis Real. Chorny – tse kolir. (Black Is A Color)
- Guitar kolo live. /digi-pack/
- Guitar kolo live. (DVD).
- Halfdan W.Freihow. Lyubyi Gabrielyu. (Dear Gabriel)
- Harmony of Nature. Summer.
- Harnyj nastrij. Children Sing. Golden Collection. (Good Mood)
- Harris G.E. Chy mozhe bdzhola vzhalyty bdzholu? Big Questions from Little People answered by some very Big People. (Can A Bee Sting A Bee?)
- Hencock. (DVD).
- Hendrik Groen. Taemny schodennyk. (The Secret Diary of Hendrik Groen, 83 1/4 Years Old)
- Henry Ford. Moye zhyttya ta robota. (My Life and Work)
- Hoffmann E.T.A. Krykhitka Cakhes. /third edition/. (Little Zaches)
- Holosy mynuloho. Zhyvi perekazy Poltavschyny. Music Heritage of Ukraine. /digi-pack/. (Voices of the Past. Live Narratives of Poltavschina)
- How and where you can rest and recover your health in the Transcarpathia. (DVD).
- I Am Number Four. (DVD).
- InterJazz. Live Recording from Ukraine. Volume 2.
- In the Beginning. /A l'origine/. (DVD).
- I pokolinnya prykhodyt'... Anthology of Modern Israeli Poetry. (And Another Generation Comes...)
- Irena Douskova. Hordyi Budscho. (Proud Whatever)
- Iryna Danylenko. Bibliyni zhanry i kontsepty v poezii Tarasa Shevchenka. (Biblical Genres and Concepts in the Poetry by Taras Shevchenko)
- Ivan Bahrjanyj. Tyhrolovy. (mp3).
- Ivo Bresan. Astaroth.
- Jaroslav Hasek. Pryhody bravoho voyaka Shveyka. /sixth edition/. (Adventures of the Good Soldier Svejk)
- J.D.Salinger. Lovets u zhyti. (The Catcher in the Rye)
- Jerzy Ficowski. Great Heresy Regions and Periphery. Bruno Schulz and His Mythology.
- Joanna Olczak-Ronikier. Janusz Korczak. Storinkamy biohrafii. (Over Biography Pages)
- John B.Judis. Velyky vybukh populizmu. (The Populist Explosion)
- Jumper. (DVD).
- Just Go with It. (DVD).
- Kaidan. (DVD).
- Karel Capek. R.U.R. Rossumovi universalni roboty. (Rossum's Universal Robots)
- Karl-Markus Gauß. Yevropeyska abetka. (The European Alphabet)
- Kazkivnyk. Ukrainian folk tales.
- Ken Wilber. Tramp i epokha postpravdy. (Trump and a Post-Truth World)
- Ketil Bjornstad. Do muzyky. (To Music)
- Kiss me again. /Baciami ancora/. (DVD).
- Knyha Leva: Lviv yak tekst. Lviv Prose Underground of the 1970-80ies. (The Lion's Book: Lviv as Text)
- Koljadky ta schedrivky Rivnens'koho Polissja.
- Kolo richky, kolo brodu. Music Heritage of Ukraine. /digi-pack/. (At a River, at a Ford)
- Krym po-ukrajinsky. Funny and Sad Stories. (Crimea in the Ukrainian Way)
- Kung Fu Panda. (DVD).
- Kyjeve mij. Golden collection. (My Kyiv)
- Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole. (DVD).
- Leopold von Sacher-Masoch. Venera v mikhakh. Stories. (Venus in Furs)
- Letilo 40 sorok... Literary Anecdotes. (40 Magpies Flew)
- Lisova pisnya. Ukrainian Classics. (DVD). (Forest Song)
- London river. (DVD).
- Looper. (DVD).
- Louise L.Hay. Tsilyuscha syla dumky. (The Power of Within You)
- Love Live Long. (DVD).
- Lviv... Lvivyanky... Lyubov... (Lviv... Lviv Women... Love...)
- Malcolm Gladwell. Spalakh! Syla nesvidomykh dumok. (Blink! The Power of Thinking)
- Marek Bienczyk. Knyha oblych. (The Book of Faces)
- Marek Hlasko. Krasyvi 20-litni. (Pretty Twenty-Year Olds)
- Marko Andreychyk. Intelektual jak heroy ukrajinskoi prozy 90-h rokiv. (The Intellectual As Hero in 1990s Ukrainian Fiction)
- Marko Robert Stech. Holos. (The Voice)
- Mars Need Moms. (DVD).
- Maryna Rybalko. Podorozh tudy, de snih. (A Travel to Where the Snow Is)
- Maryna Sokolyan. Kherem.
- Mascarades. (DVD).
- Masterpieces of Choral Singing. Conducted by Pavlo Muravsky. Golden Collection.
- Mathias Enard. Kompas. (Compass)
- Mazepa Fest – 2006.
- Mazepa fest. Poltava 2008.
- Megamind. (DVD).
- Megan McDonald. Judy Moody.
- Melinda Nadj Abonji. Holuby zlitayut. (Pigeons Take Off)
- Michael (Mykhaylo Myshkalo). Storozhi trotuaru. (Guardians of the Pavement)
- Mikolaj Lozinski. Reisefieber.
- Million Ways To Spend Your Time. /mini-pack/
- Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol. (DVD).
- Mlyn. All-Ukrainian Music Collection. /digi-pack/. (Mill)
- Monsters vs Aliens. (DVD).
- Mykhailo Ivasko. YaloVokhus.
- Mykhaylo Yatskiv. Chorni kryla. (Black Wings)
- Mykola Tomenko. Bili ptytsi snihiv. (White birds of snows)
- My ne ye ukrajinofilamy. The Polish political thought about Ukraine and Ukrainians. (We Are Not Ukrainophiles)
- My zdolajemo chas: posvyata Herojam. /DVD/. (We Will Defeat the Time: dedication to Heroes)
- Nada Gasic. Voda, pavutyna. (Water, Web)
- Nadiya Babych. Kultura fakhovoho movlennya. A manual. (The Culture of the Professional Speech)
- Nadiya Morykvas. Kornelia.
- Narodni dumy. (mp3). (Folk ballads)
- Natalia Trushkina. Plastylinovi dyva. (Plasticine Miracles)
- Natalya Humenyuk. Zahubleny ostriv. A book of reporting from the occupied Crimea. (The Lost Island)
- National mp3 Collection. Volume 4.
- National mp3 Collection. Volume 5.
- National mp3 Collection. Volume 6.
- Nazar Honchar. Avtoportrety. "Ukrainian Poetry Anthology". (Self-Portraits)
- Neale Donald Walsch. Rozmovy z Bohom. an uncommon dialogue. Volume 1. (Conversations with God)
- Nelya Heyko-Medvedeva. Dorohy kameny. (The Roads of Stone)
- Nina Chamata. Liryka Tarasa Shevchenka. Analyses and Interpretations. (The Lyrics by Taras Shevchenko)
- Nina Naydych. Son Marynky. (Marynka's Dream)
- Norman Naimark. Henocydy Stalina. (Stalin's Genocides)
- Nova Ukrajina. The Best 2. (New Ukraine)
- Nova Ukrajina. The Best. (New Ukraine)
- Novorichni pisni, abo V ljesu radilas' YOlochka.
- Novyy zvuk etnichnoji Ukrajiny. (New Sound of the Ethnic Ukraine)
- Obriyi osobystosti. Book to honor Ivan Dzyuba. (Personality Horizons)
- Oj, letily dyki husy. The Best Ukrainian Folk Songs.
- Oksana Lutsyshyna. Liubovne zhyttia. (Love Life)
- Oleh Druzdev. Ivan Mazepa.
- Oleh Kotsarev. Lyudy v hnizdakh. (People in Nests)
- Oleh Stetsyshyn. Landsknekhty Halytskoi armii. (Lancers of the Galician Army)
- Oleksa Hryschenko. Moi roky v Tsarhorodi 1919-1920-1921. (My Years in Constantinople)
- Oleksandr Denysenko. Taras. Povernennya. (Taras. The Return)
- Oleksandra Ivanyuk. Amor[t]e.
- Olena Herasymjuk. Rozstrilny kalendar. (Execution Calendar)
- Oles Honchar. Sobor. (The Cathedral)
- Olha Kari. Kompot iz patysoniv. (Squash Compote)
- Olha Voronchykhina. "Try monety", schebpak ta inshi pryjemnosti. ("Three Coins", Youbet and Other Nice Things)
- One Day. (DVD).
- Osho. Poshuk. (The Search. On the Ten Bulls of Zen)
- Ostap Havrysh. De smereky strunki. Music Film. (DVD). (Where Fir-Trees Are Slender)
- Our Hits 2011. West Version.
- Ovcharova S. Organ Choral Preludes by J.S.Bach Adapted for Bandura.
- Ovcharova S. Pieces for Bandura with Piano Accompaniment. Volume II.
- Pahirya O. Karpats'ka Sich. Military troops of the Carpathian Ukraine. (Carpathian Sich)
- Palindromy. Cardboard book. (Palindromes)
- Parasol. Social Art Project. (palliative care).
- Pastka. "Cinema Myths of History" Documentary Series. (DVD). (Trap)
- Pavlo Volvach. Sny neofita. (Dreams of the Neophyte)
- Pearls of Classical Music. Volume 2. Ukrainian mp3 Collection.
- Pearls of Classical Music. Volume 2. Golden Collection.
- Pearls of Classical Music. Golden Collection.
- Pedro Lenz. Kiper – tse ya. (I Am the Keeper)
- Petra Morsbach. I raptom vzhe vechir. (And Suddenly It's Evening)
- Piano kolo live. (DVD).
- Pisni pro kohannja. Golden Collection. (Songs about love)
- Pit. /Zulo/. (DVD).
- Pomaranchevi pisni. (Orange Songs)
- Postop'janka z Podljashsha. Ukrainian ethnic music.
- Povist‘ mynulykh lit. (mp3). (The Tale of the Years Long-Passed)
- Prosper Merime. Bohdan Khmel‘nyts‘kyy. (mp3).
- Prynts G., Kopytsya M., Tsymbalista N. Hmyrya and Shostakovych.
- Re:evoljutsija. (Re:evolution)
- Ridna maty moja. Golden Collection. (My Dear Mother)
- Ridnu mamu berezhit‘. (Protect Your Dear Mother)
- Rohy ta kopyta. (DVD). (Barnyard)
- Roksana Tymkiv. Goleore.
- Rok-Sich" Festival.
- Roman Klochko. Domivka dlya mynuloho. About museums, history, and arts. (Home for the Past)
- Roman Korohodsky. Do bramy svitla. Portraits. (To the Gates of Light)
- Rostok-5.
- Ruslan Horovy. Kazky na nich. (Bedtime Tales)
- Sanctum. (DVD).
- Sapho. Kokhannja bez mezh. (DVD). (Love Without Limits)
- Sax kolo live. (DVD).
- Serhiy and Oleksiy Parnovsky. Yak vlashtovano Vsesvit. An Introduction to Modern Cosmology. (How the Universe is Organized)
- Serhiy Stepa. Derevo Diraka. (Dirac Tree)
- SEX u nashomu seli.
- Shalenyj hit. DVD Karaoke. (Crazy Hit)
- Shock! Super Dance Ukraine.
- Shota Rustaveli. Vytyaz' u tyhroviy shkuri. (mp3). (The Knight in the Panther's Skin)
- Skeletons. (DVD).
- Slavetni val'sy. Hrajut‘ dukhovi orkestry. Golden Collection. (The Famous Waltzes. Performed by Wind Orchestras)
- Slid kryvavyy stelet‘sja. "Cinema Myths of History" Documentary Series. (DVD). (Bloody Trace Trails)
- Sobor na krovi. Documentary serial (10 series). 3 DVDs. (A Council on the Blood)
- Sofi Oksanen. Sobachy maydanchyk. (The Dog Park)
- Solomonova Chervona Zirka. (Solomon's Red Star)
- Spiritual Inheritance of Ukraine. Project for creating backups of rare, valuable and blackletter books. Volume III. (CD-ROM).
- Srdan Srdic. Satori.
- Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz. Vint or Bridge – This Is the Question... (trans. by Misko Barbara).
- Stepan Levynsky. Vid Vezuvia do piskiv Sakhary. Z yaponskoho domu. Skhid i Zakhid. (From Vesuvius to Sahara Sands. From the Japanese Home. East and West)
- Stepan Protsyuk. Pid krylamy velykoji Materi. The Mental Maidan. (Under the Wings of the Great Mother)
- Stepan Smal-Stockyi. Nemoliv. Memoirs.
- Steven D. Levitt & Stephen J. Dubner. Dumay jak frik. (Think Like a Freak)
- S.T.i X. project. Platnyj pljazh na Stixi.
- Student Fraternity Song Book with Chords. /second edition, amended and supplemented/.
- Suicides Club. /El club de los suicidas/. (DVD).
- Superbad. (DVD).
- Superforvard Andrey Shevchenko. (DVD).
- Surf's Up. (DVD).
- Surmy zvytjahy.
- Susanne Scholl. Emma movchyt. (Emma Is Silent)
- Svetislav Basara. Fama pro velosypedystiv. (The Cyclist Conspiracy)
- Svetlana Aleksievich. Chornobylska molytva: khronika maibutnioho. (Chernobyl Prayer: the Chronicle of the Future)
- Taisha Abelar. Mahichny perekhid. (The Sorcerer's Crossing. A Woman's Journey)
- Telepen'ky za kordonom.
- Tetiana Zholtikova. Kraplynka Toshka ta kytenya Hoshka. Musical Fairy Tale. (Droplet Toshka and Kitten Hoshka)
- Tetyana Davydenko. Krajina pryznachennya. (The Destination Country)
- The Best Ukrainian Ballads. P.2.
- The Best Ukrainian Ballads.
- The Best Ukrainian Ballads. P.3.
- The Company of Heroes. (2 VideoCD).
- The DAKH theatre. Photo album. (Ukr/Eng).
- The French Kissers. /Les beaux gosses/. (DVD).
- The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. (DVD).
- The great unknown Ukraine. Film One: Ukrainian Carpathians. (DVD).
- The Guard. (DVD).
- The Hangover. Part III. (DVD).
- The History of Ukraine. Part 1. Children's collection.
- The Kids Are All Right. (DVD).
- The Lovely Bones. (DVD).
- The Milk of Sorrow. /La teta asustada/. (DVD).
- The next three days. (DVD).
- Theognis of Megara. Elehiji vyhnantsya. (The Outcast's Elegy)
- The Other Guys. (DVD).
- The Social Network. (DVD).
- The Son of No One. (DVD).
- The taking of Pelham 123. (DVD).
- The Vow. (DVD).
- Thich Nhat Hahn. Spokiy u kozhnomu krotsi. (Peace is Every Step)
- Thieves. /Ladrones/. (DVD).
- Thomas Glavinic. Zhyttya bazhan. (The Life of Desires)
- Tibor Dåry. Lyubyj bo-per!.. (Cher Beau Pere!.. )
- Til‘ky pisnja. Songs with lyrics by Natalka Samsonova. (Only the Song)
- Tirza Atar. Vid viyny plachut. (They Cry Because of War)
- To be continued. Vol.2. Keep the wave... /dg-pack/
- To be continued. Vol.1. Next level is present... /digi-pack/
- Todos‘ Os‘machka. Starshyy bojaryn. (mp3). (First bride’s man)
- Tonino Guerra. Sad zabutykh plodiv. (The Garden of Forgotten Fruits)
- Torun Lian. Lyshe khmary tantsyuyut z zirkamy. (Only Clouds Move the Stars)
- Tracy Chevalier. Divchyna z perlovoyu serezhkoyu. (Girl with a Pearl Earring)
- True Grit. (DVD).
- True Story. (v/a). /digi-pack/
- Try istoriji Halychyny. (DVD). (Three Stories of Galicia)
- Try ljubovi Stepana Bandery. (DVD). (Three Loves of Stepan Bandera)
- U koli druziv. Jazz-kolo live. (DVD). (In the Circle of Friends)
- Ukrainian Folk Fairytales. Book 5: Fairytales of Huzulschyna.
- Ukrainian Transgressions of the 20th-21st Centuries.
- Ukrainian song and dance party. Golden Collection.
- Ukrainian folk joke songs.
- Ukrajins'ki marshi. Performed by Wind Orchestras. Golden Collection. (Ukrainian Marches)
- Ukrajins‘kyy tantsjuval‘nyy. Golden Collection. (Ukrainian Dancing)
- Ukrajinski striletski ta povstanski pisni. Golden Collection. (Ukrainian Shooter and Insurgent Troops' Songs)
- Uladzimer Arlov. Krajevyd z mentolovym aromatom. (The Landscape with Menthol Aroma)
- Unizh 2008. Festival of Ukrainian format.
- Vaclav Havel. Promovy ta esei. (Speeches and Essays)
- Valeria Chorney. Yabluko v taystri. (Apple in a Bundle)
- Vasyl' Zemljak. Lebedyna zhraja. (mp3). (Swan Flock)
- Viyna i mif. Nevidoma Druha svitova. (The War and Myth. The Unknown World War II)
- V Jazze tol'ko devushky – 3. (Girls in Jazz)
- Volodymyr Vynnychenko. Zapysky kyrpatoho Mefistofelja. (mp3). (Notes of the Snub-Nosed Mephistopheles)
- Volodymyr Dibrova. Perekazky. (The Retold)
- Volodymyr Pavliv. U poshukakh Halychyny /journalism and essays/. (In Search of Galicia)
- Vyno, zhinky ta pisni. Golden Collection. (Wine, Women and Songs)
- W.Chan Kim. Stratehia blakytnoho okeanu. (Blue Ocean Strategy)
- W.E. (DVD).
- Winter Tale on M1. World hits performed by Ukrainian stars.
- Wooden Churches of Ukraine. Transcarpathia. (DVD).
- World invasion: Battle Los Angeles. (DVD).
- World known dances.
- Yana Dubynyanska. Sviy chas. (One's Time)
- Yevhen Ivanychuk. Kholodne nebo Pivnochi. (The Cold Northern Sky)
- Yevhen Markov. Narysy Krymu. Pictures of the Crimean Life, History and Nature. (Crimea Episodes)
- Yevshanzillya 4. Rock Collection 2010. (mp3).
- Yulia Lyaschynska. Lelya z budynochka na derevi. (Lelya from the Tree House)
- Yulia Melnikova. Lviv samotnikh serdets'. (Lviv of Lonely Hearts).
- Yurko Vovk. Doky smert ne rozluchyt nas. (Until Death Do Us Part)
- Zack and Miri make a porno. (DVD).
- Zakarpats'kyj sektor. 42 tracks in mp3 format.
- Zamky Ukrajiny. (Ukrainian Castles)
- Zaporozhets‘ za Dunajem. Feature comic music film. Based on the same-name opera by S. Hulak-Artemovsky. (DVD). (Zaporozhian Behind the Danube)
- Zaproshennya na Tsyteru. Fictionalized Biographies /Domontovych, Kosach, Shevchuk/. (Invitation to Kythera)
- Zenon Tarnavsky. Doroha na Vysoky Zamok. (The Road to the High Castle)
- Znaj Nashe! (Know the Ours!)
- Z Novym ROCKom! Jam FM. (Happy ROCK Year!)
- Zoya Kazanzhi. Schos take yak lyubov. (Something Like Love)
- Zvonko Karanovic. Try kartyny peremohy. (Three Pictures of the Victory)